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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by MarcoNecroY, May 17, 2014.

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    1. MarcoNecroY

      MarcoNecroY New Member

      May 6, 2014
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      DaSoul, I am a programmer IRL, you are the one that seems not to know jack shit about this, all you do is talk like a brainwashed puppet to get appreciation from the admins/devs because your dream is to be a moderator. Just giving you friendly advice, I am a forum admin myself and we do not like to get our balls licked by random nolife kids. You should really step out of this thread because every new post you do, makes you look even more stupid. If you actually start to DISCUSS with actual arguments rather than looking for mistakes in my posts, I'd love to discuss but so far you've only proven to be a retard.

      I am glad I didn't get bashed by a response for once. Thank you.
      I understand about the API but by the time I made this thread, there was not that option. And even so now, I still don't see any being released.

      I have given a few suggestions in this thread already. Sadly, judging by a dev's childish responses to this thread, they will most likely be ignored.
      Last edited: May 21, 2014
    2. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nice how you talk about arguments and ignore everything i have listed above.
      I also don't know how old are you but based on the way you write, calling people retards and "lick others balls"/ "no life kid" i assume you can't be that old. (at least not in the brain).

      I am an developer myself and thus i know what a bot is capable of and what not. As you always say i wouldn't come up with an argument, here is one:

      You said:

      You are either the crapiest dev ever or aren't even a dev. Why? Here we go:

      A bot can track any single card that has been played, can predict enemy moves better then any human and more precisely then any human. The bot calculates the probability of the enemy playing a certain card more exact as it can remember anything that has been done through the entire game. YOU don't! A bot knows every card he has, doesn't miss any single damage spell or skill and can maximize efficiency better.

      Here are some more arguments you already and will continue to ignore, as they proved and still prove, that you are the stupid here:

      [QUOTE="MarcoNecroY]You guys should start acting less butthurt and accept objective criticism.[/QUOTE]

      Okay give us some...

      Nuff said.

      - You are a dev and don't know about anti-detection mechanism being necessary? Suuuure you are a dev.
      - You call this bot a scam. Yes of course we take you serious. Beside the fact that the buddyteam is arround for so many years and has proven its quality of work over and over, this makes stuff you say even more ridiculous.
      - You are a dev and complain about functions not workin properly in a beta vesion? Suuuure you are a dev and everything you code works from scratch without any issues. (did you code anything beside "hello world"?)

      I wrote this with sarcasm, i know and i do like the team and the devs, sure, they do awesome work.

      But what i can tell you now with 100% seriousness is, you won't achieve anything here, calling members and especially team members retards. Second thing, the bot works great for tons of people. If it doesn't fufill YOUR expectations of a bot in "beta" stage, well, then you are the problem. Don't blame hankerspace for it. You are dev yourself so obviously i shouldn't have to tell you this but, this isn't some basic beginner coding you put together in some days. Getting such a software project to an awesome stage, will take weeks and months.

      I'm not gonna insult you, all i tell you is, go, and come back in a few months. Otherwise, as already said by hawker, if your aren't satisfied with the bot behaviour, code your own.

      Last edited: May 21, 2014
    3. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Do not swear at users. 24 hour mute and thread locked.
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