PHP: [10:22:18 PM:162] [Profile Message]: HB: Selling/Repairing [10:22:18 PM:162] Goal: Scheduled run for Repair, Sell [10:22:18 PM:458] Changed POI to:Type: Sell, Name: Gnimo [10:22:18 PM:760] Could not find vendor: 'Gnimo[32639]' blacklisting! [10:22:18 PM:760] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted [10:22:18 PM:760] Cleared POI [10:22:19 PM:057] Changed POI to:Type: Sell, Name: Drix Blackwrench [10:22:19 PM:257] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Drix Blackwrench [10:22:19 PM:257] Activity: Loading Tile/s [10:22:20 PM:758] Could not find vendor: 'Drix Blackwrench[32641]' blacklisting! [10:22:20 PM:758] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted [10:22:20 PM:758] Cleared POI [10:22:21 PM:066] Changed POI to:Type: Sell, Name: Blast Thunderbomb [10:22:21 PM:842] Mounting: Traveler's Tundra Mammoth [10:22:22 PM:140] Spell_C::CastSpell(61447, 0, 0x0, 0) [8718][\php] OK so it looks like he's running out on foot, not mounted, maybe we need to shorten the mount distance further, also, what happened to your log? It's missing 7 hours? [code][11:31:41 AM:154] [Instancebuddy]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [6:35:23 PM:599] Spell_C::CastSpell(31935, 0, 0xF1307DAF000A2DF7, 0) [6208][/code] I've put an account of mine with the mammoth back in service to test this myself. Just waiting for him to get there now. I'm toying with the vendors and a few minor changes.
View attachment 9-03-2012_2_21 PM 5984 Log.txt I have just run the newest version of the mammoth only profile, and it works for me, as you can see in my log. http://atticusg3-buddyscripts.googl...Darkness RaF XP [Mammoth Only][AtticusG3].xml
Lol Its missing 7 hours because the log was too large to upload xDDD And yeah I think what you are saying is correct. I went afk for about an hour and came back and of course he was in Ymirheim Walking up the mountain Lol....Saying he was going to repair. Loading up this newest file. Will report back.
If you're wondering why he's trying to sell with looting disabled, you should keep in mind the way honorbuddy determines if it needs to go sell. I believe it's something like 5 or less free inventory slots and then it's going to try to vendor so you don't run out of bag space. Load up on food and drink, but don't completely fill your inventory. That's going to make it want to go vendor regardless of anything else. I haven't opened up any of the profiles to check, but I would make sure that the repair NPC you're looking for is correct for your faction. If it's looking for Gnimo and you're playing a Horde character you're never going to repair, even if you do mount up correctly. Beyond that, I would recommend grabbing some really cheap broken gear and playing with the mount distance setting until you find one that works. The Tundra Mammoth repair and the Mounting Distance are surprisingly dependent on your ping and game performance. (Triple boxing on a slower machine can cause problems with this )
Anyone have a spot inside where the raf characters can chill and recieve all kills? i have mine on the 2nd story and they are usually 3-4hundred if not more behind the tank. This is just based off hb stats on the info button. they could be credited with xp just not kills by hb? Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
I use this safer and if you spec/talent properly your grinder can benefit from the buff at this location vice the top of the spire.
Stop bitching or make one yourself, you ungrateful whiny fuck. Whoever made this doesn't HAVE to share it with you, yknow? I've offered my modified Singular Class to you guys before, it has to be modified a little, but I can afk just fine with it. Levelled 12 toons to 80 with it so far. Send me your email address via pm, if you feel up to editing it yourself.
trololololol? I've personally levelled 16 toons with this profile, without incident. At first I did 4 with OP's profile, and it had some issues, so I rewrote it myself, and did the 16 after without a problem. You sir, are retarded.
Apparently you have less than 107 free bag slots then. Get it from the SVN again, I've lowered it to 3 slots. On mobile...
Yes, I know this a noob question, and yes, I know I should take a few hours to read this whole thread but.... Can anyone tell me if this method still works? There's 46 pages and though I've read the first page, plus the last 3-4, I'm a little confused. Are people still doing this with 2 characters, or just the one? I thought this method (or something similar) was patched awhile ago? Do I still do what the OP stated, or is something else required? Is there a profile available for this as well? Any help would be appreciated.