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  • CLU (Codified Likeness Utility)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by wulf, Feb 18, 2012.

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    1. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Ok wulf, it was not an issue with Bane. It would randomly lock up with full mana and say it needed to lifetap. and then just stand there and do nothing. Also. On a dummy it is even with felmaster on bosses far far far less. It is still i believe double casting immolate and soul fire is still beyond messed up. I am posting most of the logs if not all of them from the evening. I do not know what else to do. I am assuming that it is in CLU and not actually in the rotation. ok so it is only two logs but everything went to poop tonight.

      Attached Files:

    2. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      EDIT: OK so the first thing I noticed "Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5845 started", I have not tested with this version...I am still using 5800. I think the HB team rolled back that update?

      So to clarify;-

      1. CLU is not detecting full mana and trys to life tap then stands waiting (Randomly)

      2. Felmaster does this as well?
      3. CLU is still double casting Immolate
      4. CLU is still casting soulfire when improved soulfire is on the player

      Have I understood it correctly?

      I will be home shortly.
      I am going to sort out this lock once and for all, haha :D
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
    3. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Short feedback:

      I tested yesterday (around 11pm) CLU (fresh from svn) for Demo-Warlock, i wasn't very happy with the performance, so i tested the same boss with the same group again but this time with Singular (did some minor improvements which where messed up in every release from singular^^)

      The result was (on Murozond, big hit box, max Range, Botbase: raidbot)
      - both CCs started without setting up anything or doin anything to change the default behavior
      - both CCs still have Problems on bosses / mobs with a big hitbox
      - Singular did 36k DPS (couldn't fire Summon Doomguard automatically, have to do it manually)
      - CLU did 29k DPS (fired Doomguard automatically)

      I'll provide a log later this day, cause i wanna test it again with my latest improvements to Singular.
    4. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      ok...wasnt a whole lot of time to test but I found the following

      [9:55:43 PM:586] [CLU] 2.3.6: [Offensive Buff] Soul Fire... (Incinerate+GCD=2.905) (Improved Soul Fire time left=3.582) Note 1
      [9:55:43 PM:586] Spell_C::CastSpell(6353, 0, 0xF130B6370000C048, 0) [39] Note 2
      [9:55:43 PM:646] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:03.5210000
      [9:55:43 PM:762] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:03.4060000
      [9:55:43 PM:821] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:03.3470000
      ====== snip =======
      [9:55:45 PM:897] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:01.2720000
      [9:55:45 PM:959] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:01.2100000
      [9:55:46 PM:021] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:01.1470000
      [9:55:46 PM:022] [CLU] 2.3.6: [Offensive Buff] Soul Fire... (Incinerate+GCD=2.905) (Improved Soul Fire time left=1.147) Note 1
      [9:55:46 PM:022] Spell_C::CastSpell(6353, 0, 0xF130B6370000C048, 0) [40] Note 2
      [9:55:46 PM:080] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:01.0890000
      [9:55:46 PM:138] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:01.0310000
      [9:55:46 PM:197] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:00.9720000
      === snip =========
      [9:55:47 PM:049] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:05.9670000 Note 3
      [9:55:47 PM:107] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:05.9090000
      [9:55:47 PM:164] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:05.8510000
      === snip =========
      [9:55:49 PM:651] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:03.3640000
      [9:55:49 PM:706] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:03.3090000
      [9:55:49 PM:815] [CLU] 2.3.6: [CLU] 2.3.6 GetAuraTimeLeft: -> Flynn Lives _ 85 _ Improved Soul Fire _ 00:00:05.9680000 Note 3
      === snip =========
      [9:55:50 PM:241] Stopping the bot!

      Note 1: [Offensive Buff] correctly determines that we need to soul fire to re-apply Improved soul fire.
      Note 2: Honourbuddy records that the spell is cast. Twice within 3 seconds which lines up with the GetAuraTimeLeft :confused:
      Note 3: Why did improved soulfire refresh back to 5 seconds twice (with nothing cast in between)?? :S

      Im thinking of using LUA to test what is wrong with GetAuraTimeLeft...

      Here is the code if anyone is interested in checking it.

      public static TimeSpan GetAuraTimeLeft(WoWUnit unitstring auraNamebool fromMyAura)
                  if (
      unit != null)
      WoWAura wantedAura =
      => a.Name == auraName && a.Duration && (!fromMyAura || a.CreatorGuid == Me.Guid));
                      if (
      wantedAura != null)
      "[CLU] " CLU.Version " GetAuraTimeLeft: -> {0} _ {1} _ {2} _ {3}",

      wantedAura != null wantedAura.TimeLeft TimeSpan.Zero;

      // CLU.Instance.Log(" [GetAuraTimeLeft] Unit is null ");
      return TimeSpan.Zero;
      and the call

      public static TimeSpan PlayerBuffTimeLeft(string name)

      Hi Stormchasing, appreciate you taking the time to test CLU properly in a raid. It looks like I have some work to do to get demo up to scratch!
      Thanks again, feel free to point out anything that needs improving that you can see. I have my hands full as per above - that and warlocks are not my strong point :eek:
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
    5. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Change Log

      * 10/4/2012 [2.3.7] [Warlock]
      Changed the way debuffs are applied,
      Removed redundant code to speed processing
      Added shadow bolt on shadow trance for demo
      New GUI option "Spelllockwatcher" to watch what spells have a lock (for devs - watchs "CastDebuff and CastOffensiveBuff" - its still a bit buggy was a rush job to check problems :) credits to cowdude).
    6. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Wulf, sorry about the incoherent post. I will test out the new update on a dummy at work today and post that. then tonight I will run it in lfr. I will also run the spriest in lfr tonight as well.
      What I was saying about felmaster is on a target dummy they pull about the same numbers. But in a raid they do not at all. last night on heroic yor. When felmaster would work the lock would pull about 25-28k with clu 18-22k. I will try to get pictures of dps numbers and times for the bosses in lfr tonight.
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
    7. Tymme

      Tymme New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      cant get it to work after todays update..
    8. flatz

      flatz New Member

      Aug 13, 2011
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      One suggestion from my side. As the warlocks need some time to stack all the buffs on themself and the boss. I would like to see the doomguard a little bit later in the fight or the ability to set a time in the options.
    9. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Flatz, if anything that would be a loss of dps. Due to the fact that you may be able to cast it again if you pop it in the beginning. It does not gain any buff or increased damage from the lock itself, so dotting up the target or getting more into a rotation would not increase your damage. At least that is my theory.

      Edit. There are instances where it would be beneficial though like on hagara after an ice/lightning phase due to the increased damage. Or spine where you burn the tendons.
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
    10. Tymme

      Tymme New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      doesnt work since todays update
      [18:18:44:768] Compiling C:\Users\tymme\Downloads\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5800\CustomClasses\CLU
      [18:18:44:792] System.ArgumentException: Die ResX-Datei: Der Typ System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a in den Daten in Zeile 120, Position 4, kann nicht gefunden werden. Zeile 122, Position 5. kann nicht analysiert werden. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Der Typ System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a in den Daten in Zeile 120, Position 4, kann nicht gefunden werden. Zeile 122, Position 5. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Der Typ System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a in den Daten in Zeile 120, Position 4, kann nicht gefunden werden. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Der Typ System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a in den Daten in Zeile 120, Position 4, kann nicht gefunden werden. Zeile 120, Position 4.
      --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapel?berwachung ---
      bei System.Resources.ResXDataNode.GenerateObjectFromDataNodeInfo(DataNodeInfo dataNodeInfo, ITypeResolutionService typeResolver)
      bei System.Resources.ResXDataNode.GetValue(ITypeResolutionService typeResolver)
      bei System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.ParseDataNode(XmlTextReader reader, Boolean isMetaData)
      bei System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.ParseXml(XmlTextReader reader)
      --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapel?berwachung ---
      --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapel?berwachung ---
      bei System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.ParseXml(XmlTextReader reader)
      bei System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.EnsureResData()
      bei System.Resources.ResXResourceReader.GetEnumerator()
      bei (Object )
      bei #DH.#EH.#UFc(String path)
      bei #DH.#EH.#VFc()
      bei #DH.#EH.#YFc()
      bei Styx.Loaders.DynamicLoader`1..ctor(String path, Boolean compileSource, Object[] constructorArgs)
      bei Styx.Helpers.ClassCollection`1.CompileAndLoadFrom(String path, CompilerResults& results)
    11. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Yea, new version gives me same error in log. guess i will not be testing it at lunch.
    12. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      I figured i would run a dummy test on the the .6 version and let you look at it and see if you see anything new. It ran with havoc on and i will do a SS of the numbers and what not. At one point it bursted up to 32K....and self buffed plus flask.

      Edit 1. Looking at this i did some math that fight lasted 644 seconds....with conflagrate being an 8second cast that is a possibilty of 80.5 casts...it only casted 67 times.....that might boost some numbers there. Not sure how to make that happen. Granted....it cannot cast it immediately so lets say it could only reasonably cast it 75 times.....the average hit was 19322 so that would be a little more if it casted it on cooldown.....just saying.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
    13. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Morning all, woops my bad.
      All fixed.
      update from latest SVN.

      /me runs off to work
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
    14. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Your right, I put your log into excel an counted the time between conflags and here is the result...

      Honourbuddy spell cast	                                                                   time         Seconds Difference
      Line 249: [11:59:23 AM:499] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [28]	11:59:23 AM	0
      Line 260: [11:59:32 AM:007] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [34]	11:59:32 AM	9
      Line 270: [11:59:40 AM:862] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [40]	11:59:40 AM	8
      Line 282: [11:59:50 AM:711] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [47]	11:59:50 AM	10
      Line 296: [11:59:59 AM:252] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [55]	11:59:59 AM	9
      Line 307: [12:00:09 PM:043] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [62]	12:00:09 PM	10
      Line 317: [12:00:18 PM:052] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [68]	12:00:18 PM	9
      Line 328: [12:00:26 PM:342] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [74]	12:00:26 PM	8
      Line 341: [12:00:35 PM:854] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [81]	12:00:35 PM	9
      Line 357: [12:00:44 PM:632] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [90]	12:00:44 PM	9
      Line 368: [12:00:55 PM:264] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [96]	12:00:55 PM	11
      Line 374: [12:00:59 PM:108] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [99]	12:00:59 PM	4
      Line 385: [12:01:08 PM:551] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [106]	12:01:08 PM	9
      Line 415: [12:01:17 PM:144] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [122]	12:01:17 PM	9
      Line 426: [12:01:27 PM:323] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [129]	12:01:27 PM	10
      Line 441: [12:01:36 PM:089] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [138]	12:01:36 PM	9
      Line 451: [12:01:44 PM:268] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [144]	12:01:44 PM	8
      Line 452: [12:01:44 PM:376] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [145]	12:01:44 PM	0
      Line 466: [12:01:55 PM:638] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [153]	12:01:55 PM	11
      Line 482: [12:02:08 PM:688] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [162]	12:02:08 PM	13
      Line 497: [12:02:17 PM:544] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [171]	12:02:17 PM	9
      Line 510: [12:02:27 PM:815] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [178]	12:02:27 PM	10
      Line 521: [12:02:36 PM:548] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [184]	12:02:36 PM	9
      Line 532: [12:02:45 PM:389] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [190]	12:02:45 PM	9
      Line 542: [12:02:54 PM:806] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [196]	12:02:54 PM	9
      Line 561: [12:03:06 PM:650] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [207]	12:03:06 PM	12
      Line 589: [12:03:15 PM:889] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [223]	12:03:15 PM	9
      Line 599: [12:03:24 PM:196] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [229]	12:03:24 PM	9
      Line 600: [12:03:24 PM:366] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [230]	12:03:24 PM	0
      Line 610: [12:03:33 PM:095] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [236]	12:03:33 PM	9
      Line 624: [12:03:41 PM:438] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [243]	12:03:41 PM	8
      Line 640: [12:03:49 PM:831] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [254]	12:03:49 PM	8
      Line 652: [12:03:59 PM:376] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [260]	12:03:59 PM	10
      Line 661: [12:04:07 PM:729] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [265]	12:04:07 PM	8
      Line 675: [12:04:18 PM:323] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [272]	12:04:18 PM	11
      Line 685: [12:04:26 PM:544] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [277]	12:04:26 PM	8
      Line 686: [12:04:26 PM:648] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [278]	12:04:26 PM	0
      Line 704: [12:04:36 PM:883] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [288]	12:04:36 PM	10
      Line 726: [12:04:46 PM:257] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [294]	12:04:46 PM	10
      Line 737: [12:04:55 PM:295] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [300]	12:04:55 PM	9
      Line 747: [12:05:04 PM:066] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [306]	12:05:04 PM	9
      Line 796: [12:05:15 PM:858] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [326]	12:05:15 PM	11
      Line 811: [12:05:24 PM:593] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [335]	12:05:24 PM	9
      Line 824: [12:05:34 PM:687] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [342]	12:05:34 PM	10
      Line 834: [12:05:44 PM:550] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [349]	12:05:44 PM	10
      Line 860: [12:05:54 PM:096] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [357]	12:05:54 PM	10
      Line 875: [12:06:05 PM:439] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [365]	12:06:05 PM	11
      Line 897: [12:06:15 PM:133] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [371]	12:06:15 PM	10
      Line 909: [12:06:24 PM:593] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [378]	12:06:24 PM	9
      Line 916: [12:06:32 PM:853] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [382]	12:06:32 PM	8
      Line 928: [12:06:41 PM:279] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [388]	12:06:41 PM	9
      Line 942: [12:06:50 PM:920] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [398]	12:06:50 PM	9
      Line 954: [12:07:00 PM:784] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [404]	12:07:00 PM	10
      Line 964: [12:07:09 PM:363] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [410]	12:07:09 PM	9
      Line 1000: [12:07:18 PM:437] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [431]	12:07:18 PM	9
      Line 1013: [12:07:30 PM:323] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [438]	12:07:30 PM	12
      Line 1019: [12:07:33 PM:531] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [441]	12:07:33 PM	3
      Line 1036: [12:07:42 PM:042] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [451]	12:07:42 PM	9
      Line 1058: [12:07:50 PM:369] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [457]	12:07:50 PM	8
      Line 1069: [12:07:58 PM:901] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [463]	12:07:58 PM	8
      Line 1092: [12:08:07 PM:846] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [469]	12:08:07 PM	9
      Line 1099: [12:08:16 PM:023] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [474]	12:08:16 PM	9
      Line 1100: [12:08:16 PM:121] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [475]	12:08:16 PM	0
      Line 1118: [12:08:27 PM:034] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [485]	12:08:27 PM	11
      Line 1126: [12:08:36 PM:891] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [491]	12:08:36 PM	9
      Line 1138: [12:08:46 PM:272] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [497]	12:08:46 PM	10
      Line 1159: [12:08:55 PM:990] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [503]	12:08:55 PM	9
      Line 1183: [12:09:04 PM:341] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [509]	12:09:04 PM	9
      Line 1200: [12:09:12 PM:892] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [518]	12:09:12 PM	8
      Line 1235: [12:09:21 PM:955] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [537]	12:09:21 PM	9
      Line 1247: [12:09:31 PM:687] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [543]	12:09:31 PM	10
      Line 1259: [12:09:40 PM:963] Spell_C::CastSpell(17962, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [550]	12:09:40 PM	9
      Total Conflagrate cast 73
      Line 256: [11:59:27 AM:963] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [32]	11:59:27 AM	0
      Line 277: [11:59:45 AM:887] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [44]	11:59:45 AM	18
      Line 301: [12:00:02 PM:279] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [58]	12:00:02 PM	17
      Line 321: [12:00:20 PM:589] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [70]	12:00:20 PM	18
      Line 345: [12:00:38 PM:853] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [83]	12:00:38 PM	18
      Line 370: [12:00:55 PM:649] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [97]	12:00:55 PM	17
      Line 409: [12:01:12 PM:679] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [119]	12:01:12 PM	17
      Line 433: [12:01:30 PM:088] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [133]	12:01:30 PM	18
      Line 457: [12:01:47 PM:190] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [148]	12:01:47 PM	17
      Line 478: [12:02:04 PM:925] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [160]	12:02:04 PM	17
      Line 506: [12:02:24 PM:622] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [176]	12:02:24 PM	20
      Line 528: [12:02:42 PM:479] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [188]	12:02:42 PM	18
      Line 557: [12:03:03 PM:702] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [205]	12:03:03 PM	21
      Line 595: [12:03:21 PM:554] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [227]	12:03:21 PM	18
      Line 618: [12:03:37 PM:775] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [240]	12:03:37 PM	16
      Line 648: [12:03:56 PM:568] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [258]	12:03:56 PM	19
      Line 671: [12:04:14 PM:630] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [270]	12:04:14 PM	18
      Line 700: [12:04:34 PM:030] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [286]	12:04:34 PM	20
      Line 733: [12:04:52 PM:197] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [298]	12:04:52 PM	18
      Line 790: [12:05:11 PM:944] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [323]	12:05:11 PM	19
      Line 816: [12:05:28 PM:932] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [338]	12:05:28 PM	17
      Line 836: [12:05:45 PM:719] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [350]	12:05:45 PM	17
      Line 868: [12:06:02 PM:411] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [361]	12:06:02 PM	17
      Line 904: [12:06:19 PM:509] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [375]	12:06:19 PM	17
      Line 922: [12:06:36 PM:747] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [385]	12:06:36 PM	17
      Line 948: [12:06:54 PM:909] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [401]	12:06:54 PM	18
      Line 994: [12:07:14 PM:156] Spell_C::CastSpell(348, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [428]	12:07:14 PM	20
      Total Immolate cast 28 (Should be every 15 seconds in a perfect world)		
      Line 265: [11:59:36 AM:423] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [37]	11:59:36 AM	0
      Line 294: [11:59:57 AM:932] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [54]	11:59:57 AM	21
      Line 319: [12:00:19 PM:314] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [69]	12:00:19 PM	22
      Line 347: [12:00:40 PM:286] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [84]	12:00:40 PM	21
      Line 376: [12:01:00 PM:459] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [100]	  12:01:00 PM	20
      Line 419: [12:01:19 PM:764] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [124]	  12:01:19 PM	19
      Line 445: [12:01:38 PM:609] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [140]	  12:01:38 PM	19
      Line 470: [12:01:58 PM:397] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [155]	  12:01:58 PM	20
      Line 499: [12:02:18 PM:804] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [172]	  12:02:18 PM	20
      Line 523: [12:02:37 PM:890] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [185]	  12:02:37 PM	19
      Line 544: [12:02:56 PM:106] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [197]   12:02:56 PM	19
      Line 587: [12:03:14 PM:568] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [222]	  12:03:14 PM	18
      Line 612: [12:03:34 PM:311] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [237]	  12:03:34 PM	20
      Line 646: [12:03:55 PM:192] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [257]	  12:03:55 PM	21
      Line 669: [12:04:13 PM:244] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [269]	   12:04:13 PM	18
      Line 702: [12:04:35 PM:500] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [287]	  12:04:35 PM	22
      Line 735: [12:04:53 PM:944] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [299]	  12:04:53 PM	18
      Line 792: [12:05:13 PM:262] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [324]	  12:05:13 PM	20
      Line 820: [12:05:32 PM:016] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [340]	  12:05:32 PM	19
      Line 856: [12:05:51 PM:310] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [355]	  12:05:51 PM	19
      Line 881: [12:06:11 PM:531] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [369]	  12:06:11 PM	20
      Line 918: [12:06:34 PM:123] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [383]	  12:06:34 PM	23
      Line 946: [12:06:53 PM:565] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [400]	  12:06:53 PM	19
      Line 996: [12:07:15 PM:754] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [429]	  12:07:15 PM	22
      Line 1029: [12:07:37 PM:136] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [447]	12:07:37 PM	22
      Line 1067: [12:07:57 PM:585] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [462]	12:07:57 PM	20
      Line 1102: [12:08:17 PM:461] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [476]	12:08:17 PM	20
      Line 1128: [12:08:38 PM:284] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [492]	12:08:38 PM	21
      Line 1161: [12:08:57 PM:309] Spell_C::CastSpell(172, 0, 0xF13079AA0000B306, 0) [504]	12:08:57 PM	19
      Total Corruption cast 30		 (Should be every 18 seconds in a perfect world)
      So I am on to it...
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2012
    15. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Wulf before you and i are done the lock destro rotation will be beastly, then on to Spriest then the world...i mean...uh...fire mage or something.
    16. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Haha for sure! Could you do me a huge favor and check the version 2.3.7 when you get time and post a log so I can see the difference between 2.3.6 and 2.3.7.

      I am thinking I can add functionality into CLU to
      1. count "seconds between" Key spells that are cast
      2. count "times cast" for key spells

      This should pinpoint problem areas faster!
    17. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Wulf --
      I know this is for use with LazyRaider, which generally means toons near, or at, level 85. However, sometimes I farm lowbie dungeons to level my lock, so would it support a pre-85 toon such as level 40? I know there's no movement code, so I would be handling all the movement.
    18. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Yes it should, as long as you have the keyspell for the rotation, but its not designed for low level usage so your mileage may vary.
    19. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I'll have to give it a try on the training dummy. I sort of know what you mean by that, but at level 40 I'm not sure what the rotation, or key spell, would be. lol
    20. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Conflagrate for destro (Level: 1) should be fine :)
      Summon Felguard for demonology (Level: 10) should be fine :)
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