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  • [BGBot] Gettin' some lovin'. Post your issues here so I can get them fixed.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Apoc, Dec 4, 2011.

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    1. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      BGBot already has profiles you can edit. (Check the Default Profiles folder. The "full" named BG ones are BG bot profiles. See AlteracValley.xml for an XML spec)
    2. Lindariel

      Lindariel Member

      May 31, 2010
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      All - With more then one HB bot in the same BG they tend to stack up on the exact same spot, perhaps make it (when out of combat) always move atleast 5 yards away from other players?
      AV Alliance - At the start, it stops in the chokepoint at the first tower before Belinda, pretty much forcing it into a defensive game all the time.
      IOC Alliance - In my battlegroup, we always go for left gates on the horde keep. Bot always goes for center gate and humps it for some time before giving up and heading to workshop. Perhaps there is any way to read the current HP of the gates and make it head to the lowest one?
      AB Alliance - Bot tends to go defend spots with more then 3 people at them, something wich has resulted lately in people telling me to go someplace else, perhaps change the density check to make sure it helps defend where there are only 1-2 players?
      Twin peaks and IOC Alliance - Bot stands still at the spawning location until gates open (sometimes up to 10 seconds after gates are opened) before it moves. Perhaps make it run to the gate like it does in AV and WSG?
      SoTa Alliance - Bot seems to have problems with navigating over broken walls, also, when defending it does not attack demolishers. Is the targeting logic only CC-based or is it possible to make it focus attack demos while defending?

      Also, a way to either force it to or for the bot to randomly choose to play defensive/offensive would be great. Makes it feel a little bit more humanlike :)
    3. Lohva

      Lohva New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      call out incomming in AB and EOTS at the given base.
    4. surfer999

      surfer999 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      AB. Bot often run and fall from cliff near LM Flag. I found this glitch on last weekend.

      WSG Bot again often run in wall near GY.
    5. Bigbadwolf

      Bigbadwolf New Member

      Sep 14, 2011
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      Have to agree here with the poster i run 3 healers and in bgs they look kinda stupid. dps classes look more Player like running up and killing stuff while healers run up in the face of a target and starts to heal himself...

      if any logic could be inplemented it would be really nice.
    6. Severance

      Severance New Member

      Nov 8, 2011
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      Would it be possible to have it randomize its path a bit? It's pretty obvious for others to spot you botting when there are others running the exact same path.

      Edit: Bot always seems to fall off the edge at the starting area in EotS. Dunno if this has been mentioned already.
    7. greaterdeath

      greaterdeath New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      ^ that.
    8. peanutbird

      peanutbird New Member

      Nov 19, 2011
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      Oh yeah, something I remember:

      It would be cool if BGbot could parse the BG-chat and prioritize it's own behavior when someone mentions a certain objective.

      Like "LM", "Mine", "BS", "ST", "Farm" in AB, "BE", "Draenei", etc in Eots and so on.
    9. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Reporting Issue: EU WoW Only (apparently) & BG Bot Que

      Description: Bot is set to que 2 BGs. One of the BGs pops. HB does not accept, it actually locks up, until you click it yourself.
      QuickFix: Set the bot to only que for 1 BG, or for random. This will work for now, but it's still an issue.

      Did some quick testing.
      Following is a just a simple 2 line public void() I threw into a plugin.
                  Log("Index0: ",Styx.Logic.Battlegrounds.GetQueuedBattlegroundInfo(0).EstimatedWaitTime.ToString());
                  Log("Index1: ", Styx.Logic.Battlegrounds.GetQueuedBattlegroundInfo(1).EstimatedWaitTime.ToString());
      Following log will show info for when 1 BG was que'd, when 2 were que'd, and when none were que'd.
      I have replaced my username with xxxxxxxxxxx, and added in ///////Comments///////
      Basically I qued for 1, ran plugin, added another to que (2 total), ran plugin, left both (zero que'd up), ran plugin.

      EDIT: An Index of 2 is not allowed. Out of paramaters or something... can't remember.
      EDIT: and yet the following code gets rid of both BG Ques. Inconsistency.
      Styx.Logic.Battlegrounds.AcceptBattlefieldPort(2, false);
      Styx.Logic.Battlegrounds.AcceptBattlefieldPort(1, false);
      Also reported in release thread: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/releases/38178-release-honorbuddy-2-0-0-5462-a-14.html#post402640

      -Thanks :)

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      Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
    10. xf-1

      xf-1 Member

      Oct 26, 2010
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      When i respawn in Warsong Gulch it keeps running into the cliff/wall. I think the bot still thinks its the old WSG mesh where the graveyard was on the same level but now its not. Can u update it please so i dont look like a bot standing in the graveyard
    11. MadDog

      MadDog Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2011
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      Okay, i dont think a log will help you with this error. It is just navigation.

      I am playing Horde Tauren when this happens i am on a KODO. The bot will get caught on the flag in Arathi basin at the Gold Mine everytime. because it will mount its kodo and when it goes to run away from that flag it gets caught and then has to dismount and then remount and the whole scenario looks quite bottish.

      Thanks for fixing up BG Bot.
    12. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      A few things I can see is:

      1. If you want to survive BG's you need to stay close to your allies. Its a huge giveaway that you run solo into the other faction.
      2. Path issues. No log for this, but I see my bots run back and forth between 2 wps often.
      3. Can't choose where to go, it runs a while in one direction, but change its mind and run back. This can happend many times in a row, and looks... well stupid :)

      So, run with allies with nice pathing and remove small bugs that makes your toon run back and forth.
    13. staniwka

      staniwka New Member

      Aug 17, 2010
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      make it interact with objects, teleports , capture/defend flags
    14. decerte

      decerte New Member

      Mar 4, 2011
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      make it posible to party join plz =.=
    15. xf-1

      xf-1 Member

      Oct 26, 2010
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      try fixing the startspawnpoints,that the bot doesnt fall the full hight and loose 50%hp every time
    16. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Yeah its quite a facepalm to watch bg bot at times when it suddenly decides that being with your team mates is a bad idea and trying to tackle 15 enemies at once is a good plan.
    17. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dunno if this is fixed or not.

      Horde garveyard in WsG

      After ress the bot run out to the right and into a big treetrunk.

      first it turns right and then it turns left and goes past the treetrunk.

      this is a dead giveaway for using a bot.
    18. HB7032V76

      HB7032V76 New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      only me with BG bot troubles today? he doesnt move at all
    19. Altoids

      Altoids New Member

      Jul 21, 2011
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      Ok... a recap of things I've seen that need to be fixed in BGs

      Using carbonite, I see little blue circles with red x's on my minimap indicating a battle going on that is beyond my visual range - but basically being reported to me by the other players (probably due to declining health). If my minimap can get that telemetry, then HB can too and base decisions on it. aka, why would my toon run towards a base that has zero of my own players anywhere near it? It would be a pretty safe assumption that as I get close, it's going to turn really ugly, really fast.

      +1 - EOTS - the start path drop has already been mentioned...

      +1 - Targetting issues already mentioned...

      Get the toons to focus on the objectives (bases and/or flags) and avoid fighting on the roads if possible. If I can spot an approaching enemy and swerve my path to avoid him while moving towards the base I'm riding towards, so can the bot. Of course, that doesn't mean it will be any more effective than I am sometimes. If they move to intercept you, they often will be succesful and you will be forced to engage. WE KNOW that fighting on road is not good if you are trying to win - our bot should know the same...

      Originally Posted by hbaioni
      I have a couple of suggestions that would improve BG BOT a lot, and i think they are not that hard to implement. I am a developer myself, i code in C and JAVA, and i think the conditions i want to evaluate are quite simple...
      1) Multiple path system: BG BOT should choose randomly between several "path" profiles. So that it won't take the exact same route all the time. The hotspots could be the same, but the way to get there should not.
      2) Smart evaluations: The bot shouldn't just run between hotpots killing enemies, there are certain conditions it should evaluate in order to decide its next movement. Here are a couple of samples:
      a) IF a tower has been captured AND there are team-mates trying to re-cap it, the bot should go there.
      b) IF a tower is about to be captured AND there are team-mates, the bot should go there and help DEFEND
      c) IF most of the players are fighting a boss, the bot should go there.
      d) IF the flag has been captured, the bot should locate and pursue the flag carrier
      e) IF the enemy flag is in their base, AND most of the enemy players are fighting outside, the bot should try to capture it.
      g) IF a base has been captured, or about to be captured, AND there are team-mates defending it (OR there are few enemy players around it) the bot should go there and try to capture/defend it.
      All these evaluations should be made considering the on screen messages (IE: "The alliance captured the farm") and the number/location of allies/enemies.
      3) Random un-stuck behavior: Currently, when the bot finds a blockade, it always behaves the same way. At first it tries to run thru it (which is impossible, by the way), then it tries to jump (again pointless), and then it walks back, it walks to the right, and continues. It should choose from a number of pre-defined behaviors, and try one different each time it gets stuck. It should also have a "timeout" for the un-stuck movement. IF it tries to un-stuck unsuccesfully for 10 times, and its still in the same place, it should use its heartstone and leave the BG. It should'nt keep trying the same movement over and over. (This last thing applies outside BGs as well).

      So... if a node is capped by us and there is combat on it or very nearby... go there. If a node is capped by the other side, there is fighting by our team then go there BUT prioritize based on distance. Go to a closer combat area before one that's further away.

      We should get to choose your priority for your toon: 1) Attempt to win the bg... aka, do things that are good for the team - assist defending our nodes under attack, assist their nodes that our team is attacking, attack their flag, defend our flag carrier - things we know help win the Bg. 2) Max HKs - already have top tier gear and trying for your Bloodthirsty title? Then your toon should just look for the closest battle and head towards it. Sure, you're not going to be popular with your team since you are probably spending the majority of your time 'fighting in the mid' (WSG/EoTS reference) but you'll get max Hks or 3) Try to win until it becomes obvious that it's not gonig to happen and then switch to HK mode. Yea, this is more subjective, but if you're down 2-0 in flags, you're in a battle where the other team is more than 50% done and has 3x your point value as examples...

      I know that the logic would start off pretty weak but if it was implemented at all - and then could be tweaked - this would literally be a game changer.

      Not exclusive to BGs but certainly applicable:
      Would it be possible for the game to record errors to the mesh as it finds them into an update file and then allow us to click an SendUpdates utility and it would check if we had any updates, and if so, connect to the HB server and upload the updates? I figure that as our toon ran around, if it got stuck on something, it could make note of it and then all of us could upload our updates on a regular basis and help to improve on the Mesh. It would take a bit of programming for the HB program to actually recognize an undocumented obstacle and ensure that it's not an error like when my toon thinks it's stuck in the middle of an open field and jumps into the unstuck routine.

      PS. Absolutely LOVE the idea others have mentioned about some smart logic concerning chat - knowing what you're near and calling inc's and all clear by location!

      This is alot of info and along with what everyone else is asking for, a metric butt-ton of requests... BUT I for one am very thankful that BGs are being actively worked on again and hope that it will be a long term, continuous process.
    20. Kink

      Kink Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      A nice auto repair after the BG is done would be nice too, once it gets past 60%, check to see if you have the gold for it too.
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