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  • [PAID] BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by Millz, Aug 16, 2014.

    1. Master00z

      Master00z New Member

      Dec 20, 2012
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      Just a suggestion on the problem of falling off of shit while trying to strafe behind the target...

      maybe an option could be added to only strafe behind players and not NPCs, that way we don't fall behind or look crazy running circles around a wolf.
    2. Freebzz

      Freebzz New Member

      May 4, 2014
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      I am also getting some really bad FPS drop when the bot enters combat. I am using singular and it's virtually unplayable. FPS from about 5-10. Huge problem.
    3. ahug

      ahug New Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      Sometimes my guys keeps running with the face to the wall trying to cast his spells while the enemy is behind them. That happens when fighting players or the bosses on AV.

      Happened with my priest and hunter, diferent CRs, all movement and facing CRs disabled. What's the cause of that?
      Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
    4. hypR

      hypR New Member

      Dec 12, 2013
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      It's any combat related base at the moment - I get this using this base, dungeonbuddy, bgbuddy, you name it.
    5. hypR

      hypR New Member

      Dec 12, 2013
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      Hi Everyone, I just wanted to give my feedback on this for those who are on the fence, and hopefully get some fixes for stuff that needs work in my opinion.

      Things that are great:
      - Auto-jumping: Just gives it that more authentic feel, I like it.
      - Chat: Being able to give your team a gl hf msg when you get into a battleground (or whatever it is that you want to put there) is great, not to mention thanking for banquets and calling incoming on points. Brilliant stuff.
      - Algorithm that decides where to go based on your team, when to attack, when to defend, etc is great.

      Things that will need some work:
      - Bot can get a bit stuck in certain places at times - but the built in GUI that you can use to create a block spot is great. I am rather shit in posting this without a log but I've just been assessing it overall without any of that at the moment.
      - If we are disabling ALL movement with Singularity I realise when using a Mage that it doesn't blink around or use any class-specific movement. I'm going to have to test it with class-specific movement still enabled in Singular to see if that helps. My point is, maybe include that sort of movement so we don't confuse it.
      - As a few people mentioned in here already - it seems sometimes the bot wants to charge in yolo-mode against 5 or 6 enemy players who are just sitting there and we will die very easily. Is there any way it can assess that 5 team mates are coming and to maybe fall back and regroup with them and then push forward as a bigger force?
      - If you're like me and like to see how you went in the BG's after you've finished then the usual message relating to wins/losses appears however it doesn't seem to be accurate and will duplicate the end of the match sometimes.

      Map Specific:
      Arathi Basin - Alliance Side: Bot seems to go to the left side dock and then sit underneath it, and then try and swim across to the other dock. Really slow, and not really human like. Added two black spots once it was sitting under the dock, but hard to tell if it had worked as after that phase is over bot will rarely move back that far forward.

      I appreciate all the work you've put into this, and for having the time to read through the comments and provide your feedback. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
      Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
    6. hypocrisy818

      hypocrisy818 New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      As a horde char, playing WSG there is a really bad bug that will get players banned. While in the alliance tunnel, there is a side road that takes you up the hill to the top of their base. While in this road, the bot starts to spaz out and goes back and forth about ten times until it fixes itself. I caught my bot doing this along with three other players. Please fix.

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    7. Metski

      Metski New Member

      Sep 28, 2013
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      In Twin Peaks playing as horde, when you spawn on the lowest spawn point on the map the bot sometimes walks into the tower next to the water.
      For some reason it does not try and turn around to unstuck.

      Log is attached, see the part beneath: [20:34:33.048 N] I died.

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    8. Disec

      Disec Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Not mounting up in AV is just runs around doesn't use mount even though its enabled, im on a fresh 90 so only have the the 2 gryphons but doesn't mount them even though they are flying and ground mounts, because flying mounts can be used as ground mounts now.
    9. farmerbob

      farmerbob New Member

      Sep 25, 2014
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      Running back and forth repeatedly in a loop before stopping the bot at the very end of the log (game also ended)

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    10. macVsog

      macVsog New Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      I experienced this same issue. If you start BGFarmer in a MOP zone it will not mount in AV. If you start BGFarmer in Orgrimmar or Stormwind, it will mount up in AV. If you open HB settings and try to select a ground mount in MOP, there is only flying mounts listed. If you open HB settings to select a ground mount in Org or Stormwind then both ground mounts and flying mounts show up.
    11. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      Is there a way to have the bot queue up with a regular person?

      Right now it's designed to work with other bots, but I want to be able to have my friend invite my character and queue up games. Since my computer loads faster, it queues before he does, and he can't queue as a group since the bot solo queues. Is it required to have him next to you? I know it is if you're botting a bunch of characters, but I wanted to make sure. It could be fixed if the bot would just wait for him to queue, right now it doesn't do that.
    12. hypR

      hypR New Member

      Dec 12, 2013
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      Hey mate,

      You certainly can - here's a snippet of the group settings screen:


      All you would do with this version would be to enable 'Sign Up as Group', enter their name in the 'Friendly Player Name' section and then decide whether or not you want it to target their target also, and if you want it to follow. Your characters will need to be near each other in the actual world for signup as group to work though, but if your friend was to just queue and you used the BGFarmer to enter in with him - you can. It just sucks for him to be there all the time while you're simply botting away.
    13. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      I've actually done that. But today he said he wasn't able to queue because it said I was already in queue. My bot then started doing BGs on it's own even though we were grouped together. I guess it solo-queues if you aren't near the person.
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
    14. hypR

      hypR New Member

      Dec 12, 2013
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      Strange. I just finished a few hours of it now with my brother (not using BGFarmer, just the basic BGBuddy) with the settings above and no issues.
    15. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It does have anti-stuck code in there, but if you can provide a screenshot/details of what objects it's getting stuck on I can look into it. Cheers

      Will stop it from trying to get behind targets in AV towers, should resolve that falling issue.

      Yeah, it works with most CRs (including those that don't explicitly support AFK bot bases), but I don't make any guarantee's that non-afk CRs will work.

      You'd need to contact support@thebuddyforum.com - I don't have access to do this.

      It's your combat routine causing that issue, not BGFarmer.
    16. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've pushed a fix in update '[03/Nov/2014]' that should resolve this with BGFarmer's movement. Have a try and see how you get on.

      Yeah that's a good idea. I'll add that. I'm adding don't strafe behind any targets in towers to prevent falling out when fighting players too.

      Can you post a log file and details as to where in the log file this happened please? Are you using BGFarmer's movement? What happens if you use movement from the CR and disable it in BGFarmer?

      Thanks for the write-up and level of detail.

      - Singular/Movement -> If the CR has movement build in, you don't really need to use BGFarmer's movement. Just use the CR's version, and that will allow it to blink etc.

      - Charging in against groups of players -> As soon as you get in combat, or a unit is within the 'targeting range' setting, then it triggers the combat routine to start attacking. Reducing that down from 60 (default) to 30 may help improve this issue.

      - Win/Loss stats -> Have you got a log file where that has bugged? I'll look into it.

      - Arathi Basin -> Have you got a screenshot of where it's getting stuck? Not entirely sure what you mean.

      Can you post a screenshot (edited to remove names) of where this is happening please?
    17. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the log (and pointing out where it started to happen) - but would you mind posting a screenshot (edited to hide names) for where this is happening? Not really sure where you mean, sorry.

      See article: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Configuring Mounts - The Buddy Wiki

      I've looked through the log, but I can't see any reasons in there as to why it did it, sorry.

      Yeah both of the toons need to be near each other when signing up (to check that they're both ready to queue etc).
    18. Metski

      Metski New Member

      Sep 28, 2013
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      This is the spot where it happened.

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    19. spudbrother123

      spudbrother123 New Member

      Jul 22, 2013
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      Advanced BGfarmer settings?

      Hey Millz, I purchased the advanced bgfarmer on the buddystore, but when I start HB it does not load. When I go to bot settings, I get the same default window as before. is there another way to get into the settings? perhaps Im not doing this correctly. Thanks for any help

      Edit : nevermind millz, just realized I'm an idiot and needed to load your specific botbase :) sorry bout that

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    20. shifty

      shifty New Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      Hey Millz, i love your bgfarmer!

      I dont know if this has been suggested or not, but any chance of putting in a gear buyer?

      I tried to use it with the plugin thats on the site, but the last time I tried (months ago) it never bought gear, apparently it (at least back then) only works with bgbuddy, which i wont touch with a 10 foot pole!

      Thanks again!

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