I love this profile, really nice. However, I just reinstalled my DB and use latest Trinity (1.8.12) I also appear to experience the same problem as "Enemywithin" the bot sometimes stay in adria's hut (Before entrance) and have problems entering.
its all about your setups, turn off your corpse looting for example, try different settings, cmon, just thinking
[Trinity] Blacklisting target trOut_Adria_Door_Breakable ActorSNO=194603 RActorGUID=-2000682896 due to possible stuck/flipflop! [Trinity] Blacklisting target trOut_Adria_Door_Breakable ActorSNO=194603 RActorGUID=-2000682896 due to possible stuck/flipflop! [Trinity] Blacklisting target LootType2_OldTristram_Guard_Corpse_06 ActorSNO=188232 RActorGUID=-2000027526 due to possible stuck/flipflop! [Trinity] Blacklisting target LootType2_OldTristram_Guard_Corpse_06 ActorSNO=188232 RActorGUID=-2000027526 due to possible stuck/flipflop! Hopefully that helps, Kevin.
Do you run this on FAST or FULL? I did a 3-4 hours with a Barb last night on FULL and ended up with 0.30 lph at something like 8 gph.
<TargetBlacklist actorId="194603" /> <!--Adria_Door_Breakable--> door already blacklisted in last version of th profile i wont blacklist corpses because some1 wanna loot em, and for me all okay
hi kevin, i noticed that even when a boss or elite is right beside me the bot is attacking trash mobs instead, how to fix that?
Same here. Apparently the bot keeps trying to reach a corpse, then after some time it gets blacklisted. There's some way to blacklist an unreachable object earlier ? Nevermind, read the posts before, my bad.
Turn off "check Corpses" in combat routine settings for trinity or if you are using blephgor, go into bot settings and turn off everything but "open chests" and "enable combat looting" this should work as it did for me.
[*] CLEVER TOWN RUN - find the first number in the Plugins/Trinity/Items/ItemHandling.cs and edit it for your needs, but remember - it must be > than number in trinity slider option
escuse me i dont know if it the good place to ask about that but how can i recycle the rare cause for the moment it put them into the stash and where can i choose the dificulty cause for the moment the bot launch it in normal escuse me one more time i m a new user of DB