Version 276: Added more stuck handling for avoidance. Rend should actually be used in time with the setting. All fury generators should spam better. Monk now has the same spam logic for its spells. Target Provider supports profile tags added with DB .204 for blacklisting and priorities.
Hey Nuok - Can you or Super give a quick description of what the 2 new avoidance options do - Nearest Target Point and Stuck Velocity? At work now and don't have time to look through the code...
Stuck Velocity is used for Stuckhandling Nearest Target Point should not be enabled it will make D3 Lock
lol - Now I'm itching to try Nearest Target Point just to see what it does... So does Stuck Velocity replace the bot stuck handler, making it quicker to determine stucks? Lower setting == quicker stuck determination?
trying latest version it is very good at handling fury generation but it is waiting too much while fighting with crowd and elites and what does kiting do
Okay I tested now v277 for about 7hours. I love it. It's so much better then the last version I used. Thanks for the changes! Will give u a better and more detailed report if I had enough time to watch the bot.
There are a couple of what I consider critical flaws in the current Belphegor. First, though, the good news - you seem to have dramatically improved its performance. It's still significantly laggier than the alternatives, but my machine (and others too, I believe) no longer locks up for brief periods when engaging 5+ monsters. Anyhow, on to the current crop of issues: 1) When the bot is completely surrounded by monsters - 360 degrees, which is a common occurrence when fighting the Fire Chains affix - and it attempts to initiate its avoidance mechanism, the bot simply stops attacking and stands there. It's trying to path its way out but there are no paths available, so he just stands there and dies. 2) There is a significant, observable lag time when it switches modes from combat to avoidance routines. Seriously, you can watch it take up to and sometimes over a full second to begin combat again after its avoidance triggers. The long pauses when rechoosing targets and/or switching back to combat mode are devastating to bots relying on Lifesteal or Life on Hit to stay alive. These two problems combine in Act 3 to make for a very unenjoyable experience, no matter your gear level.
Bot stands still and does nothing and dies if there are a lot of arcane sentries around and no where to go. Using 277.
Just as an idea for farming. Could you please have a window of like 2 seconds AFTER kills where the bot will not use skills for movement? Such as Barbar leap, Wiz Teleport, DH Vault? When clicked for movement the bot will kill elites and immediately use skill for movement BEFORE loot drops and then the loot is out of range and the bot will not go pick it up.
I really like .277 especially the stuck aborting avoidance feature and also frenzy seems faster - well done!
277 is way better, but kiting isnt working at all, at least for my barb and we really need an option to ignore any ground skills from elites (depecrator, frost, poison, etc) when barbs are in berzerk form.
Any plans to introduce avoidance for the bombs that some of the elites drop upon death? My toon does not avoid them, and actually seems to seek them out and stand right on top of them.
a suggestion, Barb needs to call leap (iron impact), overpower (crushing advance) no matter if there are enemies close by if the barb is below 15% health. Why does the barb have these defensive skills but the bot never uses them unless it can actually hit a monster?? Those skills can be used for other strategies, to mitigate incoming damage. What a fucking useless combat routine, i'm using 277 version. My barb stands still right on top of arcane sentries doesn't do fucking shit. It calls for avodiance behaviour but doesn't fucking move.
Out of Combat avoidance will not happen in the near future, infight the molten bombs should be avoided, the only reason the bot keeps standing on the bombs infight is that he can't generate a safespot.
Kiting is not implemented for Barb. It's only implemented for the real ranged classes at the moment. I'm gonna think about a way to disable while berzerk form is active.
Another suggestion is that the barb only use rend on elites to save his fury and then when he does use it to spam it until empty and then build up again to at least 50% before using it again. Playing by hand, I can usually take out the worst pack even in act4 using rend like this.