new EXE in SVN not in Data folde? but from ZIP file - in Data folder - is it normal? Is it mean that i always must use ZIP file?
for me first post is working
gg this bot sucks hearthbuddy 2 win 6 bad and hearthcrawler 9 win 1 bad. heartbuddy sucks. waste of money in this bot. a lot of bug.
dagoso I don't know what your issue is but I'm testing this with a zoo deck and its working almost perfectly from what I've seen so far, maybe you didn't start the exe or something? or maybe youre just trying to advertise another bot i dunno
actually am running into the issue where it is using the hero power way too much instead of playing cards guess i wasnt paying attention before edit: i included a log where it was doing this
I buy hearth buddy like 6 week ago and run a lot of problem every update is more problem. but if you think I am advertising well I don't care but one thing I now the other bot is the best. the developer here only care honorbuddy. I now my English sucks.
its a "server": the silver_controlHB-deck will write the data of the actual board in a textfile in the crrntbrd.txt file (after u used it once it will be there), silver.exe reads it (and deletes it (it writes only EoF in it(end of file)) calculates the "best" board, and writes the moves, that results in the "best" board to the actionstodo.txt-file... the bot will read that file (and delete it ) and do the moves. why i do this? the old version just gets the data from the api and calculates it themselves and do the moves... but the problem is, the calculations are done inside the hearthstone process, which makes them veeeeeeeerrrryyyyyyyy ssllllllllloooooooooooooooooooow. with the new method, calculations are 10 and more times fasther than the old one. Edit: the source for the external process process (its almost the same like the silver_controlHB.cs file + some additions for the communication) edit2: and if you ask why i use crappy txt-file communication: because System.Net isnt supported... (which i would need for sockets-communication)
guys the problem here is not Silverfish AI the problem here is hearthbuddy. because the developer don't give to much attention to hearthbuddy. Silverfish AI is the best but with the wrong bot.
heres another log of it using the hero power way too much instead of playing cards, not sure whats wrong with it seems to be doing it with every class
obtkamer! is it posible to do some action with arena? (bot always select 1st card, not best card. Maybe separate EXE maybe some one else?..