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  • blizzard make a new way to catch bots

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by nargili, Oct 20, 2015.

    1. nargili

      nargili New Member

      Oct 15, 2015
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      btw thanks for ur idea...
      lets see whats the other ppl idea:D
      if any body has any idea about making bot time loger please share with me
    2. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      even if others have ideas for you, it in no way guarantees that your bots will run longer.

      As I said, it all comes down to luck.
    3. RamGuy

      RamGuy Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      I do not think Blizzard is detecting Honorbuddy directly, but it might seem like they are getting more aggressive with the banning of flagged accounts compared to previous years. My primary account was from 2009 and I used both WoWGlider and then Honorbuddy on it for a very long time, very active (while playing and using Honorbuddy it was only pretty much 18 hours+ per day) and I did spam Dungeons and whatnot (but not Battlegrounds) and it took years before I got my first 72 hours suspension and it wasn't until this year it got permanently banned.

      Since then I have played around with different solutions. I started botting from another computer (new hardware-ID's), made sure I got a new external IP-address and a new MAC-address on my router in order to get all fingerprinting out of the way and started botting on a new account very actively and it lasted for several months without any bans. Then I started a 5-man botting team on the same machine and the same IP-address and even that one was going for a while until one day they all got permanently banned all at once. It was right after transferring large amounts of gold off the botting team to my main and right after purchasing WoW Tokens on all the accounts.

      Two weeks ago I decided to give it another go, so I once again made sure I had new hardware-ID's, created all fresh accounts not linked to one another and got myself yet another external IP and new MAC-address on my router. And this time around I used "ForceBindIP" to make sure that my new 5-man botting team was running on a separate network card, to a separate router with a separate external IP and MAC-address compared to two other accounts that I was running on my local network and IP-address. This was in a hope of separating the accounts so if my new team got banned, I would still have the two normal accounts which I didn't bot on for more than max 8 hours per day.

      It took about two weeks, and they all got banned. Or actually, the botting team was configured a week later so it lasted for about one week. I'm not entirely sure why they all got banned but I'm not sure whether the whole "ForceBindIP" actually worked as there is no way to verify your external-IP within World of Warcraft. I did test it with Chrome and Internet Explorer and it did work with those applications, and it seemed to be working with World of Warcraft as well but I had no way to actually verify it. Considering all accounts got banned at the same time it does not look like it worked.

      I have no real clue what caught me this time around. The botting team only made it to level 100, farmed a few heroics until I purchased heirlooms on all accounts and started levelling new characters. They can't have been reported by other players as they were barely outside dungeons, and they didn't run for more than a few days so it seems awkward that they got flagged and banned by Blizzard in that short timeframe. But it might be that one of the two other accounts that reached level 100 and started farming heroics for Garrison Resources and started farming Tanaan Jungle was the one that got flagged and that the whole "ForceBindIP" did not work so they all got struck by the same banwave. It's hard to say. All I know is that BordieMan's Tanaan Jungle Daily Profile had some serious issues which might have gotten one of the two "normal" accounts reported by other players.

      What I know for sure is that Blizzard is banning like crazy these days. Compared to previous years they seem to be very, very aggressive with the banning of bots. And compared to previous years I don't seem to receive any temporary suspensions any more. They are right onto the permanently bans right of the bat. It might have something to do with the game being in a state where the expansion is pretty much over, barley any one plays actively any more so it makes it much easier for Blizzard to spot bots as they are pretty much the only ones being active all the time. It might also be because they have decided to go after bots in a much more aggressive manner compared to before so they take measurements that they did not use to do. It doesn't mean they can detected Honorbuddy running, but it might mean they got routines in order to detect bot-behaviour that they previously did not use to have. In past years it almost felt like you had to get reported by several players for Blizzard to really care, but these days it seems obvious that Blizzard needs to have some kind of fingerprinting that will auto-flag accounts and get them investigated without reports from other players.
      Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
    4. mb41375

      mb41375 Banned

      Feb 7, 2015
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      the tin foils are strong with this one.
    5. nargili

      nargili New Member

      Oct 15, 2015
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      what a good sharing of experiences :) ty man
    6. Dory

      Dory New Member

      Sep 14, 2014
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      I think that Blizzard definitely has something they didn't have before that can detect bots and flag your account to have them investigated. I also think WoW-token purchasing is pretty big as well. I bought a token yesterday, and then ran my bot today for about 6 or so hours and just got perma banned. The GM actually teleported my character to tanaan jungle where it would get stuck in these rocks and it spammed burst of speed while trying to move forward.... When I took control of it and started to leave the cave that's when I got perma banned. Idk I think I got flagged b/c of the WoW Token, but that's just my opinion...
    7. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Blizzard is not banning any more now than they have in the past. 30 seconds of reviewing the ban report forums proves that. An average of 2-10 reports a day in that forum has been the norm for years.

      If you don't believe, show me evidence where there's been a serious spike. I can assure you that I can prove otherwise with hard numbers.
    8. Thegreatone

      Thegreatone Member

      Feb 24, 2013
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      Dont know what blizzard is banning for, but 5 people running dungeon at same time seems to be one of them, or even dungeons in general over and over and over.. not sure if its frequency or player reports(doubtful) they probably have new algorithm that detects same movement over and over and over and flags you, I personally just got my account suspended but I was using for 1 day to farm a 0.1 mount(got it after about 8 hours of botting total) and another 0.1 that I received, I also was using fishing profiles, etc everything is free now adays on the site so blizzard could try anything out and mark how the script operates, I will return to bot but will probably only be CR's, with no auto interrupts, etc i'll do a little more research, but anything outside that just seems to skeptical atm, plus they probably have extra watch on my account now that I was just suspended. I'll be getting a new computer next year at some point and I'll probably try botting harder on that for more testing, as for now I got my 3 0.1 mount drops and I should be lucky my account didn't get fully banned, I was botting a little too much, but honestly I was botting that much because In my mind I thought they were going to suspend/ban so I better get as much out of it as possible.
    9. Deevoon

      Deevoon New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      You could tcpdump out your network traffic on each adapter and use wireshark to follow the tcpstream from source to destination and back. Should come with headers you can view. Of course if this is behind a home NAT all bets are off. :) Perhaps throw everything in the DMZ?

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