so im clear, the changes were made to the hb client so that the existing profile will work? or do we need to alter the existing profile. and with this fix, is the DeathRunFix plugin redundant?
Is there a way to modify DeathRunFix to only cover this situation? It would be amazing to have a 100% real afk system.
You'll need to edit the existing profiles to add in the new TreeHookName="Death_Main" line or ActivateWhileNotAlive="true" lines. [Hr][/Hr] I had made a plugin that would pause the Death hook for X amount of time while the Questing_Main had a chance to hook the DoWhens. Not sure if it still works.
I love you EchoTiger, you are rewarding those who work for it. You could have posted code that worked in grimbatol, instead you post tolvir code. now those with a little initiative will be able to fix their profiles with a little hotspot hunting and copypasta. Thanks for dropping what you were doing and helping us out on this. i speak for us all when i say we appreciate it.
Lol, honestly I posted the Tol'vir code because I was working on fixing it at the moment. I hadn't addressed my Grim Batol wrap yet at that moment.
So people can leech it like they do everything else on the forums? No point echo took care of everyone. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
I got the same issues, i have to replace my Grim Batol codes for the similar Tol'vir? Can the experts give us some love?