Mord It would be good if it doesnt that Mutch grinding in duskwood, people asking why im still in duskwood at lvl 33 , do som grinding in stv instead not 3-4 lvls in duskwood, but its a good and almost safe ,nice work mate!!!!
Thats actually a good idea. I will have it finish the worgen in the woods and then head to STV to pick up all the grinds and just grind out.
There will be a big update this weekend. Breakneck 60 is nearly finished and I have an updated version of 45 to hand out. Stay tuned.
Sweeet thank you. Running my pally again tonight. She is 43...currently grinding to 44. So I'll be ready for the updates. SAMANTHA SWIFTHOOF must die!!! HAHA lol...she is the Horde NPC that patrols the road in STV. My baby pally girl love to kill her every time she passes by. I just think it's funny ;D
Because I like to tease everyone! Here is the changelog for the update. Which will happen in a new thread! Breakneck 45 Changes: This profile can now be start at any level! Keep in mind that if you do start it with any level other than 1, it may walk around to pick up the quests it is missing. Also it is recomended you do not start this just before you ding. You may level before completing the quests and it will end up skiping them. Added a blackspot over the house in the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch Modified the radius of some blackspots in Duskwood to be a bit safer. Fixed all runto tags. They should now work properly Proving your worth quest has been removed because of Nav issues. Mor'ladim quest has been removed because of the above reasons. A few subprofiles were removed to simplify things. STV has been moved to 33. It will finish the last quest in duskwood and then proceed to STV. Overrides have been added to many quests throughout the profile. Nesox still sucks! (but I guess that isnt a change , ah well) Breakneck 60: Introducing Breakneck 60! This will quest and grind you from 45 to 60. It starts in Tanaris and moves to Ungoro Crater where it will then finish off in Silithus. The max level is set at 60 and it will do quests at level 59 but if you wish you can stop at 58 and head to the Outlands. Best of all, you can start this at any level between 45 and 60 !
you wanna marrie me Mordd haha.. hell of good work there =) !!!!!! I hope to use the new profile in a couple of minutes "hours" ?