Im not able to get the bot to do the whole quest. He will just finish up to killing the queen, then he leaves the game and create a new one and repeat. QuestTool is enabled also. I would like to run the whole quest with dungeon and everything, which file should i load from? Im not very good at this but last time I used this you just had to choice the first file and did the rest by himself. Thanks in advance
nope didnt seen b4, only seen 2 goblins in a same cellar only tho. what did u get frm the chest kevin?
Thank you sir for your work. Going to test it now. I have done this run by hand many many times. Will let it run for an hour or so and give some feedback
There is something wrong, the bots fail to create a new game after a while of running the profile. I have to manually go and set it to 1.2 again and start it. Can't run it 24/7. They just get stuck on Creating game, they are on guest 1.3.
how do you change trinity rule? Also how can I change difficult level in these profiles? I changed to T1 difficulty in diablo3 game but bot always runs normal. Thanks
Running like a champ for the last hour. Only problem i see is my toon looping over and over with leha after she opens the gates. Hard to explain but its like the dialog part he just runs around her in circles until the game ends. Its not game breaking but it looks a bit fishy if blizz could see my screen lol It just completed the Leha quest..... not sure whats going on. Prob a trinity bug with map completion? Here is some stats from my toon and build wizard. Wizard - Game Guide - Diablo III Running T2 Full Profile (Prob could rock t3-4 but some affixes would bone me) 288k dps 920k tough 142 Paragon Seeing average 270-290 mill per hour xp 500k GPH 1.2-1.5 LPH Good stuff sir ty for the profile on this one and the others you have made.
Hi Kevin, Yup! I have seen it. Btw, this profile is marvelous and thanks! I notice that the BOT will complete the dungeon with a Gob and triggers to 'Leave' the game instead. It will not complete the run and get the bonus exp and complete Adrial's Cellar. In addition, the BOT seems to loop around at certain points. But hey! Still I thank you for sharing!
Hey I have a few issues and im sort of new to demonbuddy The bot seems to roam around the map and kill ALL of the whites. It doesn't open any of the chests. These two things sort of slow my leg/hour. I already changed the settings to ignore to kill white mobs and loot chests, but it doesnt seem to be registering. Any help?
On the Settings drop down go to bot and make sure "Open chest" is clicked On Plugins Make sure trinty is checked then highlight it and go to Config. In the Objects tab make sure "Open Chests" is clicked Run it again.......should work
Kevin Spacey, Thank you so much for your profiles, I love the COTA profile and was able to achieve my paragon level goal of 300+ in just a few days. I decide with the many hints from JM that there will most likely be a ladder and any further leveling would be relatively useless as least for someone like me who plans to play ladder. Guess for non-ladder it doesn't hurt to continue, still waiting for the official announcement of course, probably something on Tuesday. I notice that a few pages ago you mentioned that from your logs, Monks are giving the best LPH, do you or anyone know how barbs are doing on this? I want to start transitioning from botting my wizard to my barb and would like to learn of a good build for it. I was previously using the Core of Arreat build, it seemed very good for LPH based on my experience, but your legendary road profile seems good for legendary and decent for exp. So kind of the balance of COTA which is good for exp but not so for legs, and CORE OF ARREAT which is good for Legendarys but not good for exp. EDIT: Also getting 1.5 LPH after running for about 2 hours, I will post more results after an overnight session. Lastly, it seems to get stuck for a bit at the gate entrance on the road towards Adria's hut, it's a minor stop, but eventually works it way out of it but still gets stuck for about 5-10 seconds.
Ive just lost my monk. Im playing on HC. What build and difficulty should i use with my new monk which is not that good. stats: 120hp 5,2k armor 1,1k AR 105k DPS with shield Non elemental bonuses at all, even in bracers.
@Reneza will add the expended clarification for FAST profile soon - with recomendations @dehumanizer you should run it on NORMAL P.S. strange - i gear my monk in full MF set - 300%, instead of 0% but get the sa,e LPH, just more rares 300%mf 0%mf
Kevin, Blizzard has said that MF only affects legendaries at a 10% ratio now. So 300% MF is only 30% more legendary drops. Considering how random it is, it's not really worth it.
NEW VERSION UP!!! Code: v0.2 - Wait timer before Tristram gates and Adria cellar increased to 5000 - stuck near entrance to the Hidden Cellar fixed - a lot of changed with coordinats - now bot attack mobs in all versions - Combat radius in the Fast version reduced a lot - possible fix for stucks in Dark Cellar - additional coordinats in the Dank Cellar - CombatIgnore tag aded to the Fast versions, but still dont working - Normal difficulty now presets by profile fo FAST version - Combat radius for the ONLY profile increased - ReadMe file added P.S. and last DB beta .357 fixed the stucks on the road to Daltyn!!!