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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by mastahg, Jul 13, 2014.

    1. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      I'm assuming you mean movement and not targeting. Targeting totally changes target to closest add at all times XD.
      I really really wish that #2 would check if pull/combat behaviors are active XD but oh well


      btw, your fatebot sourcecode would be awesome XD but it's a good project for me if not :D
      Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
    2. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Granted no one gives a shit about us botters in ff14arr but that un stucking bullshit in hb was the direct result in hundreds if not thousands of banns in wow.. I would much rather the bot detect it's stuck ( quickly) stop all movement log the stuck location on the mesh, auto support the stuck report to the core DEVS and log out the game..
    3. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Yeah, I didn't mean to straight rip the HB unstuck, but just any kind of stuck detection rather than just running into a wall for hours. If the <pos> of the player hasn't changed in 10+ seconds the bot could just generate a path to a random point within 20 yards, path to it, then generate the path to the original location again. Obviously it's easier said than done but the feature would still be nice (and technically, if the bot could detect when it was stuck, mastahg could have it auto-generate a "stuck" log in the nav server when "unstuck" requests are sent to it). Then he wouldn't have to worry about users not submitting their logs properly in the nav thread. :p
    4. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      That would be nice.
    5. Dgame

      Dgame Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Would be a Godsend.
    6. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      I couldn't do anything with sending server data and I don't know how to prevent nav call conflicts so I would be afraid to use that and possibly cause even weirder behavior. It's very very easy to make a plugin that kills the bot if you're stuck though...if you guys promise to still report mesh errors I guess I can post it...

      I've only seen a stuck once though and it looked like it was just running into the wall, not run/stop/run/stop.

      I need to know for the plugin whether it's a continuous run or a run/stop loop
    7. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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    8. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Can I ask why ? I would much rather come home to my bot logged off then to find it running into a cliff all day whilst im at work :)

      I have no issues posting stuck locations
    9. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Orderbot ate so much that I haven't been updating this post. Crafting is the current target. Going to try and get something out next week.
    10. Yasuko

      Yasuko Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      Thank you for this.. While my autohotkey script is doing fine for pressing hq macros.. this would be greatly appreciated for higher master crafts
    11. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Crafting support is in a good place. I need to add a few more features to dump currently known recipes but its a pain. Currently working on parsing the games battle&chat logs.
    12. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Maybe this might help you Mashtahg, Miter and I were working on recipes data for a crafting bot earlier today, and we got the entire game's item database scraped into a small .bin file with all the recipes in the game. The file is serialized with protobuf, which is already on rebornbuddy.
    13. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      There are like 3-4 things you could use to store stuff in RB and you pick one of the worst/silliest.

      Getting the data for the recipes is not hard...thats already exposed and accessible(and we don't store it cause there are differences between the global and cn recipes which is why you shouldn't store data and assume its valid for all users...) the hard part is scraping all the known recipes cause its stored under like 4 layers of abstraction in an overcomplex storage system. So im probably going to to have it dump the currently listed recipes.
    14. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Hmm, alright. On another note, something that I noticed is missing and would be very helpful is the recipe's level. It's mainly used in the progress formulas to know if the next synth will finish the recipe or not. Don't know how hard it would be to expose that on RecipeData though.
    15. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Added to the todo list.
    16. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      But yeah, having a way to get an enumerable with all the RecipeDatas the player knows would make the crafting bot I'm working on way simpler. It would remove the need to have a separate recipe db entirely.
    17. iyake

      iyake Member

      Oct 19, 2014
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      If you're taking requests:

      - Stats from the character screen. Mainly want control/craftsmanship. I've tried tallying from equipped gear, but that doesn't include the stats from melded materia. (Could also include api functionality to read materia stats, and we could figure out total stats from tallying then)

      - market board data and retainer selling api. I'd love to be able to automate undercutting/scanning+buying below certain pricepoints, etc.
    18. Prodiniz

      Prodiniz Member

      Jan 10, 2014
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      Please don't do this.

      In no way do I want to compete on the MB with automated bots that will undercut me in 30 seconds. Not to mention if bots control the market like that things will devalue quickly as bots start undercutting each other.(I don't need to debate this...I've seen it happen). Even if you set a "price range" another bot will simply have a lower bottom line and you're stuck with the same problem.

      Secondly....SE monitors Gil and the MB in this game VERY heavily and if a particular bot were to infiltrate the MB and economy in this way I have NO doubt SE would be all over that shit. This is just not a feature I want to see happen.

      There ARE, however, two features that I would love to see that I think could really benefit this bot.

      1. Dungeon Runner.
      I understand this would be a major undertaking, but giving the bot the ability to generate tomes would be a HUGE benefit. Maybe it's even possible to set it up with the base mechanics/nav mesh then let the user community do profiles for each dungeon for the classes they have. Would be awesome to let the bot run a string of dungeons overnight to cap tomes. It might even lead to some really awesome user profiles for specific fights like Twintania or more current content. Overall the benefits would be huge imo.

      2. A profile generator for orderbot.
      Over a year ago, when you first introduced the orderbot function you said you had an interface in the works. I really would like that interface. It doesn't have to include every feasible option of orderbot's capability at first, just the basics (ex. a gathering tab for non-unspoiled node gathering). Functionality could be added as time goes on. The older tools you provided were great, but are more/less obsolete since they don't gather/grind between zones, use the nav mesh and don't have any functionality for unspoiled nodes.

      I know your overall response to something like this is "the tools to learn how to make profiles/plugins is there. Go use them", but it's counter intuitive to spend 2hrs a day, for 2 weeks to learn how to code xml or treesharp to make a plugin or profile only to still not understand it properly cause I'm an idiot. I could have just spent that time playing the game doing the thing I'm trying to bot and been done with it. Additionally I'm sure many of us just don't have the extra time to learn those tools and still play the game. Endus is a perfect example (he's said that lately he spends more time developing his CR than he gets to even play the game lol).

      Anyway, I apologize if that sounded rantish, it's not meant to be. It's just meant as honest feedback that hopefully will help build a better bot. I appreciate RB and the community that's helped build it.
    19. Dgame

      Dgame Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      ^This. I owe you a beer.
    20. Azoth

      Azoth Member

      Mar 6, 2014
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      A couple of points. WoW had auction plugins since the beginning of time, which basically do the same thing you're hoping against, and the server economies are fine. Strictly speaking, if bots undercutting each other causes the price to drop, then the price was higher than it should have been to begin with. You can not want to debate it all you like, but that's just basic economics. Presuming that actual supply doesn't increase (as an example, we'll use shards, and assume that shards aren't farmed any more than they were before), more supply-side market activity only drives the price to equilibrium. If it does go down, then there was what we'll call a 'laziness premium' from people not wanting to fiddle with their prices all the time (we see this in the real world too, just on a much smaller scale). Regardless, the server as a whole will be better off, as buyers who would not have purchased at the higher price, do purchase at the lower price. YOU might be worse off, if you were a major supplier, but I suppose as a community of botters we kinda give the middle finger to everyone else anyways, as long as it benefits us.

      In regards to your concerns about SE monitors, it seems to be in contradiction to your Dungeon runner idea. I don't doubt that SE monitors gil transfers, through whatever means, carefully so as to combat RMT and such. However, if you're really worried about detection then dungeon bots would be among the last things you'd use, at least in the form that we'd be likely to get. Perhaps someday we'll have a dungeon bot that paths through perfectly, stays with the party, handles each boss's mechanics, etc., but that day is not for years. I don't know about you, but I personally have seen obvious bots in dungeons, like level 50 gladiators with no other class/jobs unlocked, in quest gear, who never talked or interacted with the party. Granted that's at the extreme end of obvious, but if you're dungeon botting every week to hit your cap though, I can promise that the reports will add up sooner rather than later. Its one thing to bot in a 20-40 man battleground/frontlines where you can get lost in the crowd; another to do so in a 4 man dungeon where you play a crucial role.
      That's not to say that I'm opposed to a dungeon bot, as it is a major feature that RB is missing atm. However, we have to face the likelihood that it would make detection an order of magnitude more likely. Right now SE is pretty lax in regards to botting; I'd hate to see that change due to a flood of complaints about bots standing in the fire.
      (Another possibility is a dungeon bot designed for 4 bots to party together and do shit, but I wont go into that as multi-botting seems to be a more niche segment)

      Orderbot profile generator. I agree with this. Orderbot profiles just seems more complex than the others, and has many more cases where you'd want to create your own profile for a specific scenario (as opposed to creating your own combat routine). Given RB's relatively small community, I think it would help to reduce design restrictions where possible, so that people can contribute (and perhaps provide a starting point for more skilled developers) without having extensive coding background.

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