My guild doesn't know anything about my bot, it has 750 members, and the Guild Master was online 2 months ago, it's very inactive and it's a great level 25 guild because the busiest it gets it pretty much 6 people online, me and my friends use it for botting and it has 20g repairs every day for free.
I haven't told anyone, but I think at least a few people in my guild knows or at least suspects it. The previous GM called me out on it once and I think the officers discussed it previously, but nothing happend. Also, the fact that there is at least 2 GM's playing in my guild just makes it even more fun, since they dont want to lose their best healer "Little bro playing" or "deny, deny, deny" usually works otherwise
A few officers of my guild know I think. I have never told them - but I don't see how they don't know. They don't seem to care. They ask me for random things from time to time (mats, etc), and have never complained.
My guild is full with my toons, so they probably know it ahahahahaha, 20g per day... I have to join that guild
As much as I am on, and don't talk, they are stupid if they don't think it, but no one has ever asked, and i don't share that over wow chat lol
low end guilds really don't care apart from some, high end guilds really hate you botting so it's better to make another character and only log onto to the "raiding" character and switch back to the botting character which is the best way. sometimes you make so much gold, I ended up just buying the guild of many members and using it for my gold storage.
i got the bot via a guild member that's a hb profile writer... as for telling them, GM had him bot the guild Stay Classy, fish feasts, leather, etc. because its helpful to the guild to provide things for cheap/free
I'm a GM of a 900+ member lvl 25 guild, I bot on 2 alts. Nobody knows. I regularly kick the uldum bots in SOR gear.
I have corrupted my GM as well as all 10 of our officers in my guild, they all now use honorbuddy. And it's a 25 man guild with 1,100 members. Always a minimum of 30-40 players online or up to as many as 300 at one time. All the officera and the GM are all core raiders, using Lazyraider for raiding. It is quite funny to do a DS run with everyone in the raid using HB.
I only have my girlfriend and a real life friend who know it ( who are in my mains guild, different from my B_ ), and I don't plan to tell any ingame people I do ...
The other day, I had an alt using the questing bot and I had to leave for an emergency. I didn't bother turning the bot off before I left. When it came time for the raid, everyone could see my alt online and moving around. One of my friends even texted me that it was raid time. All in all it was pretty funny. I told them it was my little brother, no one seemed to really care at all.
Personally I would not let a guild know. Only two of my real life friends know that I bot. They don't know the names of my farmer accounts. They just know the names of characters on my main battlenet account. One of my friends offered to help level one of my botters but I simply said no thanks.
If you can realy trust your guild why not only my IRL friends know and one purchased a bot to so we can talk about it and share profiles
No You just need 1 upset/jealous/drama queen guy to fck your entire account if he knows how to do it. Plus in the guild where i have my main i just have another alt, the others are just spread between other guilds and a personal GBank.
I own my own guild. They don't know. I tell them that my kids play my toons, and they aren't allowed to talk when they play. I also tell them that it's part of the reason I have a guild, because then the kids don't get harassed. The 3 people in my guild that know are my wife (duh), my RL friend of 15+ years (he bots too, because of me) and another RL friend, that's likely to start botting. If he does, then there will be 4 people that know, because of his wife! I used to let my guild know, and I have a banned account now. And no amount of petitioning has helped to this point, been banned a year. My wife and I are fairly certain that the guild drama queen reported the botting. Shortly after I got banned, she got guild leadership somehow and booted all my toons and all my wifes, along with about 3 or 4 other friends. So no, it's not good to tell your guild.
My guild never knew that I botted. I was the main holy paladin for our heroic DW runs. I healed them like a true boss (custom made profiles with PQR), and they were like "wow u best healer", etc etc. I never admitted it because if I did, I would have been banned. /popcorn This was about 5 months ago when we were bored of killing DW all over and over and then we quit.