hey... wenn ich unter botkonfi - confi - manage - stop after how many hours stopt dann der bot und wow wird beendet ?
I have a problem when my toon exit the portal in Twilight. I attached the log, I have no idear why it doesnt start, if i start the profiles myself, it just go gathering like it should do, but when using the multi it just stands outside the building with the portal
Sometimes my char gets stuck on the gun rack trying to repair by the horde portal, it depends on where i'm flying from. I changed the cords to be in front of the gun rack instead of just on the other side and that seems to work. This is most likely another problem most people don't get because i'm Tauren. I tested the following chords from both Inns and from the portals and it worked with all three starting spots without getting stuck: X="1912.246" Y="-4210.737" Z="37.03676"
smugglers Scar still dont work .. the toon always try to cast flying form ... i have an druide horde ....
Tenebrous Cavern (Horde) - last Cave in the Vashijr Questline - doesnt work Toon stays in the Cave and doesnt move. If i move a bit by Hand, Toon goes into the Water, but want to Fly?! Darkbreak Cove (Alliance) - last Cave in the Vashijr Questline - works Toon trys after the Portal first to Mount up, but cant, runs to the water, mounts up and go on with the profile. Possible to show the used Profile in the "Info" Tab in HB?
And how can i fix it? everytime, after relog my farmer wouldnt mount up. NEVER mount up after relog. This is the reason why i cant use this very great profil.
Another bug that only happens when starting the bot with ARelog. Im starting in Vashjir, if I start the bot manually everything works fine, but as I said if I do it via ARelog I get this error, continuosly. [4:51:54 PM:103] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot._Stc(Object ret) at TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context) at TreeSharp.Decorator._nF.MoveNext() at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector._nF.MoveNext() at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector._nF.MoveNext() at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick() [4:51:54 PM:103] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick() [4:51:54 PM:103] Cleared POI View attachment 1-19-2012_4_51 PM 5392 Log.txt EDIT: After more research I found out it only happens if I configure ARelog with schedule (ProfessionBuddy / Multiprofile.xml). If I disable schedule it works fine.
PB 1.316: Selling Name:Moss Agate Buyout:200g0s0c Competitor:429496g72s95c PB 1.316: Selling Name:Felcloth Buyout:3000g0s0c Competitor:429496g72s95c I've been using this profile to farm recently (and also clear out some of the old stock that has accumulated in my bank). With some of the items, I find the above in the HB log... This seems to only happen when there is nothing on the AH to undercut, which isn't a major issue but, Moss Agate being sold at 200g a piece and several stacks of Felcloth being sold at 3000g each looks a wee bit suspicious to me. Other than that I am most certainly in love with you Highvoltz, thanks very much!
You have to edit MaxBuyout for gems and cloth in the profile settings, and lower them to whatever you feel is a decent price.
I have a problem , i set the bot up as indicated , the farmer goes farming , hearths back , mails items to banker , logs on banker , banker gets mail , posts auctions , then : Switching back to farmer Depositing all but 200 gold into GBank PB 1.193: MoveTo Action completed for type Location PB 1.193: Already switching characters Switching back to farmer Depositing all but 200 gold into GBank PB 1.193: MoveTo Action completed for type Location PB 1.193: Already switching characters Switching back to farmer Stopping the bot! and goes to gbank , then makes few steps away from gbank , then returns , and so on and forth and doesn`t deposit anything. Been doing this for 10 hrs and also doesn`t change to farmer .. don`t know what to do , anyone could give me a hint ? i have farmer and banker name set .. all options are set... PS. If i disable the gbank gold deposit option to false , it only says : PB 1.193: Already switching characters PB 1.193: Already switching characters But still .. he can`t deposit , nore switch , i must have missed something ... plz help
About the Mount Problem after login back from Banker to Farmchar. If Toon moves a little bit to right it direclty fly away, and doesnt wait at Mailbox (OG - Horde)
Bad Place this Portals in MH. Toon goes in a Loop sometimes there, Moun doesnt fly high enough got into the portal. run out there mount up and fly again in to portal, all the time.
My Toon cant use the Portals sometimes. Just fly to the portal get stucked there and doesnt press. on different portals, not always the same.
1. Strange Situation. Bot wants to use Homestone over Water in Flyform. 2. For me the Farmtoon is always flying in the capital city to the repair NPC, thats good, but dont repair