Needz Halp So this works but does not work correctly. Lol Or as it has for others. I would LOVE to figure out what I am doing wrong. So I bought a travelers tundra mammoth, I have looting turned off, Im using the modded Handavins Prot Pally CC and I still kill as slow as balls. Log is attached. Keep getting some exception errors etc, And I have yet for him to make it outside to even call the tundra mammoth let alone repair. Ive had to stop the bot, go outside mount up, buy food and drink and repair. I followed the instructions of setting mammoth as the ground mount and his food and drink to whats sold by the vendor. But I think my worst problem is how slow it is to reaction. Like the mobs usually pull together, and if more spawn they will pull as well. He will do an aoe attack on one mob and it will die, he will stand there about 5 seconds before he will turn to face the other mobs beating on him. And as I said he never goes to repair yet Lol Any and all help would be appreciated, I just really really want this to work. Too much riding on it not too xD
"RAF XP.xml" Last time i checked my profile was called "[QO] Northrend - Cathdral of Darkness RaF XP [AtticusG3].xml" and spits out a bunch of messages at startup. all sarcasm aside, try using the updated profile that supports vendoring (And vendor mounts) from my post earlier or look in my svn. PS my profile runs in Questing mode, and will fly you there from org.
View attachment 3-8-2012_3_35 AM 16552 Log.txt Okay, that may be why he is dying? Idk. I dont understand why there is a flash of light heal segment in this modified CC for this because it is unhelpful IMO. I wish I could grasp the CC modding better so I could do this stuff myself as this is irritating. Id rather figure out a way for him to spam 3 buttons nonstop than have all the if/when. WHen I go in there by hand I do nothing but spam hammer of the righteous and holy shield cooldown. ;/ can clear the whole room NP. But this CC eve View attachment 3-8-2012_3_35 AM 16552 Log.txt n though modified is just very slow when reacting/re-targeting etc. Just rebooted it, fresh in questing mode. And he runs in, stands there for about 30 seconds, getting beat on by half the room, THEN starts attacking Lol.... Loses about 1/4 his total HP by just standing there doing nothin, casting nothing.
log And this was a fresh install as of like 2 days ago. This is the error message I keep seeing in the Debug area. Think I need another fresh install and just use no plugins no custom CCs? EDIT: All my other profiles, BGbuddy, PB, GB2 etc everything else seems to work fine. Except maybe my warrior CC. -.- But not enough seems bugged broken that I would need another clean install. But Im willing if it will fix this issue. Code: [3:49:23 AM:834] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object. at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.#eve[T](UInt32 field) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.#dve[T](Int32 offsetIndex) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Level() at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.#3Uc() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner) at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks) at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter, Delegate catchHandler)
I'm not sure what you error is bro. I use the CC that i posted, but another one has been made since, neither of which are slow to react, that is something else causing your issue. Also it's not a clean folder, you have a lot of plugin's and CC's in that folder. Please try a Clean Install and post results.
Will do, You said you posted a CC I think I missed it. The only one I have seen was the was from Lawler or whatever. Ofc going through 40+ pages makes everything blur Thanks for the help as well Attic I appreciate talking with you and you taking the time to help.
PS set your mount distance to 30 or something low, so you actually mount your mammoth to sell stuff. I have forced this in the profile now, but your copy wont' have that.
So I put in the profile I got off your SVN and it is making me fly all the way to repair instead of using the mammoth. What gives? And I have changed the distance as you said. BUT! I have to say with the changes we have put in I went from 700 kills an hour to 1175 and hour. Still a lot lower than everyone else, but def. an improvement!
Make sure you have your ground mount set to 'Traveler's Tundra Mammoth' and Random Mounting turned OFF. Also, as mentioned, set your mount distance to somewhere around 10. What quality of gear are you running? I recommend upgrading to 377 PvP gear, you can get by with lesser gear but it's slower and you're more likely to die. From what I can tell you're just getting beat up in combat, which to me is an indication that your pally is undergeared, I have no issue with wiping on any of these profiles. That said, here's the modified version of the CC I'm using daily - the feeding code here basically does the same thing as the 'FeedInstant' API, but it's hardcoded in, so there shouldn't be any issues now. Please note I also haven't changed any of the combat behavior - if your bot is dying, it needs gear. If you want to do this right: Make sure looting is turned off, empty your bags into your bank, and buy a LOT of food and water. Avoiding deaths is the best way to keep these profiles from screwing up.
I have all these settings and I am ilevel 380. So I dont think gear is the issue to be honest. So far I still have yet to have him use the tundra mammoth to repair etc using Attic's profile from his SVN. Now the bot does work the room better, and Ive gotten an increase in kills/ph but Im going to try these suggestions and see how it goes. Just DLd the legacy resting and we will give it a whirl. Ran to the gas station for smokes and came back to him being out in the middle of ice crown fighting random mobs even with fight in between unchecked. SO I will def. be attempting these tips. Thanks Ill report back with my findings.
Can't understand why you have such issues reaching higher kill/ph. You got the gear and the CC with the right profile but you are far off the mark when it comes to kill rate. My only suggestion is what is your ping like? Do you have lots of other users on the same internet connection?
Rofl Nope. Private Home Network. I dont get it, I feel so incompetent because I cant seem to get this. Ironically I have stabalized the K/ph at around 1200 except the fact he insists on flying to argent base to repair. He wont repair with the mount. Anyone by chance willing to share that specific profile? The one back on the page wasnt working for me(Tries to go repair at Gnimo or Blast Thinderbomb, WHich is funny bc he is riding the mammoth on his way to meet them -.-), the profile in Attic's SVN works but wants to fly to argent location to repair, not use the mount. Attaching a log of most recent/decent run. I notice it seems to get an error slew right before it overall screws up.
[11:31:46 AM:570] FlyingMountName: Traveler's Tundra Mammoth um what? He still needs a lfying mount to do his mailing run, that'll be why he ran through icecrown.
Rofl, Why is he making a mailing run with looting turned off? xD But Ill fix it, I just want him to mount the mammoth and repair and he wont!!!
Well yes and no, Mainly I mean he will just keep fighting non stop and never go repair even when his stuff is broken. I have to stop the bot and do it manually.
http://atticusg3-buddyscripts.googl...Darkness RaF XP [Mammoth Only][AtticusG3].xml This version has no other vendors, just your mount vendor, and will not fly away. All of my profiles will go for repairs @ 30%, that is hard coded into the profile. PHP: <GrindTo Condition="(Me.LowestDurabilityPercent < 0.3) || (Me.FreeBagSlots <= 3)" GoalText="Grinding Elite Mobs for RaF XP" /> </If> <If Condition="(Me.LowestDurabilityPercent < 0.3) || (Me.FreeBagSlots < 4)" > that's what this part of the profile does, it says fight until your durability is < 30% or you have 3 or less bag slots free, then go repair/sell/mail. If you are using the original profile again, of course it doesn't ever stop, it's just a grind profile. Also, what you are telling me seems to change each post, does he mount when he run's outside? Does he then go to the top of the stairs and fly to the argent vangaurd for repairs? And PS I only care about when using my profile, I dont' want to debug the older ones, it's why I made it to begin with.
What is in that link and what i am using are completely different vendor wise. I pulled the profile Im using from your SVN. SO I have altered the prolfile with what you just linked to and we will see how it goes. And to be honest, between when we first started and now I was using about 3 different profiles. One called RAF. Yours from the SVN and now this one. None of which would mount and repair as it is supposed to. We will see if this one does.
actually while running this I just remembered it could only be ran in grinding mode. Now that I have used the latest profile you just gave I am currently running this in questing mode. Is this the correct mode for this script/profile? Goes to repair, cannot find the mammoth repair guy, blacklists him, mounts up on the mammoth and starts to trek off on mount to repair Lol