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  • BG buddies overpopulating battlegrounds

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Verum, Mar 10, 2012.


    Have you ever monitored your bot during the late night hours?

    1. Yes

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    2. No

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    1. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Action will be taken when this is so serious as it is. I have spendt alot of time trying to make the devs understand the serious problem we have. I have asked for more random paths, that the bots have a random timer when to move and where to go, but we are far from a solution.

      1. Tony have stated that it can't be more random that it is
      2. users are left to make own profiles.
      3. even after several posts and reports I still see my toons beeing totally retarded in BG's (even if it is better than It was before)

      The BG's are totally ruined for normal players the way it is now.
    2. Verum

      Verum New Member

      Oct 23, 2011
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      Ok, during the weekends and evenings, botting level 85 battlegrounds is alright, as there are much more players than bots. But 70-84 is one hell of a mess
    3. Verum

      Verum New Member

      Oct 23, 2011
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      that would solve like 1% of the problem :p
    4. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      I think the problem is the logic is designed so bots work by following real players. On most battlegrounds, bots won't make any progress if real players don't start doing something. Play a WSG where your team doesn't know how to go after the EFC... and it's a nightmare. Especially with 3-4 botters and a dumb team. All the botters and dumb team fight in the middle instead of going for EFC.

      Everything except AV relies heavily on real players to decide where it should go. That's the bots biggest flaw. However, I can't imagine how much of a nightmare that would be to program.
    5. ChunkyMonkey

      ChunkyMonkey Member

      Apr 30, 2011
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      I find it funny that rather than some of the above people requesting better logic the biggest topic discussed is better positioning. Oh move the position off by a bit... or write your own profile which from my understanding effectively includes areas that the bot will be attracted to based on the number of players there. In the end the problem will still exist - the bots will still stand around doing nothing they will just look better doing it. A while ago I heard that BGbot2 was in the works. I wonder if that is still the case. I'm hoping for more advanced logic or at the very least profile options. At the very least logic that says "oh we're all bots and we've been standing guarding the same base all fight... maybe we should attack." But then I think how in the world would you then stop the bots from throwing themselves endlessly at a certain base which is guarded by many. An interesting problem.

      On my dream list is wishing that the bots could communicate with each other. There are huge security problems with that as that would mean there would be ways to identify the bots... but I would love to see bots duking it out in arena. It would be neat if even instances of honorbuddy could be made to talk to each other on a local network so people with bot farms could create battleground teams.... If only I had the time to spend on some of my lofty ideas!

      Edit: Awesome that Obliv posted exactly what I did as I was typing it...
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
    6. swiny

      swiny Banned

      Dec 19, 2010
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    7. Iths

      Iths Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      Ok so i think we have come to a conclusin here we say we need better logic in BG and we say that there is waaaay to mane bots in BG but we want to bot in BG so yeah as ChunkyMonkey said that if bots had a way to comunicate i think the problem would be soloved and yes BG is waaaaaay over what i think HB is capable of and i think it should not have been made from the start but now that its here it should only just be improved and yes i think this has a futurer in botting we just need to make a few new things:

      -Bot to Bot comunicate
      if the bots could detect if there is over 50% bots in the BG they could of some way select a leader and that leader bot could command the others (this demands ALOT OF CODE but it would make BG awesome)

      -Detections of Flags bases etc
      I also think that bots needs the ability to detect if flag is gone or at base and see what bases are taking in AB this could make it easier to have a BG where there is more bots than players

      as it looks we aim to make the bot work better when there is more bots than players in BG.

      I have no idea if this is even possible or not this is just some ideas for improving the BG bot and making BG bot better when % bots is higer than players.

      ( My class ended and i had bad time so plz excuse my english and try your best to understand it :/ )
    8. ChunkyMonkey

      ChunkyMonkey Member

      Apr 30, 2011
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      The biggest problem with bots communicating is that it provides a way to identify other bots. I'm sure Blizzard would love to get their hands on that... I know it would make me uncomfortable knowing my bot was talking to others. The only way I'd be comfortable doing it is if they communicated with other instances on my machine which would limit the use of the bots but as I said before would be awesome.

      I think it's more important to add more triggers to BGbot. Most of the logic right now is go where everyone else is given certain parameters. There may be a few others because sometimes the bot appears to do something a bit differently but that's the most common one. I think the challenge is to think up things that the ideal BGbot would do. Although the current method is detectable if there are too many bots it works decently well otherwise. It would be neat if the bot could track the movement of people or initiate movement itself sometimes.

      An example: Arathi Basin/Eye of the storm/Battle for Gilneas - there are 7 people at the base and no horde in sight. My team only has that base. As a player what do I do? I scout a different base. If everyone is leaving a base and I am the closest then I would likely stay at the base to defend. I would not scout if I'm the only person there.

      WSG and Twin peaks are easy.... either defend the flag or attack the other team's flag based on how many people are at each which is basically what BGbot does although it would be nice again if it realized hey we're all on defence and there's still 10 minutes left... I should probably go attack.

      It's the logic that there are too many people at any given location that's missing and what to do if there are too many people at a node. You wouldn't want it to be predictable because then it would also be easy to detect.

      I don't envy the programmers!
    9. Cukie

      Cukie Active Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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    10. Iths

      Iths Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      jundgin by the lenght of the black spots of the second picture and the amount of ppl in range in the wow grid i would guess that his name is sh?tya correct ? :)
    11. Trillian

      Trillian New Member

      Jan 15, 2012
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      Plus looks like the other 3 in range are from a different server
    12. pontius001

      pontius001 New Member

      Mar 15, 2010
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      It isn't the bot that has gotten out of control, it is the greed from the botters. So many of them will farm areas for hours. If someone else wanted to bot that area, they end up in line or when pauses happen, literally on top of one another sometimes (which is pretty funny to me). That greed keeping them from just moderate botting to the 6 hrs, 8 hrs, 10 hrs, and even the 24/7. Those seem to be the ones that also get banned and post in the banned section. Some of them even go on talking about how they got banned because of the bot. The bg stuff is the same. Just turn it on and go to bed. When I started seeing over 1/2 the bg team botting, I knew it was time to quit that. :)
    13. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      im pretty sure some are writing theyre own profiles and cc's and not letting others now. i would do the same if i knew how.
      this is why you think out of the 40 theres only those 20 you see botting, the so called train which is so ridiculous easy to spot.
      i know it takes a bot to spot a bot, but seeing 15 people following eachother and STILL standing still at the gates of sota OR going tru the
      portal on another one, you know, keep door open, all bots go tru portal.

      this has been mentioned many times be4 but is still not fixed, im sure in ioc theres a easy fix, wait random between x and x, before door closes again and
      then move, that would solve quite a bit allr. But in the end, out of the 40, theres maybe 30 botting, 10 you dont see cause of own creations.

      As mentioned before, the cc's are important aswell, thats why i would suggest for some high end developers, and they are here, to stick together
      and create one profile of a spec instead of others trying to make 10 and 9 " fail " excuse the language, but some do fail or are discontinued real soon.

      The so callled casual programmers are nice, but they try to create something for themselves and if it works somehow, they release it, but when bored
      with there char, they dont continue developing that one.

      Its a pain to find a cc lately that is 1. working and 2. updated for a long time, even tho i know you all have a lot to do, and do this in your spare time
      you are a major contribution to this bot, and therefor i think it would be better if some pulled heads together and made some standard ones that will work and will be updated.

      Personally i bot cause i am bored with manual playing, i do it sometimes for fun and giggles but for now, its a challenge to get it all working.
      i wont play wow no more without this bot, and im playing since beta. this bot brought me fun again in this game, to lvl , farm , raid and do arena / bg
      but in the end some things need to change, and as mentioned previously, it has been said, asked, suggested many times before in long topics.

      Last i saw in a bg on bg buddy was target is to far away from group, going back to pack or sumting. so wth, if you almost kill that hunter, and because of his
      disengage he moves to far, you go back to your group while mounting up, thats spotting a bot for a 6 yr old.
      before some say, create your own, or dont use it, i cant create and i will use it. and im not moaning, im suggesting / venting and what not.
      this has become to a stage where it is ridiculous to step into a bg cause the only thing you will do is follow in line with that train.
      no clue what could change this, some others have mentioned some things allready but as one said, i dont envy the programmers.

      plz keep up the good work, but do try to make it better, please :)
    14. SkiCycleFun

      SkiCycleFun New Member

      Jan 18, 2012
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      I got a good laugh out of that story
    15. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Community wanted a better BG bot, which reacts to situations, and they got it. What happened after BGBuddy's release is that people botting in BGs have been increased (We also made a jump on sales, thus we have more BG botters). BGBuddy is a king while there is only a few in a bg but things get loose when the majority is the bots.

      I've experienced similar situations myself and I'm aware of the problem. I will see what i can do about that in coming weeks.
    16. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Pirox closing didn't help... Now the vast majority of the botters are using the same bot.

      The only way I see this could be fixed would be the randomizing of "tasks".
      Say one bot goes to biggest fight, one defends a node, one assaults... Or whatever the tasks may be.

      Just an idea.

      In any case, you did one hell of a job Raphus!
      Even though, while beta testing, I knew this was gonna be an issue, I knew how awesome it was when I was the only one in BGs with it.
      The only deserters I got were from random afks (like bot sitting in a dead node for 5 mins).

      Enviado desde mi GT-I9003L usando Tapatalk
    17. zuabros

      zuabros Active Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      HAHAHAH "majority is the bots".... thats very funny. Instead of PvP now we have BvB mainly! :)

      Welcome to the "World of Botcraft"!!! A nice battleground where all bots fight each other, testing the best CCs!

      Who will survive? Who will win?

      FpsWare + singular Dk, healed by ShamWow, vs Amplify + ShamWow Elemental healed by another ShamWow Resto + Ultimate Paladin CC haoihaoihaoiahoaiha


      Very, very funny.

      Soon we won't need to care about player reports when we finally have a BG 100% bot. Who left to report?

      For those that bot for some time, remember that the same thing happened some time ago with gathering professions.

      We used to have legit miners and plant-catchers and "some" bots. Now gathering professions are dominated for bots, and it no legit players mine for making gold, as bots put 100s of stacks of ore undercutting everything.

      Basically everything that can be "farmed" has been controllet by bots.

      Legit players are now left to the crafting professions (alchemy, JC), just cuz botters are usually too lazy to prospect, craft, and disenchant stuff. As Professionsbuddy evolves, soon those will be dominated by bots too.

      Mining / herb - 100% bot
      Battlegrounds - ??% bot and growing!!
      JC / Alch / etc -> Legit players refugee.

      funny... indeed, funny.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2012
    18. Cukie

      Cukie Active Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      The problem is not the bot logic. It is very good at deciding where to go at what time. The problem is the routes that it takes in between every area. EVERY bot uses these same routes in between, and this is where the conga line of bots comes into play. As many people have said, if there was some way this could be randomized, even slightly, it would make BGBot incredible.
    19. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      He didn't say that there were more bots than players in -->every<-- battleground. If I got you right.
    20. zuabros

      zuabros Active Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      Sure... just kidding with the situation. Peace.

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