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    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Frayman, Jul 24, 2015.

    1. DrStrider

      DrStrider New Member

      Dec 22, 2014
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      Ban waves have been a thing since glider and vanilla. While I'm sure we lose buddies every time one hits, I'll bet we gain them at a near equivalent rate.

      Well I think you're right about that, gold is easier than ever to make. It seems like it's just as likely that Honorbuddy owners have doubled down on accounts to farm more gold though.

      This is something that is always thrown around, I feel like any comparison made should be relative to the overall population of world of wacraft. Botting has decreased, but so have subscriptions in general, so has anything actually changed regarding the percentage of wow players interested in or using honorbuddy?

      I feel like the only thing that has changed is how adamant Blizzard is about discussing the situation on public forum, I raided heavily in Vanilla and even the slackjawed adults in their 40s were aware of botters.

      Here's a good point, can't argue there.

      Competition is great for the market, no discernible reason to believe this is an issue or causing a decrease in the current population

      sounds like business as usual
    2. gwss

      gwss New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      I typically do not answer on forums, but just a factual statement here, using HB and any form off CR, bot mod etc IS detectable, this is fact...so whether you are or are not caught is irrelevant. If you use this for any purpose you are aware that your account is at jeopardy and can and eventually will be taken from you.

      I know there are a lot of fanboy's and trolls and pseudo 'fact checkers' out there.

      Another factual statement - It would be very bad fro business to recognize that your platfrom is recognized by the area where you make money, and Devs/HB personell as such would not ever accept such facts..why should they? they made it very clear botting is never save in any form. I love the posts of some people that try to be very persuasive to numbers, bans and what have you...bottom line HB is detectable (always has been) and Blizzard just does enough to keep their client base happy. Bossland will do enough to keep their business going.

      Last fact - using this 3rd party addon = *****ing ; no matter who you sugar coat it...ergo if you get caught man up ...and stop the threads and those defending it...entertainment value to see you wiggle to keep your customer base is funny but for anyone on these forums for a while should know ...you are detectable no matter what...and anyone telling you otherwise has either their own (business) agenda , is a troll or is just clueless...walk into this eyes wide open...create a separate bot account have fun with it while it lasts and don;t use your main account for it.

      Going 64 bit would make this abit more challenging but well with dwindling customers and massive effort it won;t happen anytime soon I am expecting.

      So let the aion;s and other devs go at me...but fact's don't lie.

      Havea great weekend all.
    3. Skeerrt

      Skeerrt Member

      Dec 23, 2011
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      Just checked - no ban today. Full automation of 5+ characters, with a couple still on the account using CR only.

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