every 5. or 6. run i got the problems with the Venom Belcher, so toon forget to kill one and runs endless trough the door. Isnt it possible to put in a Counter? I think there are always the same amount of Belcher to kill.
I just wanted to say thank you for this. The reliability is amazing, making the runs successful almost all of the time. 15 runs successful, no mount. lol
Grats Weitt1! 41 runs is really good for the mount. @Bobbyv34: I don't know of a way to monitor how long it has been or the timer remaining on the instance reset. Adding a timer would be easy, but not everybody needs it. You must be really plowing through there pretty quick.
After taking a route through the courtyard to kill abominations, it should run to a few spots and target/pull them 1 by 1 whatever is left. Is yours not doing that? What class are you running?
It is supposed to take a lap around the courtyard pulling as many abominations as it can, and then go to a few select places and target and pull any that remain with ranged attacks. I assume your warrior has either a bow/xbow or a thrown weapon? If you are using the most recent version of the profile, it has support for both thrown and shoot for pulling. Did yours (on run 2) just stand there and not pull them? Any behavior done during combat is the CC, including movement. Any time it moves through the instance, I use the RunTo command, which will have HB automatically detect when something is in its path and proactively pull it to kill it. I did not micro-manage the pathing in the instance to try to avoid mob groups. They all die really fast anyway.
It looks like at the end of this log, it correctly exited the instance, waited 15 seconds, reset the instance, and tried to run back in, and then the bot stopped. Do you stop it? Did it get back inside correctly?
i've just tried 2 runs now. first run it missed 1 abom, and second run 2 aboms. just ran like 10 yards near them, then waited for some time in the yard center, then rushed into the closed door until i targeted the aboms manually. was running singular arms warrior cc.
Hmm I see the pattern that a lot of people reporting pull problems are warriors.... Is your warrior not manually targeting and then range-pulling the abominations? It should be using either Shoot or Throw.
My shaman keeps walking into the wall in the start of the instance. I guess it is because it tries to avoid Summon Enabler Stalker. What should i do?
The Summon Stalker Enablers are part of every instance and shouldn't be the problem for anybody. Are you starting the profile on Questing mode, and inside the Service Entrance (not the main entrance)? If so, please attach a log and I can try to figure out what's happening.
I'm gonna try running this as unholy instead of as frost and maybe that will slow it down a bit to actually be able to continuously run this.
Here is my log mate [15:43:02:644] Logging in... [15:43:03:108] Buddy Sessions: 0/0 ----- Shared - Pastebin.com
It looks like you got ganked while standing outside the instance waiting to reset it, and then HB freaked out trying to get back to your corpse. Code: [15:59:52:761] Goal: CTMoving to <3587.691, -3638.193, 138.4724> [15:59:52:761] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 3587.691 Y: -3638.193 [15:59:53:079] Activity: Finished! [15:59:53:178] Goal: Waiting for 15s of 15s [15:59:53:178] Activity: Wait time remaining... 15s... of 15s [15:59:53:282] Goal: Waiting for 14s of 15s [15:59:53:282] Activity: Wait time remaining... 14s... of 15s [15:59:54:226] Goal: Waiting for 13s of 15s [15:59:54:226] Activity: Wait time remaining... 13s... of 15s [15:59:56:125] Activity: Releasing from corpse [15:59:56:126] Activity: Releasing corpse [15:59:56:127] I died! [15:59:56:278] Activity: Releasing from corpse [15:59:56:344] Not in game [16:00:00:297] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True [16:00:02:941] ! Death #1 at 4.0 per hour fighting at x=3233.06,y=-4048.3,z=108.4405 [16:00:02:941] ! Kill #173 at 0 xp per hour fighting at x=3233.06,y=-4048.3,z=108.4405 I add a 15-second wait before resetting to allow peoples' WoW clients to load Azeroth before trying to run a macro (which would instantly log you out of WoW). The bot is vulnerable here regardless of the wait time, because if you get attacked when zoning out, your bot will auto-defend itself, even if you zone out into a Consecration or something like that with zero wait time. After your bot found your corpse, it tried to run back into the instance and failed, and then started running around Azeroth because the XYZ coords mean something entirely different outside rather than inside Stratholme. I suspect this messed up because it revived at its corpse outside the gate outside the entrance, and there isn't code to open that outside gate. Hopefully this doesn't happen too often. I was only ganked twice during my 60 or so bot runs through Strat.
after couple of runs i got the same problem as some posted before - the bot runs endlessly through the closed door and 1-2 venom belchers are left. I use it on my rogue and cant target them manually, if i stop/start the bot he runs back to the entrance :/
For any Dk's that were having trouble if you were running as unholy fixes the problem of running through to fast and finishing before resets are up.
Unless your gear or cc sucks the reset timer would be reached in any of the specs. The stuff in Strathlome melts