Hi, I really like the plugin for questing but there is one thing I don't like and I actually don't know how (or if) to deactivate it. I've set my hearthstone to Vale of Eternal Blossom and I would like to stick to it because of the Portals. Every time, the Plugin sets the Heartstone to the new leveling area. Is it possible to deactivate this?
hello all honorbuddy users, im looking for few testers. what i look for: user who level up alot chars know whats an profile bug , whats an wow bug, whats an HB bug ( dont need 1000 bugs report if cant fix it) open mind to level up new chars with a diferent leveling system and fully test all that time, (scripting/testing an leveling system will require long time) more than 1 year good know how about wow game, Honorbuddy, plugins etc if you are interested please PM me
Thanks for the response Cava, I installed fresh and no more compiling issues. I have been getting this today though: [CombatUseItemOn-v1738(warning)] /******************** DEPRECATED BEHAVIOR (CombatUseItemOn) The CombatUseItemOn behavior has been deprecated, but will continue to function as originally designed. Please replace the use of the CombatUseItemOn behavior with the CombatUseItemOnV2 behavior. The replacement command to accomplish this task is: <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOnV2" QuestId="28062" ItemId="62925" MobId="47462" UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent="45" MaxRangeToUseItem="15" WaitTimeAfterItemUse="500" X="-6548.79" Y="-1275.08" Z="136.8174" /> [Ref: "[A-Quest] (46-49) Searing Gorge [Cava] $Rev: 365 $" @line 1098] ********************/ Its not happening anymore, might have just been that quest?
Cava I recently started to use this profile for questing and would like to say its great! But the only issue i have is that while in use the bot doesnt make my toon mount up so hes forced to run everywhere and it takes ages to get from place to place, dunno if I messed up something with the profile or its the bot/profile itself, i I could get a reply on how to possibly fix this, it would be great! Thanks again!
Found my guy dead at sea because the bot tried to fly across the ocean to sell things.... Also, at 80 the bot does not go to the new zones for the exp increase? View attachment 8092 2015-08-06 08.59.txt
Hey Cava, when I try to use the bot to level from 85+ an error message comes up "End of Public profiles, Profile for next maps are in development or test status If you have access, Bot will load next Armageddoner profile in 20 seconds!" I have no clue what this means and I would like a response to see if you could help fix this for me, thanks!
[LoadProfile-v1085(fatal)] Does not have access to Profile '113-armageddoner86-87valleyofthefourwinds-1'. Please check if you have Armageddoner access Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile. Tried to start the bot at Vot4w, i get this error instantly, How do i fix this?
buy the profiles on his website and use your username and passsword from there in the armageddoner acces tab then u wil have acces its onlye like 10 euro evry year
When i try clicking on the plugin in honorbuddy to turn it on SVN trys updating it then it gives me and error saying none of the targets are working copies. Ive tried fresh install of both honorbuddy and your profile. Edit: fixed it.
I'm trying to start the bot with a lvl 42 BloodElf Palladin. I'm have the pluging installed and everything. When I click on the "Cava_Starter_Profile" the plugin comes up and I click on lvling and it starts. But it loads up the 1-10 bloodelf starter profile and then stops. Please help Thanks Exite
Good to see cava is still responding incredibly quickly and providing such an amazing set of features
Here is the first msg: I'm trying to start the bot with a lvl 42 BloodElf Palladin. I'm have the pluging installed and everything. When I click on the "Cava_Starter_Profile" the plugin comes up and I click on lvling and it starts. But it loads up the 1-10 bloodelf starter profile and then stops. Please help Thanks Exite And here is the log: