hahah im not agreed il bot 12 to 15 hours a day stacking upthe ah with 30 stack of ore elementium 30 herbs whiptails cinderbloom volatile life water etc stil alive
right now i am only selling mysterious cards and i am gathering the leather i need for leatherworking when mop comes out. bank is full of so much stuff lol
Just tryed BG Buddy for the first time ever, first BG I get into and its got another 4 guys doing the same thing as me, Never going to BG Bot Again, Its so easy to see who is botting, I say make it more random I am not going to bg bot again till its a lot better then what crap it is now
Yeah, it's funny to watch your bot and watch someone else in a BG do the EXACT same retarded ass moves/paths that you do and your like, uh yeah botter.
dude ur an idiot who bots at 4am in the morning?! stick to realistic situations bot like a human would play a day!
I currently live outside of the US, and I play on an US server. My normal play hours are 2-8 am. Also, this is what happened to me today:
I see some BG bots but the situation is way less dramatic on my French server, the population being (hopefully) less "bot educated". Though too much grinding / AHing, to a point I've had more than once half a mind to report some players. This being said, botting in BG with laizyraider + some good CC (Gelu Mors Eques in my case) makes for a better experience.
For now you have a choice. Use it or dont use it. You know the precautions any time you press start on HB.
Oh man, this is fucking hilarous hahaha. I remember the same shiet hapenned to me some weeks ago : I was botting in BG as I always do then got to sleep. I woke up to take a piss and I quickly check for the bot status. We were a bunch of Buddies running with the exact same timing haha. It's too good to be true.
Yea its gotta have some random thing in the BG Bot, its just way to easy to see who is botting in BGS now, I dont bot in BGS just because of that
THAT is exactly what i saw many times already - absolutley hilarious... 8man bot team defending Bloodelve tower and not doing anything. Good to know i can make my own profile... i will try to get things working. btw. i never bot unattended in BG's because of this - it so pbvious who is bot and who is not - its also easy to say who is using HB Damn dangerous and the fastest way to get banned, i am pretty sure about that.
Yea I say majority of botters who get banned are BG Botting unattended or Gathering for long hours un human hours And you can make your own profiles, Ive looked into it and all you can really do is change the point of where they sit at.
Pff really, I never had ANY ban from my whole WoW life. I'm in the EU zone and I really feel that GM have other think to do.. I always BG 24/7 withouth even a logfile or a warning whisper.
it will be REAL obvious when the bot is back (hopefully soon)...the BG's wont know what hit em again, though in saying that, the competitions bots have been up for days now...apparently the cheap Chinese (the guy is actually French I think, from the WOWmimic bot) got their shit figured out a while ago... getting pretty peeved this isn't up yet.