Um, I don't know why you would use this CC for instances. Im pretty sure that you don't want to necrotic strike mobs in an instance. It is excellent in PVP, but use singular if you want to do instances.
hey apoca, u might try removing strangulate and blood tap from the rotations and then make a macro to cast blod tap and strangulate so when your target is at low % HP u just spam the button and your chances are high ure gonna succesfully cast strangulate cause ull free the rune for it... hope this helps
And to combat the problem he had before (hittting it like mad to try and beat the bot) - wouldn't something like: /stopcasting /cast Strangulate work? (I'm at work and can't verify syntax so sorry if it's not correct - just adding the idea of including stopcasting in the macro to interupt whatever the bot was casting).
ok none of this works, since strangulate is on global CD and bot spams them so fast u cant manage to get it through for even like 10 seconds of trying which is usually too late anyway. I dont know how the bot works, but isnt it possible to make a macro like thing that would execute the strangulate on CC side? like u did with hunter trap macro? Or just add a 40% value of hp on the target before using it on interupt. Dunno which one is possible to make... will even donate if u implement this and it works.. thanks
Thanks for the amazing cc Mastah mate, works perfectly. Love it when warriors use their "jump away" ability and it insta deathgrips them back lol. + Rep
I should add empower rune weapon... It should raise dead on CC if i recall correctly. Thanks, means a lot coming from you.
Bot will now use Empower Rune Weapon if all runes are on CD, and you have it enabled via settings window(Its on by default)
Any idea why the bot does dismount, like evil said, 30 yards or so away from targets? Tried setting pull distance to 10 in bot settings but no luck. Other than this problem or issue i am having this thing rapes face once it gets in range. Even with dismounting so far away still in top 5 at least for Damage/KB in each BG. Edit: I see you said it was a BGbot issue ages ago. Something to be brought up for BGbuddy or already done so?
someone asked this earlier but i didnt see a response, is there anyway for the profile to recognize when we hung cold someone so as to not hit focus target with howling blast?
i asked for that, dunno if its possible to code, but now with the special macro u could be able to HC and then stop the bot to not interupt it... anyway mastagh been meaning to write you, thx for the macro its superb, was just wondering if theres a way u could make time variable to it in ms so we could add lets say 5000ms and the bot would automaticly start working again after 5 seconds. Anyway i promissed to donate u if u fix the strangulate thing, but i guess this works too so im off to give u some lunch money