Thanks for the update. Got the same problem with the both not looting after finding artifacts. <GameObject Name="Highborne Archaeology Find" Entry="246811" X="1471.767" Y="7430.577" Z="0.7087809" />
Azsuna - Highborne: Highborne Archaeology Find - Object - World of Warcraft allready implementated in actual build? cause bot does not loot them .
As I understand it, the dig sites change week to week, so I will likely only have Azsuna for a while. I don't know if that is different per server, so someone else may be able to get it to you. Here is the dig site item: Code: <GameObject Name="Highborne Archaeology Find" Entry="246811" X="-1336.441" Y="6153.239" Z="97.03269" /> Here is the scroll to be used with solving: Code: <WoWItem Name="Ancient Suramar Scroll" Entry="130903" />
the cave under "Digsite:Old coast path" should be blacklisted i think. I don't recall getting anything there.. but archbuddy seems to love going down and surveying it
One issue i found is that i cant loot as druid in bear form. So in areas where a fight starts he wont switch back to be able to loot.
Doing Mantid only digsites in Pandaria to get crated artifacts to trade for tol'vir artifacts (faster and easier way to farm Tol'Vir Archeology). But the bot keeps getting stuck inbetween two points of surveying. Survey Point A (Green) > Move 5 meters (Pass artifact) > Survey Point B (Green) > Move Back to Point A to Survey once more. Becomes an endless loop of Surveying and missing the artifact inbetween the points. Nowadays you get a buff telling you when you are ontop of the artifact. Can't Archeologybuddy use this to stop himself once he reached the artifact?
I get this alot in Legion also, just moves past the buff and tries to survey, back and forth alot Myk
So do i, same thing ! He is also always skipping a zone far west in Townlong Steppes (down from Sra'vess) :x
I am botting Archaeology for Zin Rokh right now and the Bot is not solving Dwarf Artifacts. Every other Faction is working. I have no AddOns active. Also when i get both Troll Spots in STV at the Ruins of Zul Kunda the bot goes crazy on the Area where the 2 spots are overlapping - today he got stuck there for 9 hours while I was working. Sometimes the Bot also stucks at this little "Maelstrom" in STV, flying up in circles then flying straight down and flying up again.. and so on.
[Bot] ArchaeologyBuddy - An Archeology Bot stop working, but there where a lot of things left for the bot...can someone help me pls? View attachment 15240 2016-10-15 20.37.txt
tried ArchaeologyBuddy the first time today, but it doesnt even do anything : Honorbuddy Startup Complete Starting the bot! Currently Using BotBase : ArchaeologyBuddy Current zone is Westliche Pestländer (Western Plaguelands - Zone - World of Warcraft) [ArchBuddy]: --------------- Settings --------------- [ArchBuddy]: AutoSolveArtifacts: True [ArchBuddy]: UseKeystones: False [ArchBuddy]: CrateArtifacts: True [ArchBuddy]: AutoTrain: True [ArchBuddy]: TrainUpto: 375 [ArchBuddy]: Blacklisted digsites: [ArchBuddy]: Name: Nifflevar Digsite MapId: 571 Type: Vrykul [ArchBuddy]: Name: Halaa Digsite MapId: 530 Type: Draenei [ArchBuddy]: Name: East Summer Fields Digsite MapId: 870 Type: Mogu [ArchBuddy]: Name: The Feeding Pits Digsite MapId: 870 Type: Mantid [ArchBuddy]: Name: Frostboar Drifts Digsite MapId: 1116 Type: Draenor [ArchBuddy]: ---------------------------------------- Changing current profile to Empty Profile [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M] [Singular] Hotkey: To disable AOE, press: [Ctrl+A] [Singular] Your Level 110 Pandaren Discipline Priest Build is [Singular] ... running the ArchaeologyBuddy bot in Westliche Pestländer [Singular] ... Zone: Östliche Königreiche using my SOLO Behaviors alone [ArchBuddy]: Searching for digsites... [ArchBuddy]: No digsites on the map Bot stopping! Reason: No valid digsites [ArchBuddy]: Stopped Archaeologybuddy after clearing 0 digsites in 0h 0m 1s. [ArchBuddy]: Solve Report: [ArchBuddy]: --------------------------- [ArchBuddy]: No solves but there are Digsites, im currently even standing directly on one . Any help ? Thanks