Only BG that is, lets say "less risky" is the larger ones, like and probably the only one is AV, for other players to keep track of/or tabs on you. Anything smaller is too obvious and your more than likely get done. BG scripts just don't have the logic enough to pass as a player. Seriously, jump into a BG and actually play one yourself and you'll soon see how obvious BG Bots are. AV been so big just makes it a little harder to spot, but still obvious if you pay attention.
As has been stated above AV is your 'Safest' BG to bot in, just because of the size and number of members on your team. I use ONLY AV now after my first attempt at botting WSG, which ended with only 15k damage done, and 30+ deaths. It was a sad sight watching my mage get r@p3d. Although playing WSG yourself is fun as you can very easily tell who else is trying to bot against you.
The CC you use is really important for PVPing. My mage and hunter get completely wrecked, with all 371 PVP gear. My pally, lock, resto druid, and rogue demolish people. My dk is so so. Some CC's work way better than others. As far as AV being the "safest", I've seen some of my toons get attacked by a ram and just stand there and NEVER do anything. Or get stuck on a fence and do the back peddle side step crap and run right back into the fence for a good minute. The best advice for botting BG's is try different CC's until you find the one that works best and watch your toon run a couple to make sure theres no BS.
What sucks when I see AV repeated over and over as being THE best BG to bot is that almost all of my toons (and my mains) are all Horde... and we know that Alliance are given the upper hand in AV to the point where they win most of the time... but the Horde win many more of the other BGs... just my luck... lol
I will only BG bot on a class that is hybrid. Healing is by far the best role to bot under. The only time you can tell is when the CC you use doesn't do much in the way of evading, or retreating. In BG's you need to do that sometimes. Instead, I look like a cowboy running into a group of other faction players even though I have teammates needing healing just a bit further away. And you'll rarely catch rage from people as a healer. Rarely. But it happens. This morning I actually had SEVERAL people raging about "bad healers" even though me and another guy were top heals. Topping the list is great, but if your flag carriers aren't getting heals, then they notice it. It's still risky. Riskier than questing and doing instances with LazyRaider, in my opinion. BUT, it's so much faster to gear BOTH of your specs at the same time.
I ran enough TP this weekend to get 3 pieces of PVE gear and a trinket on my Rogue and only won 14 battles. My pally was about the same. I think I was averaging a couple hundred honor an hour which is about the same as AV when it's not the CTA.
I do it a lot and have 17 x 85's over 3 accounts and have only ever received a few minor suspensions however I am seeing more and more retarded botters turning up to level 80+ bgs in full 70 pvp gear and its just a dead give away that they bot how hard is it to drop 3k gold to get them a decent set of 278+ cata greens so they dont look completely out of place with 40k HP when everyone else has like 100k...
Okay i might as well ask here. Rogue dinged 85 not too long ago, i've been lazy raiding on it (as combat, not my favorite spec) So i'm starting to figure out how the heck i get enough HP to buy the pvp daggers as i can then start playing with Assasination instead. What i wanna know is; do you guys have any suggestions as to how i do this? I'm guessing CC is gonna be Apsalar. But i've only used BG Bot for like 3 mins and i decided to turn it off in Isle of Conquest cause it looked way to suspicious, with the pathing and such
BGBOT, AV only. Lots of people, it works pretty well for AV. You should get your daggers in a day easily. Otherwise, run zandalri hc's with lazyraider and convert the JP to HP. Depends on the queue times I guess xD
Queue time is in no way an issue, as i have several accounts with tanks on. Though i just get sad to use my 2*2.6 speed maces as i dont have anything better ^^
Lazyraider is risky? i wonder how? i mean heck, use lazyraider with Felmarksman and i dont see any risk on it. I am the one doing the movement, i chat the heck out of it and have a blast, how can any one know other wise?
Ok i'm not doing that anymore ^^ Might just be me being paranoid, but i find myself too obvious. Maybe if i had a ranged char i'd consider
You are paranoid about Lazyraider? Lazyraider is like my best friend! I can watch TV and run 5-mans on my new account. I actually use it as a fury warrior with the Dura CC. I'm very curious: What is making you nervous about it?
I didn't actually offer up risks for using LazyRaider. I said BGBot was riskier in comparison, in the scope of all the leveling/gearing options. Regardless of what botbase you are using, there will always be a risk. Whether it's your guy running into a wall for an hour, or the ever looming (however remote) possibility of the software getting broken by Blizzard. Saying otherwise is foolish.
Using LR or Combat bot and doing BGs or Instances is pretty close to 100% safe (in MY opinion). I move my toon myself so he doesn't get stuck, he looks 100% natural - the bot just handles spell selection for combat. Keeps me from having to do it myself. I also chat here and there (probably a bit more than when I'm actually doing the combat - cause once combat starts, well, I have more time now... lol) The only reason that I sometimes may gather some suspicion was a situation like today. I went in with my DK and my CC kept putting me into Blood Pres when I was DPS - obviously should be frost. I would hit it and it kept changing it back so I obviously had it set wrong in the CC options. It probably would have look pretty bad, so I just lol and said that my friend sent me his macros and I didn't check them out before I started using them... so I changed the CC option and then all was ok.
had to switch to pvp bot lately , getting whispered more and more about being a bot , using good CC's from here so i know its not that , but lots of players stacking up in one place = bad times