if etrain is running off without training then downloading latest version and check if it works. added a delay in before it tries to train. and it also closes gossip frame after training so if trainer has a quest available hb doesn't infinitely stand there trying to pickup quest.
I give it a shot... have to wait now for the next training level. For me he never got through the gossip to actually see the spells to train. It just talk to the NPC and sat at the window were you choose to talk/train/or whatever. I have used it before on earlier updates when you introduced /run BuyTrainerService(0) and it seem to work ok then. Don't think that was the problem. Also my toon had a couple hundred gold on him at the time.
I had the same problem before as some of you. It ran up to the trainer, opened the training window, stood there some seconds then ran off without training, but this is working great now. Thanks the update highvoltz!
added a small update that should now close trainer window after training so HB can pickup a quest from trainer if trainer has one available.
Just a quick note... When I just now leveled, after combat the bot started it's Running to vendor routine. But never bothers to mount up. It's quite a long hike from were I am grinding to were the vendor/Flight master is.
I'm always having the same Issue: [00:17:16:221] Plugin eTrain threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception: It doesn't train it just gets stuck and runs in circles yelling this exception. Using either a low level Priest or Shaman. Here is the log~
newest version should now mount while running to vendor, trainer or flightmaster. but I am not able to test.
Adding a 'StopTrain' button would be a nice addition. A button completely opposite to Force Train. It's very annoying whenever I start up my bot, especially if I've already trained the spells! Thanks for keeping this updated. Great work
Portal trainer in Thunderbluff <Vendor Name="Birgitte Cranston" Entry="5957" Type="Repair" X="-967.6391" Y="281.837" Z="110.7215" />
I've a problem. I'm at Thelsamar in Loch Modan and the Bot doesn't want to take the fly, here is the log : "Walking to flight master Thorgrum Borrelson in Thelsamar, Loch Modan! At flight master! Talking to flight master Thorgrum Borrelson to fly to Ironforge, Dun Morogh! I am currently at Thelsamar, Loch Modan! Now we hope I fly back here..." Do you know what it means?
Latest version bug update... He now mounts up when its time to train. It says Running to vendor: Xxxxx. But it runs right past the vendor it should be going to and then past the Flight master... and kinda look like it was going to hoof it all the way back to the city. It was starting to head towards the next zone. UPDATE: Nevermind... this might be a profile issue. When I leveled the profile was going to take me to a new zone. And the part of the profile I was now on had the vendor in that other zone. So when your script called for it to go to the vendor, it started to head towards the new zone one. Not sure how or if you can over ride that or not.
Hey highvoltz! Can you please post a non-vendoring version, too ? I always have 2000g+ money on my low level alts and kinda annoying that it runs 5 minutes to vendor 92 cooper of items.
I's a bug from the update, it can't be a profile issue if we are 3 to get the bug ... I've disabled eTrain for now, because i'm borred that he walk 10min each times to "vendoring"
Increased version to 2.3.1 - Only tries once to mount before heading to vendor,flight Master or trainer.
Latest version bug report.... 1) Doesn't mount unless I stop HB or he gets in combat. Then it will mount afterwards. 2) When mounted... it starts to run towards vendor, but when it gets a body pull it turns around and heads back the the grinding area without fighting. As soon as aggro is lost it heads back again. But it uses the same path.. gets aggro again and ping pongs like this forever. Cheers and Happy 4th