Relogger dont work after conection crash, older version worked, and edit tutorial for new users. Sry for bad english! I hope it will work
I just tried: - logout to character select screen while gb is running - close GB while botting - close wow while botting and everytime it worked did you start the wow's and bot's manual and then started the relogger? btw it is also possible to start the bots directly with the relogger I will update the first post later
Can u add a function like check whether our connection is up or not using ping ? and 1 more thing is can u kill all the wow when disconnect ?
When i did controled DC it reconect, but when my connection dont work for 5-10min relogger try once, twice and gave up :/ or dont try because one of the 12 wows didnt close
try 1.7.2, I have made some changes for the relogger and in some cases it can take 1-5minutes to relog, so please wait a bit when you test it
did you enter the gb path or the path+exe in the settings? in settings.ini, it must look like: Code: gbpath1=D:\Bot\Gatherbuddy\Gatherbuddy\Gatherbuddy_Goldseller.exe
Yeh, this is something I would definitely like, as sometimes GB doesn't say "Can't see player health" or whatever and it doesn't relogg. Also, just wondering if there could be a time botting then kill wow and bot the after a few hours start up again so it's completely automated. I presume it would be quite hard but something fully automated like that would be great help, for example - Bot for 10 hours sleep for 4 and repeat that. Thanks, and nice work!
i Just want to say THXXXXX for ths nice tool, its cool what you done in the last days... just thanks !
hmmm odd problem it keeps saying I have no connection using the latest version even though I'm connecting to the computer using logmein so I'm pretty sure it has a internet connection
Thanks a lot for this program Works like a charm so far. edit: For some funny reason the relogger aint working. if I start it after starting wow + bots it will kill both and do nothing and if I start it first nothing happens also. Tried waiting for like 15 mins. The botstarter works fine though.
enable status messages in the settings and tell me what the tray tip is saying //edit: when you change the settings, please click ok and then start the script new, I think there is a minor bug there