It is final exam week for many schools. My online class finals aren't due until tomorrow. It is also 6 days til Christmas. There should be a million and one reasons why you can't be there just based on the proximity of Christmas.
or get you self a mouse with macro options you can do the most dps by pressing one button with the full rotation like in the razer naga macro editor i always switch from healer to dps once honorbuddy is offine for patch updates because i just can not play healer but dps i can
I raid at a pretty high level 14/14 mythic SoO now working on Mythic Highmaul. I started using CRs to fix my small mistakes I was making. It's absolutely imperative that you learn your rotations without HB. Like some have said proving grounds is the best way to learn your rotation well. CRs have helped me keep my activity as close to 100% as possible which increases DPS. It just depends on how high of a level you raid. If HB is down when I raid. Latency is usually the best way to explain your DPS loss. Your skill of staying out of the bad should still be the same. So you should still be a valuable asset to your team. HB is owrking far more than its not. So your team should understand if you lose 5k because of lag but not 10k or more.
#1 every time there is a patch, there will be a thread of exactly the same like this one #2 im still raiding, botting, I just don't update the game. Im running 19243 right this moment. u just need to turn off auto update. u can even log off, just use relogger to launch the game for u and then close it. so there is no reason not to be raiding unless bliz stop u.
This is a public forum. We can make a thread of what we want. It is a discussion for when people are bored without HB. This isn't a pls fix patch up need hb thread. It's a discussion.
I played manually myself and actually did more avg dps than the bot, but I stood in a bit more fire and used my utility spells (sacrifice, lay on hands) less effectively. Trade offs I guess. The people I raid with know I use buddy though. We constantly joke about it in mumble, when I get a last second LoH out they'll be like "Thanks Buddy" ect. Good times.
I would tell my excuse that I used last night but I what if a guildy is reading this thread? would be easy to guess who I am with that info.
I only bot to level and do some gathering professions because I find that stuff mind numbingly boring. I play in groups so I'm fine. I do have to say, like the other comment said, most rotations, especially dps only use like 5 skills and a couple more situational skills. C'mon, don't be such scrubs. Besides, it can be a good way to show you are a human if you are playing normally while the bot is down. If anyone in my guild would have bailed last night I would highly suspect they were botting. There was even a thread on reddit where someone made a comment about skipping a raid, and someone called them out on using HB since it was down.
Sorry guys Honorbuddy is down and since i'm relatively shit at the game I can't raid tonight but don't worry when the bots fixed I'll be top dps again as long as I don't shit on a mechanic. I try really hard but the fire stays under me for ever.
Just learn to play (not trolling). I would not play the game if I´m not even be able to press 10 buttons. Do your raid a favor and leave^^ they will get a better dd.
The amount of hypocrites in this thread is annoying. I bet the "learn to play" bandwagon are just bads who *think* they are good and need excuses for their pathetic performance. That or they can't afford anything other than singular (no offence to singular).