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  • [PAID] #DeathKnight

    Discussion in 'Death Knight' started by tolraucion, Jan 27, 2015.

    1. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Pressing the key ALLOWS Defile to be cast, it doesn't force the cast. This means that if other things take priority it will cast those. One of those things is Soul Reaper, which means (for Unholy at least) you will need to have Soul Reaper on cooldown, or two Unholy runes available. Diseases also take priority, as well as other cooldowns like Gargoyle or Dark Transformation.

      I'd prefer to not have the "Pause for X". Instead I'd like to solve the issues people are running into. I'm going to add a Raise Ally and Tier 6 talent hotkey in the next version. Does this solve most of your issues?

      Thanks for the logs, I'll do some more digging.
    2. urmumzzz

      urmumzzz Member

      Apr 28, 2014
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      That makes sense, thanks for the clarification :) Just to be sure though, having dps cooldowns enabled makes it so I don't have to use the hotkey, right?

      Yep, it would ;) Though I would personally prefer if Gorefiend's Grasp (and other T6 talents, though I don't use them as much) was used immediately on hotkey press (unlike Defile, which other stuff may take priority over), because it's a skill that can be needed on the fly, immediately even, in some situations helps the raid massively (Operator Thogar comes to mind, getting the adds closer as soon as possible for cleaves). Other people will probably vouch for this too ^^

      Thanks for listening
      Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
    3. cr0wley

      cr0wley New Member

      Jan 21, 2015
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      I'd love it if you'd be planning a #Warrior :D
    4. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      I'm glad you like my product! I will be doing #Warrior, but not as the next class. It will likely be the one after that though! ^_^
    5. mariola

      mariola Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Hello Tolrauction!

      I'm on the 2 day trial and was testing it on my 656 Unholy DK on a single Dummy.

      It is doing a lot less damage than TH Special Edition, at least on my toon. Also its not casting defile on the dummy, even though I've tried enabling it more than once.

      Here goes my last log.
      View attachment 7264 2015-02-21 03.36.txt

      When we use Dark Transformation, the bot should stop using Death Coil unless he has more than 80% RP, am I right or not? Your routine is dumping RP all the time...

      Spell usage listed in order of priority:

      [HIDE]Plague Leech when:
      Two runes are fully exhausted
      Diseases are about to expire
      Outbreak is off cooldown or within 1 GCD of coming off cooldown

      Soul Reaper when:
      The target will reach execute range within 5 seconds
      The target is at or below 45%

      Blood Tap when:
      A rune is needed to Soul Reaper

      Breath of SIndragosa when:
      Runic Power is at 75
      A Blood, Frost, and Unholy rune is recharged
      Blood Charges is at 10

      Summon Gargoyle when:
      It is off-cooldown

      Unholy Blight when:
      Disease(s) are not ticking on any target

      Outbreak when:
      Disease(s) are not ticking on any target

      Plague Strike when:
      Disease(s) are not ticking on any target

      Blood Boil when:
      Diseases are not ticking on 2 or more targets

      Defile when:
      The target will remain in the ground effect for most of its duration

      Death and Decay when:
      Two or more targets are in range of each other
      The targets will remain in the ground effect for most of its duration
      Both Unholy runes are capped

      Festering Strike when:
      Both Blood and Frost runes are capped

      Scourge Strike when:
      Both Unholy runes are capped

      Festering Strike when:
      The duration of Necrotic Plague does not match or exceed the time remaining on Unholy Blight’s cooldown

      Death and Decay when:
      Two or more targets are in range of each other
      The targets will remain in the ground effect for most of its duration

      Blood Boil when:
      Four or more targets are within 15 yards of each other
      A Death rune is recharged

      Dark Transformation when:
      Shadow Infusion is at 5 stacks

      Outbreak when:
      Necrotic Plague is not at 15 stacks

      Blood Tap when:
      Blood Charges are at 10 or more

      Death Coil when:
      Sudden Doom proc is active
      Runic power is greater than 80
      Blood Charges are less than or equal to 10

      Scourge Strike when:
      An Unholy or Death rune is recharged

      Festering Strike when:
      A pair of Blood and Frost runes are recharged

      Blood Tap when:
      Blood Charges are at 5 or more

      Death Coil when:
      You have enough Runic Power

      Empower Rune Weapon when:
      All runes are exhausted
      Runic Power is exhausted

      Army of the Dead when:
      6 seconds before the pull
      You are unable to attack anything

      I hope you don't get offended by my post. If anything is wrong please correct me.

      Plus if you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Been playing DKs since their release, so I might have something to add up!

    6. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      The routine isn't working for you, and I'd need some more information to debug it. For some reason it's spamming Plague Strike which is 100% wrong. It seems like it can't find your diseases on the target. Send me a PM with your skype name, I'd love to know how this is happening so I can fix it.

      This is no longer the case, saving RP for getting your pet up delays procs on your rune generation and lowers DPS. I had it setup to do this originally and saw a rather substantial DPS loss.
    7. mariola

      mariola Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Sent you the p.m.
    8. urmumzzz

      urmumzzz Member

      Apr 28, 2014
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      Any ETA on the next version, by the way?
      Not trying to rush you, I'm just kind of eager for the new changes :p
    9. Dkding

      Dkding New Member

      Feb 23, 2015
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      Morning All,

      I was just wondering if this supports Blood spec well and if anyone has any experience of this routine in Blood spec… if so how well does it perform?

      I’m currently using Pastarke’s free Blood DK tank routine and it functions great although I find the dps slightly low.

      Thanks in advance.
    10. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      I'm working on debugging some stuff and working on getting some other stuff finished. It will probably be later this week ^_^
      I am not a MT, but when I OT it works out well. With that being said, tanking is all about cooldown usage not base rotation, and you'll have to do your own cooldowns to do very well. If you let #DeathKnight use your cooldowns it'll do alright, but you won't be a great tank.
    11. Dkding

      Dkding New Member

      Feb 23, 2015
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      Thanks for the fast response :). I would be manually using all cooldowns as that's obviously required. I was more wondering from a dps perspective? What sort of numbers it can do in comparison to the free Blood routine for example :)
    12. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      You'll have to test that yourself, you can use the free trial if you want.
    13. Dkding

      Dkding New Member

      Feb 23, 2015
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      I shall give it a shot after reset and do a comparison :). Thanks for the speedy responses
    14. geo

      geo New Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      hey tolraucion , have you fixed the crashing when stoping the bot and the orc racial?
    15. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      I haven't seen a crash in a while using my dev version, and I still don't know what's wrong with the orc racial. As I said earlier though, the next version should be out this week.
    16. evilsider

      evilsider New Member

      Dec 29, 2014
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      Greetings tolraucion,

      1st of all great routine, already bought it!

      Here's my fair share of feedback on it:

      1. I think the DnD/Defile hotkey is either not properly working, or I don't know how to use it /or/ what exactly it does. So I will just ask a question: is it possible to make it cast DnD/Defile whenever I want, by pressing a hotkey (preferably binded by myself)? The reason I ask is because it takes a bit long for the bot to realize it has to AoE, and by the time he casts it you have already lost lots of dps. For example the add waves at Beastlord Darmac - by the time bot casts DnD the adds are down to 15-20% HP.

      2. I noticed the bot doesn't always go for AoE rotation when there are 3+ enemies in range and the conditions for AoE are ideal (no dark transformation, no execute, no RP caps). He practically continues the single target rotation with 4 death runes available and no bigger priority than AoE.

      3. I'm not 100% certain of this one, but I believe I saw him cast Festering Strike a couple of times by using 2 death runes, instead of using them for standard rotation purposes. Also I'm not entirely sure if this has anything to do with extending disease duration or anything, but if it's not intended it should definetly be looked into.

      And some addition suggestions:
      1. I believe Soul Reaper is best to be cast at 46% HP in almost all the cases where you start your execute phase.
      2. Use racials when bursting (I'm an orc and it doesn't use my racial).

      Finally I would like to apologize for not providing logs to support my words, but this feedback was gathered throughout 2 weeks of raids I did with the CR and I don't know which one corresponds to which point. Anyways, I'm sure in my words since I play DK for quite some while now, and if you find such kind of feedback useful I'm sure I can find more things that would be nice to be adjusted or even added as features to the CR.
    17. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Pressing the hotkey "requests" that DnD be cast. This does not mean that it will be. DnD doesn't take priority over Soul Reaper and as such will not be used if Soul Reaper is available or will be soon. Also, the bot realizes when to do AoE faster than any human can. However, it also won't AoE if it will be a damage loss. AoE is not considered when AoE is disabled, and without logs I have no way of knowing whether it was or not. My DK is in the top 10 for DPS on Beastlord so I know it works well for this fight in particular. Let it do it's job ^_-

      The CR calculates your AoE point, that means it could be higher than three. Dark Transformation is a massive single target damage increase and is one of the highest priority spells even in single target. With that being said, your issue here has nothing to do with the CR not triggering AoE. You're, instead, pointing out a freeze in the CR that I am aware of and am trying to track down. Logs would be great here!

      Festering Strike should be used with Death runes when you're using Necrotic Plague.

      Soul Reaper at 46% isn't a bad idea, and the Orc racial is a bug that will be fixed in the next version.

      Thanks for the feedback, I always find it useful. With that being said, logs aren't always for confirmation, in fact many times they are used for debugging purposes. If you see a problem, send a log. It helps me out greatly.
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
    18. b3rz3rk

      b3rz3rk Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      I might be a bit late with this report, but I think the bot is not working correctly on Kromog hands. Included a log from last sunday, i got more logs too if you want but in this one its clear that it happens. CR only spams Blood boil when gripped my Kromog hand.
      View attachment 95444 2015-02-22 22.10.txt
    19. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Thanks for the report and the log! I think this is fixed in the next version, but I haven't had a chance to test with HB being down.
    20. dsetser

      dsetser New Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      To anyone who is on the fence with this CR, jump over. This is bar none the best bang for buck on the buddystore. With 6.1 update I'm able to maintain 15np with 100% up-time and have bursted over 62k on single target dps with 684ilvl. The ability of this CR to adapt to the different buffs and change spell priorities on the fly will allow you to spend less time configuring a ton of different class config options and more time hitting top meters. Frost rotation is great for pvp and have great success with it. Wanted to say thanks for the great CR Tolraucion; it's obvious how much work has gone into this and for keeping it contstantly up to date. 10/10

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