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  • Blizzard New Reporting System

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Insomniac212, Apr 17, 2012.

    1. ambrose

      ambrose New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      so many ppl here are missing the point.

      1. you can't dispute that this hurts botters. making the process of reporting botters easier will result in more reports. x number of reports results in autoban. botter refutes the ban, wins, gets his/her account back. process repeats itself x number of times. blizzard finally declines to reverse the ban b/c they aren't stupid.

      2. "they don't have enough gms..." more gms aren't needed, a certain threshold will likely autoban you.

      3. "you shouldn't afk bot anyway" reports are now easily made, silently. being afk or not, a report can be made and you'd never know it. see #1 for how this ultimately ends up. now a gm could check in on you and you could respond which would help your case, but after so many reports, one check of logs and seeing 9314275820943875 keypresses to cast spells and repetitious movements and it's game over. and really...come on...you never afk bot? if you don't, you are in the minority.

      4. "if blizzard cared about botters they'd update warden or blah blah blah". blizzard doesn't care about botters per se. they care about the botters who are reported. surely they could scan logs and single out every botter in the game...but that loses them CRAZY money. but if botters interfere with legit players consistently, they will be banned. your foolish for thinking otherwise.

      5. "blah blah blah, this changes nothing"...see 1 through 4.

      NOW, with all that said, this isn't the end of botting...but it COULD spell the end of certain types of botting. BG botting (with the current mesh) would be foolish for any extended period of time, especially if afk. same goes for gathering profs. For botters using things like LazyRaider, well, for you nothing does change. For everyone else, this is certainly something to consider when determining HOW you might bot.

      I'm someone who has botted 24/7 since December. I never had issues b/c of the way i setup arelog to cycle what my toon was doing. In BGs my toon would almost always top charts so that player that sees my toon wallhumping for a brief second just didn't care enough to fill out a ticket ONLINE. He just shook his head and sighed. Now he's going to simply right click my avatar and report as he calls me a dumbass.

      For me, even with the new changes, I'll continue to bot 24/7 b/c i don't care if my account gets banned. others do care and therefore, their way of botting DID get a bit trickier.
      Last edited: Apr 18, 2012
    2. Koysky

      Koysky New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      Something interesting, when I just moment before tried to create an account from SoR, when merging blizzard site required to accept agreement that I will allow them to scan my computer from time to time If I'm using 3rd party programs, it's new feature old it was before?
    3. knilxe

      knilxe New Member

      Jun 15, 2010
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      I believe that is the Warden feature. Honorbuddy detects when Warden is scanning and will not run or will shut down if its already running when the Warden scan begins.
    4. LowKey

      LowKey New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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      This and the "exactly 42 reports = ban" post are baseless speculations. You have absolutely no idea how their proprietary systems works, nor will you ever.

      If I were to wager a guess, first off at least I'd be open about the fact that it's a guess and not try to gussy it up like some faux fact. But second, I would guess that the system does a little logging when certain words appear in reports.

      I would assume they also try to implement a system similar to the one they wanted to do for lfd - if your account initiates so many vote kicks, soon you can do less per hour. Like, if you're constantly reporting, maybe they start to only accept the first report of yours per hour.

      Thus and every other post itt is pure speculation. We shall never know a lot of the mechanics just like we don't know exactly how warden works.
    5. Hellshout

      Hellshout New Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      So if I gather 15-20 of my friends and report a player for lets say cheating, I could get that player banned, even if he didn't do anything, yes?
      Imagine all the angry kids out there that qq all day long about taking their items, veins perhaps, mobs etc.

      I mean, the heck, even if I don't bot and do some grinding or sth, in one week lets say I get to the mob faster ( charge ftw ) than another person. 1 week * 1-2 players = a lot of reports.
      Not speculating or anything, just thinking that Blizz is not that stupid ( I hope ) to implement a system and you just toy around with it. I'm thinking that if you get a lot of reports, a GM should look into it, an autoban at a certain number of reports is just retarded, because people can easily abuse this.
    6. Khandelios

      Khandelios New Member

      Apr 15, 2012
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      It's not going to be any diffrent, people gotta stop worrying about a report system.. if you think the several hundred gm's have nothing else to do than race straight to that ticket you're kidding yourself
      i botted bgbot for 3 days straight, Honorbuddy is too high tech if you use it right to get caught by the seeing eye. to me.. it looks like someone is actually playing the game.
    7. Bigbadwolf

      Bigbadwolf New Member

      Sep 14, 2011
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      Strangely enough all ive talked to didnt even know about the new report system.... wonder how many actually knows about it..
      I dont feel more unsafe now than b4 tbh..
    8. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      keep one thing in mind, even made me less scared.

      You can only be reported when someone right clicks your frame OR when you talk in chat.

      So you actually have to say something OR they need to target you.

      Dont be scared, nothing changes !@
    9. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      If you cant spot a bot a mile away, this is you... sometimes people say, it takes a bot to spot a bot.

      My arena partner cant see whos botting, and if he says OMG HE DID X THE SEC I DID X, this aint possible...

      brah, bot, easymode.

      So if you cant spot the 100's of bots around you, soz, but its really you.
    10. matu

      matu New Member

      Jan 30, 2012
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      just an fyi i have had 2 accounts banned i only bot for 4hrs and rest for 6 1 was herbing 1 was mining i never ninja nodes and make my own profiles this new feature will be a nightmare for bliz and who eva said 42 reports b4 ban is untrue i got fellow mates/botters and we manage to get a well known multi botter that is dead scum on our ah off the server it dont take many reports as u would think i dont know the exact amount but i will def be trying to find out as this featur is really annoying for now i am only botting while at pc
    11. matu

      matu New Member

      Jan 30, 2012
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      i will update tomorrow if these accounts get returnd as bliz is shut at the minute
    12. matu

      matu New Member

      Jan 30, 2012
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      both my accounts are back just opened a ticket and said i was mining and they restored em im thinking this is just an automated system to make it look like there doing the right thing for the goodie toe shoes ppl
    13. SpigotStyle

      SpigotStyle New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      And you know for a fact they were banned by the new reporting feature? You do realize that the GM ticket queue is 3-4 day wait. Likely you were reported or flagged PRIOR to the patch.

      Also, reporting other botters when you yourself bot is really lowbrow, but what can be expected from the douche-filled community that is WoW
    14. evomac

      evomac New Member

      Jun 21, 2010
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      This is a true story, back in TBC I was gather botting. Someone who was clearly botting, sent me a tell saying they were going to report me for botting and taking "his" nodes. I added him to my friends list, after 2-3 days I never saw him online again and nothing happened to my account. I don't know for sure, but I suspect his reporting me had a GM look at the person doing the reporting and realize that he in fact was botting. Where as with my character, I botted smartly and really if you were to look at my patterns would never tell I did. (short stints at a time, changed up the areas, never afk from a whisper, etc)

      If you are going to be a douche and report a fellow botter, you deserve a ban hammer. Karma's a bitch.
    15. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      It's been said earlier in this thread, but it needs to be said again...

      With the new system, you still have to fill in information about what the suspected offender is doing.

      You can't simply right-click on someone and fill in a botting report. You are still required to give additional details.

      That feature alone will turn people away from filing reports. The wow community as a whole is lazy. People won't take the 30 seconds it would take to actually give some details about the bot cheater they found. That 30 extra seconds costs them lost gold, and for almost everyone, that lost gold is more important than reporting someone.
    16. Hellshout

      Hellshout New Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      I honestly think a simple click is impossible to get you banned, why I think? Because people can easily abuse it to make "pranks" on others. If some get banned because of some jokes and Blizz is to blame for this "improvement", they will lose customers for sure. Blizz won't do anything that will make them lose customers.
    17. jokersmocker99

      jokersmocker99 Member

      Jan 13, 2012
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      Totally agree, and to make a scenario " Hey bro you messing with me?, ima call my guild to report ya all and ban yo asz!" - I think blizz actually looks into them not just bans like that for people report

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