I was directed to talk to you about this, since apparently this is an issues with the Fate Bot and not Fate Hunter plugin. So, in areas like South Thanalan where they're big zones and have more then one Aethernet crystal in them, is there anyone for the bot to check if the fate is closer to the other crystal before running there? It was quite annoying having the bot run all the way through level 47+ mobs from Forgotten Springs up to Little Ahmingo just to run right back after the fate is over. Also with Costa Del Sol and Wineport, it won't teleport between the two sides of the zone and do both fates. That would be really helpful.
Would it be possible to add a triple mooch or to protect against further triple+ mooching in the future add an option to mooch as long as the option is available? There is a triple mooch fish that I want to fish, but if double mooching doesn't already mooch if available and just counts out 2 moochs i'd be a sad fisherlady.
Is it possible with the current tools to create and implement a priority list for the FateBot in addition to the blacklist? Specifically have a general sort, then more conditions based upon things like proximity and/or completion percentage?
Try editing FishBotSettings.json with notepad and then starting the bot. That should work, but is untested. I've got stuff in place for a weighting system but haven't had time to implement a nice way to adjust any of the values yet.
I take it by just changing the 2 to a 3, correct? If that is the case will I simply need to just start/stop the fishing bot for the changes to take effect, or do I have to restart the entire app? Also, thanks very much for the suggestion, and reply. Tried saving the file, then restarting entirely, and it just set the mooch # back to 2.
I agree with that! It would be a good way for farming Mytho and Martiaux! If you could put it in the priority list! I think I would not need to go find another bot!
Thanks again for the time, I did that, and it stayed set. That being said when it starts there are three options, a blank one, a single, and the double. If I hit start while on the blank one that is default after editing the file, it says starting Fishbro or something like that, but nothing happens, not casting etc. If I move it to single it will cast np, and if I attempt to put it on double I cannot physically get the drop-down to go that low. I appreciate the suggestion for the temp fix though, really appreciate it actually I realize you're busy.
New beta here: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...rnbuddy-version-1-0-152-a-15.html#post1591428 I've done a ton of work on providing unique paths so that itll be harder for others to notice that you are a bot. I'm seeking feedback on these changes as they are substantial before pushing them to live.
The link is broken, it's been truncated. For anyone wondering where the beta atually is that can't click to the end of the RB release thread, click here
hunts under meh? really?! Do they suck? you bet. Are they boring? uh huh! (more reasons to have the bot for them) Are they argueably the most profitable (in terms of game advancement) action that can be done with currently available bot(s)? Im thinking so.... So just curious why meh? /switches around pvp and hunts. Pvp in a Final fantasy game is "meh" if you ask me Aaaaanyhow - officially firing up rebornbuddy for the first time tonight, anticipate posts
While I don't want to be second guessing, from my point of view I think it's because of how hard it is to implement. Hunts require other people and dodging AoE mechanics to prevail, which are both really hard to bot. I can't even think of currently implemented systems to do it with. On the other hand, Frontlines is basically PvP with some capturing mechanics alongside some normal mob killing, it's a team thing but doesn't necessitate winning to grab rewards.
There was another thread on the features that would be required for a hunt bot, with the general conclusion 'how is this even going to work'.
A Hunt bot would never work. Unless the bot could hear voice comms and read LS/FC chat. Most people can barely make it to a Hunt doing both of those, much less a bot. Even if you just had the bot roam some zones for hunt targets, you better not attack the target before other people get there or else you'll have tons of people mad at you (and probably reporting you). If you waited for the mob to be attacked, you'd probably get little to no credit since you wouldn't be in a party. tl;dr I don't see how a Hunt bot would work. I think dev time would be better spent on Pathing, Combat, and Interaction (talking to repair NPCs when gear is damaged, managing Fates better, improving Combat Assist capabilities, etc.).
I agree with the point on the hunt bot, its not going to be reliable. What would be better is Crafting capabilities, Repair interaction, NPC interaction (like seaports), AoE Avoidance Pathing, As for combat assistance capabilities, it would be excellent to be able to read what enemy characters are casting and see into that "spelldata". If more data could be surfaced for improving bot intelligence, I could write a bot to automate boss fights. Also access to the combat log would be interesting.