nice cc thnx is it also for lvling a charachter to 85? does this also works in arena when playing with another m8?
If you want to use this for below lvl 85, make sure you set skills you dont have to zero. A cancast check was made for each spell cast, so if you dont have it, I would assume you cant cast it. Prayer of healing is dependent on the party lists being collected. The CC is set to collect them every 20-30 seconds if your complete party is there and you are not in combat. So it should get the list when you are gathered at the start, and only regather list if you are out of combat and your whole team is with you. It is highly improbable that a list would be regathered in a bg. If you want to use it in bgs, set the number needed to 2. This way if 2 members of the same party are around you and hurt, it will cast.
Keep up the good work jasf i've been using discc CC and Holy Cow and am looking forward to seeing a holy priest version. Currently my guild are working on Spine of Deathwing where we get a debuff named Searing Plasma. So i was looking at the possibility of doing a check when all raid members have over 90% hp checking again for the first person in the raid group with the buff Searing Plasma and healing them with Heal or Holy Light. Spell = 105469 109362 109363 109364 109379
Yes I can look at that. Unfortunately, my raid team only made it past ultraxion and then disbanded b/c people left. I will have to see if this buff is in LFR to test. News Disc CC is now called Doubt when you select a CC. It is also included in What this means is that I had to change the dispel list location. But don't worry! if you just click the save button, a new one will be generated. I also included the one i use in the SVN so you can just copy it to your config folder if you wish.
I wouldn't advise using it with raidbot unless your 100% confident as it's gonna spam your spells and you won't be able to intervene if needed.
Here is some code for what you guys want. Ill tell you where to put it for it you want to try it out. place this part in HolyPaladin.cs or Disc.cs. You can put it anywhere in the class file just as long as it is its own method. (look at other methods like it) PHP: private WoWPlayer GetSearingPlasmaTarget() { return (from unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(true, true) orderby unit.HealthPercent ascending where (unit.IsInMyPartyOrRaid || unit.IsMe) where !PlayerBlacklisted(unit.Name) where !unit.Dead where !unit.IsGhost where unit.IsFriendly where unit.HasAura("Searing Plasma") where unit.Distance < 40 where unit.InLineOfSight where unit.HealthPercent < 95 select unit).FirstOrDefault(); } This part goes towards the end of your healing rotation. Right before Holy Light or Heal. It works just like the beacon healing. If your target doesn't have the searing plasma buff, then it will see if one does and switch to it. If you put it right before Heal or Holy Light, then those are the only spell that will benefit from it. PHP: if (!tar.HasAura("Searing Plasma") && GetSearingPlasmaTarget()!=null) { WoWPlayer plasmaTar = GetSearingPlasmaTarget(); tar = plasmaTar; Logging.Write("Searing Plasma Healing"); } I would put this in the svn, but I have no way to test it since my raid team broke up.
I managed to get into the deathwing fight on a guild run. I ended up moving prayer of healing down in the healing priority, below penance and flash heal also i guess. It was pretty necessary to stop people from dying. We used 1 tank, 2 healers, and 7 dps for the fight. I'm going to do some more testing of this and may release it soon. I didn't notice the plasma buff. Pretty intense healing the whole time. The other healer spammed HR the whole time, so if I did anything that didn't involve saving lives then people would have died.
I really love this CC. I just wanted to let you know. I hope you keep it up because I really have fun again on my priest with it.
Is there a way I can set it to not use fear ward on cd? It's not a big deal if not. Just don't see a reason to cast it when fighting things that don't cast fear.
Oh lol I didnt think there were class config. I feel dumb now. Anyways amazing cc, just runing heroics but it's very good thanks alot.
I've been using this CC in RBGs, with mostly good results. My only questions are as follows: when in a BG with a flag to carry, I manually set our FC to tank in Lazyraider. In other BGs I set it to run without a tank. In either case, the CC seems reluctant to PW: S anyone but myself, preferring to cast heals as opposed to shields, even in times of light damage, and I've played with the settings extensively, with no improved results. Any idea why this happens? Also, it will not cast Pain Suppression at all on it's own, which I would only use on the FC in most cases and I do myself, but I'm also wondering if there's any reason that it's not doing it itself.