This may have been covered already but when is this likely to be released? Really keen to give it a shot and more than happy to donate for quality addons. Already donated to Cava and Tuanha for their great work and looking for other cool things to help my bot experience
still taking beta testers =D ? I also dont mind donating P.S ive been to queenstown and got really drunk there. Your country owe's me!
Currently I do not use any your design / creation, but I think that all the work you need done for a reward / bonus. I made a donation because I think you've worked hard for all users of honorbuddy. I have not tried it yet, but look forward to the public release.
If something makes things more enjoyable/easier then they are defiantly worth the donation in my books. I have also been loving your lazyboxer
I'll easily donate to this if I get a glimpse of the betastage aswell. So I can report in issues etc!
I would only donate after I have used it for a week or so of use, Make sure it's working well for me, as others have said, GB2+Randombuddy works well atm. Don't get me wrong, I know you're work is really well made. That's just how I end up doing things to.
I donate to all of your great stuff and it's worth it. Question, is this pretty much a new of different gathering program? (<--- dumb here)
I'll go with choice number 3. What I see in this video is awesome and definitely worth a donation. But I won't donate any more for something I don't know how it's really working. I donated like 100 ? already into work by this community. However I can only use two plugins/cc (Tuanha Monk CC + Sharp Messenger) because the rest is abandoned or not working properly. Also I don't like those "forced donations". A donation is something voluntary, what some of these "donations" in this forums aren't... The only voluntary part is to buy it or don't - not my understanding of a donation. I also don't get the reason for this poll. What's the purpose of it? Also how did you get this out of beta tester feedback? That's bullshit, sorry... You want to get paid for your work and I totally agree with that! But please don't use beta tester feedback as a camouflage for this. So if you release a testversion with a time limitation, or something like that, and I it's good I would more than likely pay for it! If you don't ask for a payment and there is a possibility to donate, I would more than likely donate for it! What I most likely won't support is those "if you don't pay you won't get these keyelements from my plugin"...
if you are still takin beta testers, let me know, il donate afterwards if i do like the program. let me know bud
Maybe read the previous posts, I have already discussed the community's misconceptions between "donation" and "paid". Again, you would be best to read some my previous posts, its clear you have jumped into this conversation without reviewing all the information available to you.
So ignoring your current financial situation IF you had spare money would you consider donating? I am not asking people to make a donation immediately, I am asking people if they would be willing to donate for a project like this. EDIT: Thank you for being the first person to vote 'no' and give the reason behind your decision. That is very much appreciated.