Why? Why not: 1 character per guild as GM 4 characters to run the dungeons Total: 15 level 90s total. The 4 dungeon runners switch guilds all the time. The GM is the 5th on each run.
Which Dungeons are you finding easiest to Bot? Are you 100% botting these, or are you say controlling 1 character?
nice wau of thinking bro! I used to do this when I multiboxed allot. I think that this is a create way to be "humanlike"
Im botting all 5 characters in Random MoP dungeons and Scenarios. A few dungeons/scenarios have a few "stuck spots" if i could find a way to make the group just rejoin a new dungeon if inactive for more than 10 min then it could pretty much manage itself besides the BoE selling and guild hopping. The easiest dungeon where i never get stuck is probably scarlet monastery. and the easiest Scenario that im never stuck in is A brewing Storm. So if u dont want the random bonuses, gold and valor points i would suggest to specific join theese.
You could do that. I leveled all 5 together with Raf in Dungeons from 1-90. Took me like 3 days, its pretty much afk'able till MoP dungeons. only problem i had was when 1 guy dinged, lets say 70, the others were still maybe 69 and couldn't join the "Random Wotlk dungeons coz they were to low level. So i just went and did the ring of blood everytime i hit a milestone like that. and then gear requirements for Wotlk, Cata and MoP is pretty hard to reach with just dungeons so u might have to buy gear from AH to get ur Ilvls up. I could manage with the gold i got from the bots myself, didn't need any outside gold.