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  • Did Bliz change the Tos ? How can we protect against it???

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by hblover31, May 24, 2013.

    1. wasted1212

      wasted1212 New Member

      Apr 18, 2013
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      I wish I knew what I posted. lol. Stuff makes no sense to me. Im not a programmer, im just a gamer. But if anyone can post a how to on how to do this, that would be great.
    2. Lipadoza

      Lipadoza New Member

      Mar 5, 2012
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      Lol, blizzard has been reading your PC's RAM since the oldschool days, there is nothing new here.
      Back in the vanilla days it actually scanned your whole computer, but due to privacy complaints they changed it to only reading WoW's address space. (learn how ram works if u dont understand that)

      This way they can detect injection, however, honorbuddy is (and always been) using stuff like dynamic addresses, smart memory reading and only directly writing to the memory for a second to cover it up with the original bytes only seconds later(HBRelog does this).

      There is nothing to be afraid off, nothing changed, you dont have to rename anything and this is just useless fear spreading.

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