im having a problem after i download this file i have no idea where to place it. can sum1 plz tell me. thank you
This is great for leveling with, could you make it to where it will sit and eat food when it needs to eat?
how come it doesn't have a settings menu? I want to be able to control Deathgrip. use Anti-Magic Shell much earlier for arenas etc. Also I have the latest update, (rev 19) but my horn of winter goes off all the time. I have 3 min on my HoW with glyph how can I change this
I'm level 62 and don't have the howling blast glyph. I tried using this yesterday for BGBot and it wouldn't even queue. Is there a way to use this without Howling blast? Or do I just need to level up to 69 to get the glyph?
Why does my DK stay at full runic power all the time. He NEVER dumbs it into Frost strike like it should be doing...
This cc has a small issue where it targets holy priests' angel form after they die and it spins around it till the angel fades. Looks super bottish if anyone is around. Not sure if this was addressed previously since there are 44 pages in this thread.
Frost. My dk will be at a full 130 runic power and use ALL his runes THEN frost strike. Its retarded.
Hello, can you say me, if you plan to get this Bot: "raidbot-30fps-cc-execution" working with your CC's? Singular works for me, but not your CC's. The bot did not fight. Thanks Morvar