Which version of HB are you using? I've noticed if you are using HB1 profiles with HB2 u will get stuck a lot, I'm guessing its the change in the profile+mesh/nav change which is to be expected. I've especially noticed it with this specific profile HB2 gets stuck and does plenty of weird things like just completely stopping, but with HB1 + the mesh its almost flawless.
The WPL issue is from way back so doubt it's HB2 related. I had thought that HB2 would resolve the issue but haven't yet tried it.
hello i use the profil with hb2 and i have a problem. my cha go to a waypoint and then he will back to the old waypoint.
I'm using hb2 ewest beta and get this error in tanaris (lvl51): Loaded new tiled mesh for map "Kalimdor". Could not generate path from {X:-8269.304 Y:-2426.837 Z:9.233907} to {X:1195.084 Y:-1788.234 Z:61.79684}!
I ran into this problem twice in about a 6 hour time period. I'm using HB1 and this script. It runs flawless for a bit then if I die the character just sits at the graveyard near the spirit healer and doesn't go out to resurrect the corpse. Anybody else have this error?
only had 1 problem with this profile so far. Whenever the bot goes to sell in aeri peak in the building there is a certain blacklisted spot he will go to and just stand there. then you have to manually move him or the bot wont move in the building.
I recommend using this CC: http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?5310-Convalesce-3.2-Beta-7-Paladin-CC try and install it like the way it says on the thread if that does work (it didn't for me) delete the contents of your custom class folder and paste the contents of the folder you download there, then open up HB and go to general settings and click CC config, there you should be able to configure all the options for your Paladin.
Do I have to go get all the flight paths and all that before using this profile or can I skip all that for now?
cool thank you for the reply, im also looking for Hunter Companion.cs plugin for the hunter cs anyone know what section it can be downloaded from