It is relatively low priority. This weekend is all about normal world quests and treasures. Then the focus will shift towards the more special things.
Yep no worries was just checking how functional its likely to be. Just remember you'll probably need built in stun usage to handle some of the bosses
An update for the Companion has just been submitted to the store and since it heavily affects World Quests, I am also posting the same thing here:
heya any chance u can say why my hunter is always focusing other players after he did a warden world quest i know they attacked me with aoe attack but can it just move on without shooting them they dont attack me but my hunter focus them after boss dies
hey so my profile isnt doing anything anymore... is it because the quests i have are just not in it yet??? i have attached the log
First off all i have to say : Im a big noob at this and i need some help to get this started. Everytime i try to start the bot it only says [Studio Companion]: Current profile (store:///Daily Studio / Legion World Quests and Treasures/Legion World Quests.xml) belongs to 'Legion World Quests' [Studio Companion]: Reading world quest status. [Studio Companion]: Updating status of 1 profile(s). Bot stopping! Reason: All done. What am i doing wrong?
Same answer for the both of you: Please open the world quest window and check the quest list. If all are listed in grey, then those quests are not active for various reasons. You can see the reason if you select a quest and look in the details box at the bottom left. Also: Does the same thing happen, when you open the companion and you click start on the first tab of the world quest window ?
If the bot attacks other players, then your combat routine made that decision. You can avoid that with this free plugin:
I dont know if this is right, but when i look in to something thats called available world quests it looks like this..
This may sound like a stupid question, but do you have QuestBot selected when you open the window? The configuration does not update with other bots. That may or may not include GoldBoss.
So this doesn't actually go around and pick up the world quests, it just completes the ones we have picked up?
I cite a few points from the product description: So I have absolutely no idea where you are getting that from. Well, unless you didn't read it. Then my apologies.
I need this because I do only 4 missions to get the chest. This would be useful for people that doesn't have a lot of time. EX: Screenshot by Lightshot
People who don't have a lot of time and only want to do emissary quests, wait for the currently submitted update to be approved so they can use this option
Please reinstall Honorbuddy by following this guide: Guide: How to perform a clean Installation I would also suggest you restart your computer once. It looks like you may have a hidden HB process that messes with your bot attaching to the game.
I have now restarted my pc with a new clean HB. But i still have the same problem. I msg you on the chatt