Is there any chance of using this as a normal CC while grinding? And if so, what one from the front page shud i choose?
Is it normal that i do manually at the statue more damage then a optimized bot with Lazyraider? Wouldnt call me some of the best player, just above average. Just wanna know if this is actually viable in real Raids. My intention was that the scripted one would atleast do more damage then myself. Something i noticed is, it seems like he do not Chaincast/shoot abilities and/or tries to cast 2 ability in once [Like Arcane Shot and Glaive Toss]. In which case often Arcane Shot gets casted what results in an DPS loss. If this isnt intended i wouldnt mind some tipps to optimze the CC/LazyRaider or can attach a log if you need some further down looking into it. With best greetings, some none native english speaker
Was using PQR when i couldnt get HB working, and this is nearly 2.3x better than the best rotation there. Still doign a great job and Glaives are the way forward so far!
Hey bro, singular sucks dick. Singular literally auto attacks and traps, I need something better than that for the immense ammount of BG botting I do, please make this CC be able to do BG's, it doesn't have to be good, fuck idc if it only casts arcane shot, and kill command, better than what singular is doing. Thanks so much.
@FallDown -- Hey, this is just a request on how to improve this a little (it's only my opinion since as it stands right now this is wonderful), and that is to make some sort of delay on using Misdirection on the pet. I'm glyphed to remove the CD from MD when used on the pet. I have your CC set to MD on focus and on pet. When I'm soloing I usually set my pet to my focus due to the way I have my macros set up to /assist focus. And, I've noticed that it's casting MD almost every second or third thing it does. I know I could remove the glyph to fix the issue, but I like having no CD on MD while running solo. I use that to get out of trouble when FD is on CD. I just hate how the CC uses it at every single possible chance it gets. Example: Auto shot MD Arcane shot MD Serpent sting MD FD MD Chimera shot MD and so on Maybe throw in some conditionals to use it, or some sort of delay like 5 or 10 seconds? Just something to prevent it from being used on a constant basis like it's being used now. The glyph is tons of help with keeping this off of CD while soloing things because I can always MD targets to my pet when they come balls out at me, but without the glyph I've gotten into trouble and been left with no defensive options. Just a thought and request. I'm not going to say it's simple, because I know coding CCs isn't something "simple".
It only casts misdirect on your pet if you have aggro. Now if you are using cast it on focus as well and your pet is your focus it'll probably spam it all the time. Disable cast on focus if you're casting it in your pet. But yeah I can make it check that if your focus is your pet it wont spam it I guess. Also I sneakily added a small update in the SVN like yesterday. I recommend using Fervor instead of Dire Beast now, pulling better DPS that way and I improved how Fervor is used a lot.
Fervor is definitely a better talent at this time. Running Fervor, Lynx Rush, Glaive toss. pulling very good DPS in raid.
Love your Routine. However even though the selections are checked it is not using Bestial Wrath, Lynx Rush, will occasionally use Dire beast on cooldown, and will not use synapse springs ? Any Ideas? I used the latest SVN about 30 minutes ago View attachment 7212 2012-10-05 20.05.txt
Yeah, I can give that a shot. I guess I could just disable casting on pet, and leave it to cast on focus. The way I have my macros set up they require a focus (I run a lot of dungeons and I generally set the tank as my focus to stay on the right target, etc), so when I'm doing something solo I set my pet as my focus. I'd like to ask you a question also. For trinkets, and big CDs like Stampede, Rapid Fire, Readiness, and the others, are they written to fire on 90+ bosses? I ask because I never see them fire off in dungeons against bosses. The trinket issue I'm guessing is that it doesn't support all "On Use" trinkets. Probably just the epics? It's ok though, because I usually use them by hand anyway, but would like to get clarification on when those types of things are supposed to be used. All in all, the CC's working really well. It's fast and gets the job done right. +rep
It uses cooldowns on any boss and high level 90+ elites. So they should be used in dungeons against bosses at least. And it uses all on use trinkets, it doesnt check what kind of a trinket you have.
hey falldown, possible to make it also working with Quessting Profiles? I know first page : Onyl workin' with... pls understand that as request for