I get constantly stuck at <Hotspot X="-12571.78" Y="-66.37714" Z="7.650438" /> in the river. The bot triers to climb up the hill but just sits in the water until i press "w" lol P.S. lvl 37-38 STV
Why does it keep grinding. He was questing to about lvl 6. Then it was "Grinding to level 7" when he reached lvl 7. "Grinding to levle 8" and when he reached lvl 8 it was "Grinding to level 9. And now im level 11 and it says grind to lvl 12
at lvl 47 it went to the west, jumped of the cliff to un'goro, died then couldn't corpse run because the corpse was stuck high up. Why did it go to ungoro in the first place?
First off, HUGE thanks for putting this together. Awesome job. So far so good using this, but honestly, I've been away from WoW for about 2 months. Do I still need to use the new downloaded mesh folder like 60 days ago? This profile seems to be working without loading the new mesh folder into HB on the latest version...I just wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out. Again, this plugin's rockin' so far. Excellent work and much appreciated!
Problems.. Hello I'm botting on my Pala lvl 51! i started at this lvl and don't havent ding because its a problem.. I'm on a quest in Tanaris(maybe my bot really should move to un'goru?) and its picking upp quest items fine untill it gets attact.. My Pala kills the bot but after she just stand there and not doing anything.... PS: sometimes it going on to take more quest items too, but its not very often Whats my problem? Please help.
add the following blackspots to the 45-60 profile: <Blackspot X="-7747.671" Y="-1807.787" Z="-271.3926" Radius="6.029132" /> <Blackspot X="-7750.083" Y="-1791.054" Z="-272.0031" Radius="16.45737" /> <Blackspot X="-7738.727" Y="-1778.166" Z="-271.6927" Radius="7.822561" /> <Blackspot X="-6676.535" Y="-2041.554" Z="-269.9598" Radius="26.99206" /> <Blackspot X="-6643.1" Y="-2050.39" Z="-270.6509" Radius="21.95539" /> <Blackspot X="-6628.833" Y="-2009.936" Z="-270.3785" Radius="28.05285" /> <Blackspot X="-6665.118" Y="-1982.479" Z="-270.1768" Radius="31.43317" /> This will stop the bot from running under some trees/get stuck on big roots succesfully botted my clothie to 60 using this whithout a single stuck it could't get out
Just tried using this with a new mage. Problem is whenever there are two quests in the questgivers window simply stands there opening and closing the window. Doesn't matter if both are complete or not. Won't turn in the quests. Also won't pick up quests if there is a quest to turn in. Never had the issue before. New HB issue?
get the latest hb it got questing fixed also maybe do a whole new clean installation remove all your old files should work fine
im having a problem with the questing part, it keeps trying to pick up a quest when there isnt one there. there were two, but it picked those up, then it kept trying to get a quest.
wth is coz there is no o in sight in the word because, atleast choose a letter thats in there, cUz its just easier to read. and yes, i figured that out, though removing it only made the profile crash and burn. Switched profiles to Hawkers dwarf one. Works splendidly, no picking up grey quests or killing lvl 5 mobs at lvl 25+. Thanks for the try.
Questing is semi broke. And this profile will not be updated till Cata hits. There is no point in leveling another toon. In less than a month everything will be changed.
not strictly true, i am levelling a couple now to save the hassle when cata hits so i can grind them to 85 asap and see which i prefer! its a pain in the arse that most profiles arent working 100% atm but have to work with what we've got! Bit gutted this isnt getting updated though as i was planning on switching to it when HB goes full release with questing fixed
At level 20-21 it just runs back and forth between westfall/goldshire and redridge turning quests in, coulda saved alot of time just turning em in as it did em'. Other than that it's been working flawlessly
im a lvl 33 pali and as soon as i start it uses blessing of kings then honorbuddy says activity and just stands there.. im not going to post a log because i think it because honorbuddy just got updated.. is this correct?