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  • Banwave - 19 May 2016 Discussion

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by sp3sh, May 20, 2016.

    1. hypah

      hypah New Member

      Jan 30, 2015
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      fyi - Got a 6 month ban last night. Haven't used HB for about 2 weeks. :(

    2. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      And that's why Glider is still up and running, right? Oh wait..It hasn't been around for 7+ years.
    3. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      I love when people spout garbage like this...

      Bossland has only been fighting Blizz in the court system for over 2 years at this point, and Bossland said they'll be fighting for more years to come.

      Last time I checked, companies that have open lawsuits against companies aren't getting payouts from the company they are actively suing.
    4. garoboldy

      garoboldy Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Actually glider was not caught from it being rootkit installed, that actually kept blizzard out of it's functions then entire time. The detection was caused by a honey pot event , just like what happened to HB back in December.
    5. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      My point still stands...Is Glider around and kicking? Nope, and they haven't been for years.

      If Glider did everything so right they'd still be around and they'd be the king of the botting world, just like HB is now.
    6. tsatsa

      tsatsa Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Before it was like having a very fast car and knowing that the police could catch you. Now it's like drive a car with a device that sends your speed to the police and is not matter of "maybe they will catch me" but "they will catch me for sure very soon because they know I'm driving too fast". With the current status HB is dead for me
    7. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      It's always been like the second example you gave. The HB team has never said anything contrary to this.

      All you have ever had is a false sense of security because there wasn't many bans going out....Yet the probability of you being banned for botting has always been very close to 100% and will always be that high.
    8. rayne13

      rayne13 New Member

      Apr 25, 2016
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      No, it has not. Botting has always been a game of risk. Not guaranteed consequence. That is why it exists. If it was guaranteed ban every time, you would not see the amount of people doing it as you do now. It is exactly what the above poster said. Driving a fast car, hoping you dont get caught, but knowing you could and exactly why. Now, due to the tripwire not working, that feeling is gone.
    9. sp3sh

      sp3sh Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Glider was not a group of developers in a European jurisdiction!

      Glider was a few dedicated people who charged peanuts for an amazing and ahead of its time product.

      Driven by an amazing community who would develop and release amazing items at no cost.

      Sadly MDY was in America on American servers and he could not fight the system based on how Blizzard sued them.

      I was a community developer, i had a minor role in the development of pather which was way ahead of its time for bots BACK THEN.

      Glider got fucked over for $6M USD then he cut a deal with blizz so he didnt have to pay money he didnt have and go to jail.


      On a seperate note some well known bot bases have switched to 64bit after identifying that only 32 bit users got wiped out.

      excerpt of mod/dev discussing speaking with a combat bot dev/owner:

      "I bugged xxxxbox over at xxxxxcore and he said that his 64-bit users were untouched. He said exception was 3 users and after chatting with them he found they used XXX/HB. More specifically, xxxxBox said in December that his entire base of 32-bit users got wiped out with a banwave, but his 64-bit were untouched. So, he discontinued his 32-bit bot and has had no people being banned since..."

      32 bit detection method post
      Last edited: May 20, 2016
    10. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      This part right here is important...If he was going to go to jail for his actions, it's clear that in the eyes of the law on US soil that he was doing something illegal.

      If you are going to get sent to jail for running a bot company, why do you people think that Blizz's EULA and ToS won't hold up in court?
    11. Mike Hunt

      Mike Hunt Member

      Aug 21, 2015
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      At this point,it think it will be cheaper to hire 2 Chinese dudes to play my account 24/7
    12. Opply

      Opply Community Developer

      Feb 28, 2013
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      Think you should read up on the US justice system. If a company with enough money try to go after you, you will either have to use a lot of money yourself or admit defeat. If you don't have the money, your best bet is go for the plea bargin to not be sent to jail... Who has broken the law is irrelevant, they can sue for so many things, and you will need money to protect yourself on every attack. And with enough money, the attacks are endless...
    13. SniffinYayo

      SniffinYayo New Member

      May 12, 2016
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      This is what I don't understand...
      Robbing a bank is against the law, although people do it with the risk of going to jail for years because theres a huge gain.
      People bot, its against the rules but you get what you want and in this case its levels, gears, or gold not 10 million dollars..
      When you go on a ride at a fair your not safe, a bolt could break and the farris wheel could come down and you could die.
      HB is as safe as it could be but theres ALWAYS something that could happen.
      You buy lottery tickets, you probably wont win but theres a chance.
      Its all a gamble.

      Think of this as a game of chess, it takes awhile but somebody wins. Blizzard is a huge company worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Hiring 50 people to specifically target HB users is absolutely nothing to them. HB simply can't afford to attempt to compete with Blizzard in that way, instead we have quality developers over the quantity of employees Blizzard uses. They have a world of disposal at their fingertips.

      When you go to work, it costs you money to drive there or bus, but in the end you make money.
      Think of HB the same, sure you might pay 30$ or whatever once every couple of months but who cares? If you cant afford 30$ once a month to play the game you are lazy to play, however enjoy whatever fun aspect of it that you like then its not HB's fault that this isn't the hobby for you.
      For the ones of us that just go with the flow, and work rather then rely on mommy or daddys credit card the only thing that bugs us is that we lose the time we watched the bot do the work for us.

      The trick is to keep Blizzard busy doing something else. They rely on their report method to catch people botting so we could really put a number into their resources by reporting every player we see no matter what they are, for botting. It will push them back a lot of time to look into everything. HB could work with us, just like the way we get a Key code to login to HB each Key code could come with its down special key sequenced client that would be randomized.

      Botting isn't safe, 30$ whenever you get banned isn't a lot of money and if you found a job and spent as much time working as most of you have done bitching you'd have 3 accounts to bot on again.

      In 20 years you'll all have forgotten about the times with HB just like everything eventually it moves on and that's the way life is. Don't shoot the hand that fed you exactly what you wanted. Just like a relationship when shit goes bad do you leave the person that you love for costing you a 30$ plate they broke or do you just grow up and buy another one?

      Everybody knows what they are here for, whatever your intentions are you signed up for it when you paid. Don't start complaining now just because the plate got dropped and the shit hit the fan, everything will be fine and you'll get another account get bored of it and decide to bot again. Just save everybodys time and get back on the horse or be the quitter your mother raised you as.
      Last edited: May 20, 2016
    14. Tebaujnam

      Tebaujnam New Member

      Sep 20, 2014
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      Best comment ever!
    15. mhyr

      mhyr Member

      Nov 30, 2013
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      Where can I buy those cheap Chinese kids ? My dog needs walking too.
    16. SniffinYayo

      SniffinYayo New Member

      May 12, 2016
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      At this point, if described as a cat and mouse game. The Mouse isn't described as Harry potter so its not magic, it doesn't have an invisibility cloak. The best chance the mouse has is to fucking run and hope that cat is a slow cat, or hope its lazy or sleeping so the mouse can move on and not get caught. Even when a mouse gets caught by a cat, do they even make a sound? They fight back and when they cant fight no more they give up and die. Its a game, play it too. HB could fuck over Blizzard by giving away a week worth of free HB too anybody and everybody that plays WoW. The amount of players that would come over just to try it would ruin Blizzard and backlog the hell outta them.
      We cant play this as cat and mouse, it HAS to be played as a game of Chess, its the ONLY way we win this. We need to be 2 steps ahead..
    17. Sippinhaterade

      Sippinhaterade Member

      Jul 10, 2011
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      Tour is over boyos. It was fun while it lasted!
    18. hdleo

      hdleo Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      I recommend you do not use the bot at all not even for levelling.
      I got caught in the Ban wave yesterday for levelling a character and I was online for about 2 hours. This is about account number 7 that got banned (Yes I can afford that many accounts, thats not the point).
      Time and time again this is getting ridiculous, Okay yes we expect to get banned once now or then but Seriously, We get banned every bloody year not a one off, atleast twice, you have to improve security, and tbh from every explanation you have posted every ban wave it seems these are logical things that you could have thought of before to prevent these things happening.
      while I understand the first few times could be difficult in not understanding what happened, but over the years you should have developed an Idea of the different programs that HB can be detected with.
      I do appreciate all the work the HB team are doing, and think they are doing a fantastic job; botwise.
      However they seem to be lacking knowledge about security (which I'll admit im not an expert on) because this is a recurring problem. I do think its a wonderful bot and all but the security needs to be sorted if you do not know much about how to evade people smarter than you why not hire someone who's intelligently superior to them and work on security aspect for you.
      1 person likes this.
    19. Shinyknight

      Shinyknight New Member

      Dec 23, 2011
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      ...I feel like I'm having a stroke while trying (and failing miserably) to read this.
    20. hsjyes

      hsjyes Member

      May 13, 2014
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      Needs to move to 64 bit and chat with some other bot devs on how their coding is to not have their 64bit user base touched at all by Blizzard.

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