having some issues with lagging attack.... "log" below. targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:09.350 D] Rare [09:41:09.350 D] Horde [09:41:09.350 D] Fast [09:41:09.350 D] Frozen [09:41:09.350 D] Mortar [09:41:09.430 D] Fast [09:41:09.430 D] Mortar [09:41:09.430 D] Minion [09:41:09.560 V] Using power Barbarian_Leap clickPos:<2599.121, 2147.475, 0.08105464> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:09.690 D] Fast [09:41:09.690 D] Mortar [09:41:09.690 D] Minion [09:41:09.750 D] Fast [09:41:09.750 D] Mortar [09:41:09.750 D] Minion [09:41:09.797 D] Fast [09:41:09.797 D] Mortar [09:41:09.798 D] Minion [09:41:09.852 V] Using power Barbarian_Revenge clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:11.338 V] Using power Barbarian_Overpower clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:12.362 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133262064 [09:41:13.042 V] Using power Barbarian_Revenge clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:13.352 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133262064 [09:41:13.472 D] Exception while pulsing plugin DebuffsEvasion 0.1: System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]! ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.() ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_Name() ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.UnitHelper.IsDebuff(DiaUnit unit) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.<OnPulse>b__0(DiaObject u) ved System.Linq.Enumerable.Count[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OnPulse() ved Zeta.Common.Plugins.PluginManager.PulsePlugin(IPlugin plugin) [09:41:13.712 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133262064 [09:41:14.394 V] Using power Barbarian_Revenge clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:15.311 V] Using power Barbarian_WarCry clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:15.611 V] Blacklisting 93C10011 for 00:10:00 [09:41:16.201 V] Using power Barbarian_Revenge clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:17.401 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133131107 [09:41:17.994 V] Using power Barbarian_Revenge clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:18.396 D] Exception while pulsing plugin DebuffsEvasion 0.1: System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]! ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.() ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_Name() ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.UnitHelper.IsDebuff(DiaUnit unit) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.<OnPulse>b__0(DiaObject u) ved System.Linq.Enumerable.Count[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OnPulse() ved Zeta.Common.Plugins.PluginManager.PulsePlugin(IPlugin plugin) [09:41:18.858 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133131107 [09:41:20.988 V] Using power Barbarian_Revenge clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:24.989 D] Exception while pulsing plugin DebuffsEvasion 0.1: System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]! ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.() ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_Name() ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.UnitHelper.IsDebuff(DiaUnit unit) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.<OnPulse>b__0(DiaObject u) ved System.Linq.Enumerable.Count[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OnPulse() ved Zeta.Common.Plugins.PluginManager.PulsePlugin(IPlugin plugin) [09:41:25.721 V] Blacklisting 949A0055 for 00:10:00 [09:41:25.731 V] Using power Barbarian_Overpower clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:26.243 V] Blacklisting 94B10015 for 00:10:00 [09:41:26.513 V] Using power Barbarian_Revenge clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:1999503360 targetACDGuid:-1 [09:41:27.433 D] Exception while pulsing plugin DebuffsEvasion 0.1: System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]! ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.() ved Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_Name() ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.UnitHelper.IsDebuff(DiaUnit unit) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.<OnPulse>b__0(DiaObject u) ved System.Linq.Enumerable.Count[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) ved OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OutSideDebuffsEvasion.OnPulse() ved Zeta.Common.Plugins.PluginManager.PulsePlugin(IPlugin plugin) [09:41:28.023 V] Blacklisting 94C40084 for 00:10:00 [09:41:28.295 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133983003 [09:41:28.995 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133589868 [09:41:29.222 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLYickUp [09:41:29.225 V] Blacklisting 94E2005A for 00:10:00 [09:41:29.453 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLYickUp [09:41:29.710 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133589868 [09:41:29.920 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLYickUp [09:41:29.970 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133589868 [09:41:30.178 V] [Item Rules] Matched Gold with rule: NAME_MATCH_ONLYickUp [09:41:30.668 V] Using power Barbarian_Frenzy clickPos:<0, 0, 0> worldDynamicId:0 targetACDGuid:-2133589868
I'm getting the same access violation error attached as a process but the debugging only flagged when the SummonedByACDId call threw a null error. I tried trouble shooting that but I failed. It might be related to the plugin error which is occurring before it. I just tried running it with the plugin disabled and still got the null pointer error. Also getting null pointer from the IsElite method :S Code: public static IEnumerable<DiaUnit> Minions { get { int dynId = ZetaDia.Me.CommonData.DynamicId; var t1 = ZetaDia.Actors.GetActorsOfType<DiaUnit>().Where(u => u != null); var t2 = t1.Where(u => u.CommonData != null); if (t2 == null) return t2; var minions = t2.Where(u => u != null && dynId == u.SummonedByACDId); return minions; } }
check DiaObject.IsValid before try to access this, look like this help. (in debuffevasion its fixed at v 0.5 (will be released today or tomorrow)) but also i see this error at (isElite) function of belphegor route
Nuok start caching UnitData or tell the Demonbuddy team to change the way they give access to units, its utter bullshit that it is not safe to call simple things on units without exceptions being thrown all over the place.
Common.CreateUsePotion(), Common.CreateGetHelathGlobe(), - may be mistake here? Common.CreateWaitWhileIncapacitated(), Common.CreateWaitForAttack(),
Two generally easy questions: Is the Settings window for this combat routine blank, or is something wrong on my end? I cant seem to get this combat routine to use SmokeScreen. I have modified the following in ..\Routines\DemonHunterSettings.cs from: Code: [XmlElement("SpamSmokeScreen")] [DefaultValue(false)] public bool SpamSmokeScreen { get; set; } to Code: [XmlElement("SpamSmokeScreen")] [DefaultValue(true)] public bool SpamSmokeScreen { get; set; } Is there anything else that needs to be done, besides editing the rate at which it spams in ..\Routines\DemonHunter.cs? Thanks!
Were currently going through pretty much everything, the settings window has been completely rewritten, the player mover now has far more options for all classes and Hopefully the pet checks wont lag quite so much.
how do you change settings for this? i click on settings tab and nothing opens. it keeps using earthquake and WOTB on trash mobs i need it to save it for elites. any help?
Not sure if its my plugins or the combat routine, but i swear its not attacking at fullspeed? Like when i attack by hand its slightly faster? I'm running all of giles latest plugins and unsucker v1.8 any ideas?
According to cdmichaelb, using IncubusCC in combination with his changes here will allow you to attack at fullspeed. Unfortunately I cannot verify, as I cannot even get IncubusCC to work without compiler issues.
Ok it works, but for me the whole screen is blank, there are no any options, any ideas? I would like to use WoTB only on elites, i guess i need to change it there?
Any way we can have barbarian option to only pop WOTB on elites, right now it pops it on packs of 4+ non elites.
I just figured it out while you were replying. I set my pack size to 10, and now it only pops it on elites or very very large groups. Thanks.