As for features, you can expect it to fully automate battles for you; it'll farm credits and experience with any type of vehicle. To give you an idea, I'm sitting on 10,000,000 credits right now, a tier 10 tank, an S-51, and a tier 8 medium tier tank. If you have played World of Tanks for a bit more than a couple of hours, you know what that means. TankLeader will not be part of your HonorBuddy subscription, as in your HonorBuddy product won't allow you to use TankLeader unless you buy it separately. We currently don't have definitive information on pricing, but I'm confident Bossland will announce it before or on release. On a side note; it's really awesome to see you guys are so eager to get your hands on this bot! I'm confident you'll love it when you do, just hang tight for now.
We ran into some issues which are out of our control. The bot's done as it stands, and once we get things sorted out it'll release.
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