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  • [Custom Deck] Silverfish AI

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by obtkamer, Jul 11, 2014.

    1. Cudako

      Cudako New Member

      Jun 12, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      This is where "Junge Priesterin" 1 Mana 2/1 gives 1 health to random minion. Didnt attacked in the second round.

      Can not find the log where my Paladin didnt play any card at turn 6.

      [16:40:22.138 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.423.86 starting.
      [16:40:22.370 N] Attempting to log in...
      [16:40:22.541 N] T:  H: 
      [16:40:22.613 N] Login successful!
      [16:40:22.923 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.423.86 starting...
      [16:40:22.926 N] CPU Architecture: x64
      [16:40:22.926 N] Process Architecture: x86
      [16:40:22.926 N] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      [16:40:22.926 N] .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444
      [16:40:22.926 N] CPU Cores: 8
      [16:40:22.926 N] Application Path: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\Hearthbuddy
      [16:40:22.929 N] Checking for updates...
      [16:40:24.607 N] init Silverfish
      [16:40:24.643 N] read carddb.txt
      [16:40:24.984 N] cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message)
      [16:40:24.989 N] cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message)
      [16:40:24.990 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:24.990 N] fight is logged in: ./CustomDecks/Silverfish/UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-07-27_18-40-24.txt
      [16:40:24.990 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:24.990 N] set enemy-face-hp to: 15
      [16:40:24.996 N] set maxwide to: 3000
      [16:40:24.996 N] write to single log file is: False
      [16:40:24.996 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:24.996 N] you are running uai V89
      [16:40:24.996 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:25.023 N] init Silverfish
      [16:40:25.069 N] read carddb.txt
      [16:40:25.409 N] cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message)
      [16:40:25.414 N] cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message)
      [16:40:25.416 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:25.416 N] fight is logged in: ./CustomDecks/Silverfish/UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-07-27_18-40-25.txt
      [16:40:25.416 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:25.416 N] set enemy-face-hp to: 15
      [16:40:25.421 N] set maxwide to: 3000
      [16:40:25.421 N] write to single log file is: False
      [16:40:25.421 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:25.421 N] you are running uai V89
      [16:40:25.421 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:25.446 N] init Silverfish
      [16:40:25.483 N] read carddb.txt
      [16:40:25.802 N] cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message)
      [16:40:25.806 N] cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message)
      [16:40:25.807 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:25.807 N] fight is logged in: ./CustomDecks/Silverfish/UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-07-27_18-40-25.txt
      [16:40:25.807 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:25.807 N] set enemy-face-hp to: 15
      [16:40:25.811 N] set maxwide to: 3000
      [16:40:25.811 N] write to single log file is: False
      [16:40:25.811 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:25.811 N] you are running uai V89
      [16:40:25.811 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:25.836 N] init Silverfish
      [16:40:25.879 N] read carddb.txt
      [16:40:26.216 N] cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message)
      [16:40:26.220 N] cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message)
      [16:40:26.221 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:26.221 N] fight is logged in: ./CustomDecks/Silverfish/UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-07-27_18-40-26.txt
      [16:40:26.221 N] #######################################################
      [16:40:26.221 N] set enemy-face-hp to: 15
      [16:40:26.225 N] set maxwide to: 3000
      [16:40:26.225 N] write to single log file is: False
      [16:40:26.225 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:26.225 N] you are running uai V89
      [16:40:26.225 N] ----------------------------
      [16:40:51.957 N] Hearthbuddy is up to date!
      [16:40:51.957 N] Initializing Triton...
      [16:40:52.333 D] Attaching to Hearthstone with PID 6368
      [16:40:52.420 D] Initializing Mapping system.
      [16:40:52.507 D] Initializing hooks.
      [16:40:52.518 D] Attached to process 6368
      [16:40:52.518 D] Initialized!
      [16:43:50.005 N] Starting the bot!
      [16:43:51.351 N] We've won. Great job!
      [16:43:51.351 N] Bot statistics summary : 
      [16:43:51.351 N] Wins : 1
      [16:43:51.351 N] Looses : 0
      [16:43:51.351 N] Total games : 1
      [16:43:51.352 N] Started at : 27.07.2014 - 18:43:50
      [16:43:51.352 N] Total running time : 01.01.0001 - 00:00:00
      [16:43:59.632 D] Exception occured in coroutine: ˜.: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
         bei Triton.Game.TritonHS.IsInTargetMode()
         bei SilverfishRush.SilverRush.<SelectCard>d__0.MoveNext() in c:\Users\blaptop\Desktop\Hearthbuddy\CustomDecks\Silverfish\silverfish_rushHB.cs:Zeile 0.
         bei Triton.Bot.Coroutine.Resume(Object& )
         --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
         bei Triton.Bot.Coroutine.Resume(Object& )
         bei Triton.Bot.Coroutine.Resume()
         bei ˜.ˆ.()
         bei ˜.š˜.—˜(Object ˜˜)
         --- End of exception stack trace, coroutine stack trace follows ---
         at SilverfishRush.SilverRush.SelectCard()
         at ???
         at ???
         at ???
         at ???
      [16:43:59.792 N] Starting unranked game using deck with ID 153345019.
      [16:44:38.760 N] Selecting starting hand..
      [16:44:46.779 N] Selected my starting hand!
      [16:45:00.874 N] #######################################################
      [16:45:00.874 N] fight is logged in: ./CustomDecks/Silverfish/UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-07-27_18-45-00.txt
      [16:45:00.874 N] #######################################################
      [16:45:00.977 N] calculating stuff... 18:45:00.9773
      [16:45:01.150 N] calculating ended! 18:45:01.1503
      [16:45:01.150 N] play action
      [16:45:01.169 N] play: Flammenwichtel target nothing
      [16:45:01.214 N] should place minion left of your first minion (0 0) 
      [16:45:05.298 N] calculating stuff... 18:45:05.2986
      [16:45:05.353 N] calculating ended! 18:45:05.3536
      [16:45:05.353 N] play action
      [16:45:05.364 N] play: Die Münze target nothing
      [16:45:09.252 N] calculating stuff... 18:45:09.2528
      [16:45:09.288 N] calculating ended! 18:45:09.2888
      [16:45:09.288 N] play action
      [16:45:09.297 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:45:09.300 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:45:13.387 N] calculating stuff... 18:45:13.3870
      [16:45:13.410 N] calculating ended! 18:45:13.4100
      [16:45:13.410 N] end turn
      [16:45:14.493 N] Bot has stopped.
      [16:49:13.303 N] Starting the bot!
      [16:49:34.903 N] calculating stuff... 18:49:34.9030
      [16:49:35.024 N] calculating ended! 18:49:35.0240
      [16:49:35.024 N] play action
      [16:49:35.027 N] use ablitiy: Aderlass target nothing
      [16:49:38.993 N] target failure...
      [16:49:39.115 N] calculating stuff... 18:49:39.1152
      [16:49:39.180 N] calculating ended! 18:49:39.1802
      [16:49:39.180 N] play action
      [16:49:39.187 N] play: Messerjongleur target nothing
      [16:49:39.191 N] should place minion left of your first minion (0 0) 
      [16:49:43.255 N] calculating stuff... 18:49:43.2555
      [16:49:43.305 N] calculating ended! 18:49:43.3055
      [16:49:43.305 N] play action
      [16:49:43.329 N] play: Seelenfeuer target: Verteidiger von Argus
      [16:49:47.061 N] targeting...
      [16:49:50.282 N] calculating stuff... 18:49:50.2829
      [16:49:50.316 N] calculating ended! 18:49:50.3169
      [16:49:50.316 N] end turn
      [16:50:06.344 N] We've lost. Too bad!
      [16:50:06.344 N] Bot statistics summary : 
      [16:50:06.344 N] Wins : 1
      [16:50:06.344 N] Looses : 1
      [16:50:06.344 N] Total games : 2
      [16:50:06.344 N] Started at : 27.07.2014 - 18:49:13
      [16:50:06.344 N] Total running time : 27.07.2014 - 00:00:52
      [16:50:18.922 N] Starting unranked game using deck with ID 153345019.
      [16:50:54.642 N] Selecting starting hand..
      [16:51:02.709 N] Selected my starting hand!
      [16:51:15.538 N] #######################################################
      [16:51:15.538 N] fight is logged in: ./CustomDecks/Silverfish/UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-07-27_18-51-15.txt
      [16:51:15.538 N] #######################################################
      [16:51:15.571 N] calculating stuff... 18:51:15.5717
      [16:51:15.612 N] calculating ended! 18:51:15.6127
      [16:51:15.612 N] play action
      [16:51:15.622 N] play: Ruchloser Unteroffizier target nothing
      [16:51:15.628 N] should place minion left of your first minion (0 0) 
      [16:51:19.704 N] calculating stuff... 18:51:19.7040
      [16:51:19.721 N] calculating ended! 18:51:19.7210
      [16:51:19.721 N] end turn
      [16:51:41.735 N] calculating stuff... 18:51:41.7352
      [16:51:41.789 N] calculating ended! 18:51:41.7892
      [16:51:41.789 N] play action
      [16:51:41.798 N] play: Nerubisches Ei target nothing
      [16:51:41.801 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:51:45.931 N] calculating stuff... 18:51:45.9315
      [16:51:45.969 N] calculating ended! 18:51:45.9695
      [16:51:45.969 N] play action
      [16:51:46.009 N] minion attack: Ruchloser Unteroffizier target: Jaina Prachtmeer
      [16:51:49.347 N] target failure...
      [16:51:49.500 N] calculating stuff... 18:51:49.5007
      [16:51:49.515 N] calculating ended! 18:51:49.5157
      [16:51:49.515 N] end turn
      [16:52:24.131 N] calculating stuff... 18:52:24.1317
      [16:52:24.170 N] calculating ended! 18:52:24.1707
      [16:52:24.170 N] play action
      [16:52:24.179 N] play: Scharlachrote Fanatikerin target nothing
      [16:52:24.182 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:52:28.308 N] calculating stuff... 18:52:28.3089
      [16:52:28.326 N] calculating ended! 18:52:28.3269
      [16:52:28.326 N] end turn
      [16:52:53.297 N] calculating stuff... 18:52:53.2973
      [16:52:53.354 N] calculating ended! 18:52:53.3543
      [16:52:53.354 N] play action
      [16:52:53.357 N] use ablitiy: Aderlass target nothing
      [16:52:57.460 N] calculating stuff... 18:52:57.4606
      [16:52:57.495 N] calculating ended! 18:52:57.4956
      [16:52:57.495 N] end turn
      [16:53:17.402 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:17.4027
      [16:53:17.478 N] calculating ended! 18:53:17.4787
      [16:53:17.478 N] play action
      [16:53:17.488 N] play: Verdammniswache target nothing
      [16:53:17.492 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:21.562 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:21.5629
      [16:53:21.638 N] calculating ended! 18:53:21.6370
      [16:53:21.638 N] play action
      [16:53:21.648 N] play: Verdammniswache target nothing
      [16:53:21.652 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:25.774 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:25.7742
      [16:53:25.874 N] calculating ended! 18:53:25.8742
      [16:53:25.874 N] play action
      [16:53:25.885 N] play: Verdammniswache target nothing
      [16:53:25.890 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:30.000 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:30.0004
      [16:53:30.069 N] calculating ended! 18:53:30.0694
      [16:53:30.069 N] play action
      [16:53:30.081 N] play: Verdammniswache target nothing
      [16:53:30.084 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:34.045 N] target failure...
      [16:53:34.200 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:34.2007
      [16:53:34.291 N] calculating ended! 18:53:34.2917
      [16:53:34.291 N] play action
      [16:53:34.301 N] play: Verdammniswache target nothing
      [16:53:34.304 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:38.417 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:38.4179
      [16:53:38.515 N] calculating ended! 18:53:38.5159
      [16:53:38.515 N] play action
      [16:53:38.519 N] use ablitiy: Aderlass target nothing
      [16:53:42.640 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:42.6402
      [16:53:42.693 N] calculating ended! 18:53:42.6932
      [16:53:42.693 N] play action
      [16:53:42.706 N] play: Argentumknappin target nothing
      [16:53:42.709 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:46.822 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:46.8224
      [16:53:46.883 N] calculating ended! 18:53:46.8834
      [16:53:46.883 N] play action
      [16:53:46.912 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:53:46.915 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:51.030 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:51.0306
      [16:53:51.095 N] calculating ended! 18:53:51.0956
      [16:53:51.095 N] play action
      [16:53:51.124 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:53:51.128 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:55.245 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:55.2459
      [16:53:55.310 N] calculating ended! 18:53:55.3109
      [16:53:55.310 N] play action
      [16:53:55.338 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:53:55.341 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:53:59.457 N] calculating stuff... 18:53:59.4571
      [16:53:59.525 N] calculating ended! 18:53:59.5251
      [16:53:59.525 N] play action
      [16:53:59.558 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:53:59.561 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:54:03.651 N] calculating stuff... 18:54:03.6514
      [16:54:03.716 N] calculating ended! 18:54:03.7164
      [16:54:03.716 N] play action
      [16:54:03.745 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:54:03.750 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:54:07.843 N] calculating stuff... 18:54:07.8426
      [16:54:07.908 N] calculating ended! 18:54:07.9086
      [16:54:07.908 N] play action
      [16:54:07.937 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:54:07.940 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:54:12.062 N] calculating stuff... 18:54:12.0628
      [16:54:12.134 N] calculating ended! 18:54:12.1348
      [16:54:12.134 N] play action
      [16:54:12.165 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:54:12.168 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:54:16.255 N] calculating stuff... 18:54:16.2551
      [16:54:16.316 N] calculating ended! 18:54:16.3161
      [16:54:16.316 N] play action
      [16:54:16.345 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:54:16.348 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:54:20.423 N] calculating stuff... 18:54:20.4233
      [16:54:20.489 N] calculating ended! 18:54:20.4893
      [16:54:20.489 N] play action
      [16:54:20.526 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:54:20.530 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:54:24.478 N] Bot has stopped.
      [16:54:36.804 N] Starting the bot!
      [16:55:15.139 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:15.1394
      [16:55:15.259 N] calculating ended! 18:55:15.2595
      [16:55:15.259 N] play action
      [16:55:15.270 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:15.274 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:19.344 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:19.3447
      [16:55:19.456 N] calculating ended! 18:55:19.4567
      [16:55:19.456 N] play action
      [16:55:19.468 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:19.471 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:23.541 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:23.5419
      [16:55:23.660 N] calculating ended! 18:55:23.6609
      [16:55:23.660 N] play action
      [16:55:23.672 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:23.675 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:27.745 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:27.7452
      [16:55:27.844 N] calculating ended! 18:55:27.8442
      [16:55:27.844 N] play action
      [16:55:27.856 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:27.860 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:31.965 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:31.9654
      [16:55:32.036 N] calculating ended! 18:55:32.0364
      [16:55:32.036 N] play action
      [16:55:32.048 N] play: Argentumknappin target nothing
      [16:55:32.051 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:36.089 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:36.0896
      [16:55:36.206 N] calculating ended! 18:55:36.2067
      [16:55:36.206 N] play action
      [16:55:36.218 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:36.221 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:40.184 N] target failure...
      [16:55:40.329 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:40.3299
      [16:55:40.460 N] calculating ended! 18:55:40.4609
      [16:55:40.460 N] play action
      [16:55:40.472 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:40.475 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:44.405 N] target failure...
      [16:55:44.544 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:44.5441
      [16:55:44.674 N] calculating ended! 18:55:44.6741
      [16:55:44.674 N] play action
      [16:55:44.686 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:44.690 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:48.788 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:48.7884
      [16:55:48.943 N] calculating ended! 18:55:48.9434
      [16:55:48.943 N] play action
      [16:55:48.955 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:48.958 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:52.921 N] target failure...
      [16:55:53.066 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:53.0666
      [16:55:53.181 N] calculating ended! 18:55:53.1816
      [16:55:53.181 N] play action
      [16:55:53.192 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:55:53.196 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:55:57.278 N] calculating stuff... 18:55:57.2789
      [16:55:57.396 N] calculating ended! 18:55:57.3969
      [16:55:57.396 N] play action
      [16:55:57.409 N] play: Messerjongleur target nothing
      [16:55:57.412 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:56:01.521 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:01.5211
      [16:56:01.640 N] calculating ended! 18:56:01.6401
      [16:56:01.640 N] play action
      [16:56:01.653 N] play: Messerjongleur target nothing
      [16:56:01.656 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:56:05.678 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:05.6783
      [16:56:05.798 N] calculating ended! 18:56:05.7983
      [16:56:05.798 N] play action
      [16:56:05.802 N] use ablitiy: Aderlass target nothing
      [16:56:09.877 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:09.8776
      [16:56:09.956 N] calculating ended! 18:56:09.9566
      [16:56:09.956 N] play action
      [16:56:09.970 N] play: Terrorwolfalpha target nothing
      [16:56:09.974 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:56:14.078 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:14.0788
      [16:56:14.167 N] calculating ended! 18:56:14.1678
      [16:56:14.167 N] play action
      [16:56:14.180 N] play: Terrorwolfalpha target nothing
      [16:56:14.183 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:56:18.265 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:18.2651
      [16:56:18.343 N] calculating ended! 18:56:18.3431
      [16:56:18.343 N] play action
      [16:56:18.356 N] play: Terrorwolfalpha target nothing
      [16:56:18.359 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:56:22.434 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:22.4343
      [16:56:22.504 N] calculating ended! 18:56:22.5043
      [16:56:22.504 N] play action
      [16:56:22.519 N] play: Terrorwolfalpha target nothing
      [16:56:22.523 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:56:26.611 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:26.6115
      [16:56:26.709 N] calculating ended! 18:56:26.7095
      [16:56:26.709 N] play action
      [16:56:26.723 N] play: Terrorwolfalpha target nothing
      [16:56:26.726 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:56:30.767 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:30.7678
      [16:56:30.867 N] calculating ended! 18:56:30.8678
      [16:56:30.867 N] play action
      [16:56:30.898 N] minion attack: Neruber target: Amaniberserker
      [16:56:34.116 N] target failure...
      [16:56:34.238 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:34.2380
      [16:56:34.313 N] calculating ended! 18:56:34.3130
      [16:56:34.313 N] play action
      [16:56:34.327 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:56:34.330 N] should place minion left of your first minion (0 0) 
      [16:56:38.166 N] target failure...
      [16:56:38.286 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:38.2862
      [16:56:38.355 N] calculating ended! 18:56:38.3552
      [16:56:38.355 N] play action
      [16:56:38.367 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:56:38.371 N] should place minion left of your first minion (0 0) 
      [16:56:42.428 N] calculating stuff... 18:56:42.4284
      [16:56:42.500 N] calculating ended! 18:56:42.5004
      [16:56:42.500 N] play action
      [16:56:42.513 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:56:42.517 N] should place minion left of your first minion (0 0) 
      [16:56:44.720 N] Bot has stopped.
      [16:57:00.196 N] Starting the bot!
      [16:57:03.705 N] We've lost. Too bad!
      [16:57:03.705 N] Bot statistics summary : 
      [16:57:03.705 N] Wins : 1
      [16:57:03.705 N] Looses : 1
      [16:57:03.705 N] Total games : 2
      [16:57:03.705 N] Started at : 27.07.2014 - 18:57:00
      [16:57:03.705 N] Total running time : 27.07.2014 - 00:00:03
      [16:57:11.284 N] Starting unranked game using deck with ID 153345019.
      [16:57:48.805 N] Selecting starting hand..
      [16:57:56.871 N] Selected my starting hand!
      [16:58:12.573 N] target failure...
      [16:58:12.645 N] #######################################################
      [16:58:12.645 N] fight is logged in: ./CustomDecks/Silverfish/UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-07-27_18-58-12.txt
      [16:58:12.645 N] #######################################################
      [16:58:12.692 N] calculating stuff... 18:58:12.6926
      [16:58:12.767 N] calculating ended! 18:58:12.7676
      [16:58:12.767 N] play action
      [16:58:12.779 N] play: Die Münze target nothing
      [16:58:16.841 N] calculating stuff... 18:58:16.8418
      [16:58:16.893 N] calculating ended! 18:58:16.8938
      [16:58:16.893 N] play action
      [16:58:16.903 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:58:16.906 N] should place minion left of your first minion (0 0) 
      [16:58:20.996 N] calculating stuff... 18:58:20.9961
      [16:58:21.040 N] calculating ended! 18:58:21.0401
      [16:58:21.040 N] play action
      [16:58:21.049 N] play: Junge Priesterin target nothing
      [16:58:21.052 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:58:25.116 N] calculating stuff... 18:58:25.1163
      [16:58:25.136 N] calculating ended! 18:58:25.1363
      [16:58:25.136 N] end turn
      [16:58:41.605 N] calculating stuff... 18:58:41.6053
      [16:58:41.658 N] calculating ended! 18:58:41.6583
      [16:58:41.658 N] play action
      [16:58:41.667 N] play: Nerubisches Ei target nothing
      [16:58:41.671 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:58:45.773 N] calculating stuff... 18:58:45.7735
      [16:58:45.801 N] calculating ended! 18:58:45.8015
      [16:58:45.801 N] end turn
      [16:59:10.891 N] calculating stuff... 18:59:10.8919
      [16:59:10.947 N] calculating ended! 18:59:10.9479
      [16:59:10.947 N] play action
      [16:59:10.971 N] play: Blutelfenklerikerin target: Nerubisches Ei
      [16:59:10.975 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 1) 
      [16:59:17.137 N] targeting...
      [16:59:20.687 N] calculating stuff... 18:59:20.6875
      [16:59:20.730 N] calculating ended! 18:59:20.7305
      [16:59:20.730 N] play action
      [16:59:20.764 N] minion attack: Nerubisches Ei target: Flammenwichtel
      [16:59:24.119 N] calculating stuff... 18:59:24.1197
      [16:59:24.144 N] calculating ended! 18:59:24.1447
      [16:59:24.144 N] end turn
      [16:59:50.375 N] calculating stuff... 18:59:50.3752
      [16:59:50.468 N] calculating ended! 18:59:50.4682
      [16:59:50.468 N] play action
      [16:59:50.472 N] use ablitiy: Aderlass target nothing
      [16:59:54.588 N] calculating stuff... 18:59:54.5884
      [16:59:54.709 N] calculating ended! 18:59:54.7094
      [16:59:54.709 N] play action
      [16:59:54.719 N] play: Leerwandler target nothing
      [16:59:54.723 N] should place minion right of your first minion (1 2) 
      [16:59:58.802 N] calculating stuff... 18:59:58.8027
      [16:59:58.873 N] calculating ended! 18:59:58.8737
      [16:59:58.873 N] play action
      [16:59:58.882 N] play: Junge Priesterin target nothing
      [16:59:58.885 N] should place minion right of your second minion (2 3) 
      [17:00:04.135 N] calculating stuff... 19:00:04.1350
      [17:00:04.192 N] calculating ended! 19:00:04.1920
      [17:00:04.192 N] play action
      [17:00:04.230 N] minion attack: Nerubisches Ei target: Geisterhafter Krabbler
      [17:00:07.640 N] calculating stuff... 19:00:07.6402
      [17:00:07.690 N] calculating ended! 19:00:07.6902
      [17:00:07.690 N] end turn
      [17:00:11.811 N] The host process has exited! We will shut down as well.
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
    2. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      What hearth buddy spams in console are not full logs. Please post full logs
      And don't use quote use code when posting like that and not as a attachment


      Also botmaker I am off tomorrow and will be willing to test for most of the day. Ill look at the forums tomorrow to see what's needs to be or leave me / pm me a list and k wi try and work on it
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
    3. Baaatzi

      Baaatzi Member

      Nov 3, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      if i want to level a rogue what deck (from the silverfish AI) would be the best to choose?

      the rogue is level 15 with no special cards...

    4. obtkamer

      obtkamer New Member

      May 27, 2014
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      uploaded a new version of control_NF please test this (non-attacking of minions should prob. be gone)
      (please post some uai-logs :D)
    5. WoWuser123

      WoWuser123 Member

      Aug 4, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      I'm getting 17 compiler errors in silverfish_controlHB - NF.cs, error CS0103: The name GAME_TAG doesn't exist in current context.
    6. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      i got this error with the latest update :D

      [Compiler Error] d:\Fraps\CustomDecks\Silverfish\silverfish_controlHB - NF.cs(764,50) : error CS0103: the name 'GAME_TAG' doesnt exists in the current version.
    7. obtkamer

      obtkamer New Member

      May 27, 2014
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      please reload :D
    8. sugarworm

      sugarworm New Member

      Jul 24, 2014
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      Just pick all good murlocks, add some class cards choose silverfish.silver.control and you'r ready to go.

      Or if you do not have all needed murlocks just make a deck with good value cards like yeti, senjin, ogre, etc. and you will win 50% games at 20-18 rank without any problem. Keep spells as low as possible also.
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    9. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      ok i tryed a match to see if the attack feature was fixed but i think it's half fixed ^^
      this is the log

      View attachment UILogg_2014-07-28_11-40-42.txt

      the young dragonhawk didnt use the second windfury attack and the faery dragon havent attacked at all at his turn while he could have attacked the enemy hero instead :D
      and the lock hero power wont be used aswell :(

      Hope this help you :D
      it's not a full match since i stopped this after few turns
    10. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      i did other matches with a paladin deck, the only issue with the attacking i found is that 1 time it missed a charge attack with the boar, but except that it worked nicely
    11. obtkamer

      obtkamer New Member

      May 27, 2014
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      @Jeffry can you please give a log of the missed charge?
    12. obtkamer

      obtkamer New Member

      May 27, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      Uploaded a new NF-version (hero-data is also fixed + windfurry should be fixed), so please reload the zip
    13. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      i dont remember which game it was so i cant, but if i find something else that doesnt work i'll stop the bot and post the log, so far it's perfect.
      I'll try the new version asap and i'll keep checking it :D
      Thanks alot for your work on this :)
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    14. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      Ok this is the last match i did with the hunter : View attachment UILogg_2014-07-28_14-11-56.txt
      The previous version were using the hunter her power this one no :(
      if i'm correct there was a turn where he had 2+ mana and the hero power avaiable and he passed

      edit: this one is the last match with my paladin, no hero power at all and at the end of the log he was trying to attack while all minion were resting or they had just attacked

      View attachment UILogg_2014-07-28_14-34-00.txt
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    15. obtkamer

      obtkamer New Member

      May 27, 2014
      Likes Received:
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      update new NF
      fixed abilitys + secrets + deckcount

      (please send me a log where the bot (or you) played a secret)
    16. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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    17. obtkamer

      obtkamer New Member

      May 27, 2014
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      next update: could you try this again with pala (seems like the token doesnt work :D)
      nvmd, will not work... tokens doesnt get the flag : Just Played

      update 15:16: try it again, (maybe some windfury minions will only attack once)
      (edit please post some logs directly after playing a secret (or enemy played one))
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    18. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      i'll try a paladin deck with secrets, and let's see how it goes :) i'll edit this post as soon as i find something :D
    19. obtkamer

      obtkamer New Member

      May 27, 2014
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      update... fixed the tokens (and also should fix the windfury) lets hope this update is the last one for this kind of issues :D (thanks for your help :D)

      (but as far as i can see in your logs, the data is now correct)
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    20. Jeffry

      Jeffry New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      now the attack seems to be fixed, i'm just waiting for the secret to post the log :D
      1 match done and i got no secred in the hand -.-

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