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    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by icu, May 16, 2015.


    Will you be submitting a data protection request to Blizzard?

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    2. No

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    1. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      Attempt to win? I've already won. I'm just trying to teach everyone to actually do research and back up their claims before trying to make an argument.

      There are actually a lot more people reading this and not posting than there are people actually posting. They'll listen to me, but only send a letter to Blizzard out of desperation.

      That's not getting worked up.
      Last edited: May 20, 2015
    2. ITGuy

      ITGuy Member

      Jan 7, 2015
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      Attempting to "teach" in an online forum is laughable. you have no credibility and neither do i. if you feel your actually making a difference this obviously must be your first rodeo :cool:
    3. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      Who needs credibility to read the laws that other people ignorantly post?

      It's basic reading comprehension. You don't have to be a lawyer to read the definition of words.

      When you've run out of relevant points to make, you resort to saying what you've been saying. You haven't provided any new information and are only trying to discredit me. That's the sign of a weak argument. When you've offered nothing new, you've lost.
    4. ITGuy

      ITGuy Member

      Jan 7, 2015
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      Discredit you? lol have you failed to understand that you have no credibility what so ever?
      This is not an argument on the contrary this is me simply pointing out your ignorance. :)
      I have no say in this post i just found it an interesting read, what is not enjoyable is your constant attempt to counter everything the OP is saying.

      What I do find interesting is how you seem to have so much time on your hands considering you’re a teacher in japan, shouldn’t you be teaching your children after all it is 10AM, your some teacher if you have time to research and post facts. i feel sorry for the children you teach lol. But then again maybe that’s why your here because you get no rewarding satisfaction from your career : P so you feel the need to fact check every forum post.

      Enjoy your forum trolling, because if you haven’t caught on, that is what you’re doing.

      don’t expect another response from me I think I’ve made my point clear. :)
    5. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      Incorrect. I can read. I read through the laws and pointed out the relevant information. You don't have to be a lawyer to do that.

      I'm not ignorant. I've been reading through the laws. Others haven't even bothered. By definition, you're more ignorant than I am.

      Attempt? I succeeded. Nothing new is being offered. He has been successfully countered.

      Teachers have off periods. Now who's ignorant?

      I feel the need to fact check? Shouldn't fact checking be required when trying to make a legal argument against Blizzard? Otherwise you're just puffing smoke.

      Disagreeing with the OP is not trolling. Disagreeing with people's interpretations of the law is not trolling. Asking for more evidence is not trolling. Calling people wrong is not trolling.

      Attacking someone's character is trolling. Making fun of someone is trolling. Making comments that have nothing to do with the original topic is trolling.

      By definition, you are trolling, not me.

      Thank you. It's nice for you back down after defeat. Otherwise, you just dig yourself into a deeper hole and embarrass yourself.
      Last edited: May 20, 2015
    6. Slime64

      Slime64 New Member

      Mar 15, 2015
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      @ eigoteacher Are you really a teacher?
    7. Slime64

      Slime64 New Member

      Mar 15, 2015
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      @ Thecamel
      Let us know what they say in the next 7days to your request, i wanna see if there's any point to writing em a letter too.

      It would be super to get my main account back but it will be hard to explain the 7 other accounts that aren't in my name :)

      If you pressure them enough like which i think this thread is mainly about, you might only get your accounts back but I dont think they will admit or show evidence/proof of HB detection. In another words, they will put an end to it before they ever admit spying on your data.
    8. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      Of course. If I wanted to lie, I could come up with a cooler sounding job, couldn't I?

      What do you think "eigo" means?

      But this is all off-topic and has nothing to do with the thread.

      Think about this, please. Just think about it. How would pressuring them with a law that doesn't apply get them to repeal the suspension? Even if it did apply, the law is only about telling you what personal information they have, and none of what you really want is considered personal information. Don't believe in pipe dreams.

      How does someone, who's not a lawyer, citing a law, which doesn't apply, pressure Blizzard, who owns the account and can legally scan your computer for evidence, to undo a suspension?
      Last edited: May 21, 2015
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