Is there any way we could get this to work for leveling? Some level checks for the spells that aren't the best at 65 etc? A lot of routines lately are getting geared twords 65 and then we have new users show up trying to level their chars and getting frustrated. Would be nice if it was max dps + okish for leveling.
Yeah thats true...but this routine costs lots of nerves for Cass and me. And i dont realy know C# at all so must google every step) This routine has to many checks for procs...dont realy know if we can add more spells in it would it still be stable Current default routine is good enough for leveling. But later new user must change this routine by hands...well may be Cass can help us and add some leveling params to it...
Should be a real simple way to do this: in the rotationselector, just create a new rotation with a level lock. This is in the DefaultCombat.cs: Code: _combat = new Decorator(ret => !CombatHotkeys.PauseRotation, new PrioritySelector( Spell.WaitForCast(), MedPack.UseItem(ret => BuddyTor.Me.HealthPercent <= 30), Targeting.ScanTargets, b.Cooldowns, new Decorator(ret => CombatHotkeys.EnableAoe, b.AreaOfEffect), b.SingleTarget)); Just add a new Decorator(ret => Me.Level < 65, b.levelingSingleTarget));
Thats it! I made a fresh toon and lvled him to 40 to check the rotation. This baby have now level checks for skills and buffs so it will still follow priorities as you level and it wont mess with lv65 rotation, but its all together. Only messy part its between 26 and 40 that when you have maul but dont have duplicity yet, but for frontal fights it doesnt matter anyway so the other skills works just fine. Enjoy.
Hi, im playing Republic shadow version of deception. Wondering if u could change spells name so i could try this routine, Would really love to try it out. Ty