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  • DungeonBuddy Working Instances List

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Valkafar, Jun 30, 2012.

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    1. AzerothGuide

      AzerothGuide New Member

      Oct 20, 2011
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      Dungeon Name: Azjol Nerub​

      Role Used: DPS, Rogue​

      DUNGEON STATUS (below): ​

      Fully AFKable?[X]​

      Minor Issues? [ ]​

      Major Issues? [ ]​

      Issue Explanation:​

      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: ​

      b)What bot does or does not do?:​

      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): ​

      d)Suggested solution(If any):​
    2. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      Date of Test: 30-06-2012
      Dungeon Name: Shadowfang Keep
      Role Used: Full group H R M T
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[]
      Minor Issues? [x]
      Major Issues? []
      Optional Bosses: Off
      Loot: Bosses Only
      Issue Explanation Minor (ONLY TANK RELATED):
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: After the first Boss, the door. Happens again after Lord Walden.
      b)What bot does or does not do?:Want to run through the door. Isnt open yet. Problem is not running against it, problem is triggering the unstuck routine and derping around.
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Stuck
      d)Suggested solution(If any): Add a wait timer or an "open door" detection.

      Issue Explanation Minor (ONLY Meele RELATED):
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: Commander Springvale.
      b)What bot does or does not do?:Stands in aoe like a boss and dies.
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Death
      d)Suggested solution(If any): Force standing behind the boss.

      Issue Explanation Minor :
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: Commander Springvale.
      b)What bot does or does not do?:Runs away from [DungeonBuddy]: Running from Desecration Stalker but runs waaaaay tooo far and sometimes runs out of sight and gets stuck etc.
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Death stuck wipe, depends on luck
      d)Suggested solution(If any): Dont move so far maybe? :p
      Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
    3. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      Date of Test: 30-06-2012
      Dungeon Name: Blackfathom Deeps
      Role Used: Full group H R M T
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[]
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Optional Bosses: Off
      Loot: Bosses Only

      Issue Explanation Major:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: Start of the Instance when it get's wet the first time and you need to jump over the water.
      b)What bot does or does not do?:Doesnt jump, just falls down, Tank completly bugs out and stands still.
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Stuck
      d)Suggested solution(If any):
      Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
    4. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      Date of Test: 30-06-2012
      Dungeon Name: Stockades
      Role Used: Full group H R M T
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[]
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Optional Bosses: Off
      Loot: Bosses Only

      Issue Explanation Major:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: They run for like 30m. then fight a few mobs and completly stop, no reaction, nothing.
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Then fight a few mobs and completly stop, no reaction, nothing. Debug log is empty, will provide one if asked.
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Stuck
      d)Suggested solution(If any):
      Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
    5. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dungeon Name: Halls of Stone
      Role Used: Healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [ ]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): After killing Krystallus
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Doesn't jump down after killing him
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Possible wipe an kick for being a newb as he tries to run round
      d)Suggested solution (If any): Make it jump down after killing Krystallus

      Other than the jumping down it's afkable.

      Kick added jumplink though Krystallus' hole
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2012
    6. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      Date of Test: 01-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: Gnomeregan
      Role Used: Full group H R M T
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[x]
      Minor Issues? [x]
      Major Issues? []
      Optional Bosses: Off
      Loot: Bosses Only

      Issue Explanation Minor:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: All Edges
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Walks to close and falls down a lot.
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): death
      d)Suggested solution(If any):
      Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
    7. pbettell

      pbettell Member

      Mar 14, 2010
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      Dungeon Name: The Deadmines (low level)
      Role Used: 5 Man team
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [ ]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [X]
      Issue Explanation:
      The issue appears to be with the boss avoid bad system. Helix Gearbreaker encounter has a large quantity of "Sticky Bombs" dropped, and the bot's avoidance system seems to always end up in a corner humping the wall to try and get away from them. I think that a reduction of the avoidance distance (seems to be about 10 - 15 yards) to around 5 yards should fix this - I attempted with a full group 7 times, and each time resulted in a wipe when heals and tank ended up trapped in a corner attempting to "avoid" bombs that were trapping them in. The other alternative is to just turn the avoidance off completely. I'm intending to try this by modifying the script, but it'll be trial and error.
    8. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      Date of Test: 01-07-2012
      Dungeon Name: Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
      Role Used: Full group H R M T
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[]
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Optional Bosses: Off
      Loot: Bosses Only

      Issue Explanation Major:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: Entrance of the Instance
      b)What bot does or does not do?: If they DIE the do not move through the instance portal, they stand right in front of it like 5 yards away.
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): stuck
      d)Suggested solution(If any):
      Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
    9. huffdady

      huffdady New Member

      Apr 4, 2012
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      Dungeon Name:Razorfen Krual
      Role Used: TANK WARRIOR
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[X ]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation: Works perfectly, though i would recomend setting it to kill all bosses, as if you dont, it skips all but last boss, (my grp got pissed) :D
    10. Peezy916

      Peezy916 New Member

      May 27, 2012
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      there is a setting to kill optional bosses, make sure that is set to TRUE
    11. Peezy916

      Peezy916 New Member

      May 27, 2012
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      makes sense Kickz...lol heres my BC report from lastnight...

      Dungeon Name: Normal Underbog
      Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) lvl 65 Disc Heals
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[X]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: All bosses
      b)What bot does or does not do?: does not need/greed/DE, missed the hole in the wall after you jump into the water
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Annoying lol and i had to manually move him through the hole in the wall and brought questions from the group
      d)Suggested solution(If any):

      after run was done, it left group and didnt reque at all. had to manually reque.

      Loot mode BossesOnly
      Op Bosses True

      Kick added jumplinks down into hole
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2012
    12. Doridra

      Doridra Member

      Jun 12, 2010
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      Dungeon Name:
      Dire Maul- Warpwood Quarter
      Role Used: Melee DPS
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
      b)What bot does or does not do?:
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?):
      d)Suggested solution (If any):
      Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
    13. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dungeon Name: Hellfire Ramparts
      Role Used: Tank
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): Last 2 bosses.
      b)What bot does or does not do?: It goes to Dragon guy first then the last boss.
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Death and kick for being retarded and not doing it the way people do it.
      d)Suggested solution (If any): Do last guy first then Dragon guy

      If you have 'kill optional bosses' on it does this. If you turn it off it kills the last guy but not the dragon guy who has the chest with phat loot. But it is afkable though just not quite right.
      Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
    14. TommyGrule

      TommyGrule New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      Dungeon Name: Scarlet Monastery Graveyard.
      Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) Healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [x]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Does what its suppose to do.
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): None
      d)Suggested solution (If any): None works like a charm.
      Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
    15. Peezy916

      Peezy916 New Member

      May 27, 2012
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      Dungeon Name: Auchenai Cryps
      Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) Disc Priest
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [99% afkable]
      Minor Issues? [x]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):whole dungeon
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Kinda slow movement
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): just looks really weird when the character is ahead of the group and then stops until the last person in the group passes..just really looks weird, also doesnt reque for another dungeon after it leaves the party
      d)Suggested solution (If any):
    16. Peezy916

      Peezy916 New Member

      May 27, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Dungeon Name: The Steamvault
      Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) Disc Healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [x]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
      b)What bot does or does not do?:
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?):
      d)Suggested solution (If any): just a side note: it does get a lil dicey in the dungeon with certain bosses if the party is super squishy...maybe change the rate it heals as a disc priest...? maybe a lil quicker heals would be good? iuno, but other than be a tad slow, no complaints on this run....

      besides the fact it dont reque after dungeon is over.....lol
    17. shlord

      shlord Member

      Jan 4, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Dungeon Name: Normal Violet Hold
      Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) lvl 72 Disc Healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable?[ ]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: All bosses
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Issues with Line of Sight everywhere when group moves to a new portal
      c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Kicked after wiped cuz my group was upstair and i was down trying to heal spamming Line of Sight error (in game)
      d)Suggested solution(If any): Stay closer so group in portals.

      2nd try: i think i find out the issue.. my priest was oom spamming for some reason Power word of Fortitude.. Adding log after 3rd run..

      Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
    18. furyz0r

      furyz0r Member

      Dec 4, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Dungeon Name: Lost City of Tol'Vir - Normal
      Role Used: Melee DPS and Healer in the same party.
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [x]
      Minor Issues? []
      Major Issues? [x]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
      b)What bot does or does not do?: As a melee, doesn't move on an attack from High Prophet Barim, which causes a lot of damage, if you are melee.
      As a healer, on High Prophet Barim, it was a wipe. Bot let everyone die.
      Bot also didn't use the wind things to get to the last boss.
      On last boss, melee died, and healer got knocked back.
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Wipe, single death.
      d)Suggested solution (If any):
    19. Doridra

      Doridra Member

      Jun 12, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Dungeon Name: Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
      Role Used: Melee DPS
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [X]
      Minor Issues? [ ]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
      b)What bot does or does not do?:
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?):
      d)Suggested solution (If any):
    20. haakonlenz

      haakonlenz New Member

      Feb 14, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Dungeon Name: The Nexus
      Role Used: Healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [ ]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): After the 3rd boss, "Ormorok the Tree-Shaper".
      b)What bot does or does not do?: Does not jump down the shortcut when the boss is killed.
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Death
      d)Suggested solution (If any): Make it follow the rest of the grp.

      Kick added jump after Ormorok

      Dungeon Name: The Nexus
      Role Used: Healer
      DUNGEON STATUS (below):
      Fully AFKable? [ ]
      Minor Issues? [X]
      Major Issues? [ ]
      Issue Explanation:
      a)Where (add a screenshot if possible): The last boss, the dragon, "Keristrasza"
      b)What bot does or does not do?: The bos does not jump/move to get rid of the stacking debuff
      c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Probably death
      d)Suggested solution (If any): Make it move once in a while
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2012
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