Received this today while on QuestBot with kick's profiles using a shad priest. [FTW] 07:22:19 System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 1E7B872C [299]! at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 ) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.[]( ) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.GetCurrentPower(WoWPowerType type) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.GetPowerInfo(WoWPowerType type) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_HealthPercent() at FTW.FTWExtensionMethods.EligibleForCleanse(WoWPlayer p) at FTW.FightThisWay.MyBaseClass.<Pulse>b__5(WoWPlayer unit) at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source) at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at FTW.FightThisWay.MyBaseClass.Pulse()
First of all, thanx for a kick ass CC. I'm loving it. Only problem I'm having with it so far is that I can't get it to cast Frost Bomb on my frost mage. I just want him to cast Frost Bomb on the pull and follow it up with Fire Blast. However, it just plain ignore the Frost Bomb command and casts Fireblast. I've switched Frost Bomb with other spells and the other spells work fine. So I think that the CC is just not recognizing the Frost Bomb spell for some reason.
@Kamilche Would it be possible to add "HasGlyph" to the arsenal of commands? Ofc this would mean, that the glyph is actually placed in one of the slots This would allow use to do things like this: Code: Hunter's Mark Target.HasAura("Hunter's Mark") = 0 Me.HasGlyph("Glyph of Marked for Death") = 0 Tia, Highend
I'm using this CC for my druid to farm and then post at the AH, but at the AH he initiates the stuck routine. Probably standing still for to long and then starting to move a bit. This interupts with my posting on the AH and ofcourse looks totally bottish. Can anyone tell me how to remove that movement or how to increase the timer, so the bot can stand longer in one place? Regards
I notice when i use this cc on my monk with lazyraider, if i pause and restart it alot of times it seems to loose its rotation and only uses jab, and Tiger Palm is this a normal issue if i close hb and restart seems to clean it up. this don't happen all the time just something that seems to happen. One more thing is it possible to make it not use Paralize seems to use that in single fights when it really isn't needed thanks in advance
Kamilche, I didn't look at the code yet, but I noticed last night that my Affliction Warlock does not use one of the most important spells: Unstable Affliction (what's in the name ). Not casting it at all; checked my Recount for it. Tried with Lazyraider, Tyrael. Resulting in me doing 11K dps on a boss in LFG (ilvl 390), where it could be about 20K (used CLU). Also, Haunt is not always cast, but only when it procs. If you want a log, I have to try to find it or make a new one the next few days
i wanted to try out your CC today so when i start HB and choose FTW it comes up with this: do I need to translate the txt files in data from druid_balance to druid_gleichgewicht aso? greets trash
For some reason while I am using mounts my character will not target mobs, I'ma protection warrior so I tried setting the pull range to the range of my charge, Heroic throw, and Heroic Leap as well as setting it to 0. My guy will just keep running on my mount and pull without targeting. If I am on foot then my guy will go balls to the wall and day out the deeps though
i like the cc. good work. however, when running kick's twilight highlands questing, it gave me an issue. while using FTW, it would repeatedly try to go sell, even though my bags were 98% empty, and my durability was 100%... when i switched to singular, it went off like a champ, and continued the questline... i will attach both logs, the one using ftw and the one using singular. this has been the only hiccup i have found in the time i have been using FTW. again, excellent work! the 439kb file is ftw, 169kb is singular
It should be able to cast frost bomb, unless it is a spell override and its really called something else (like malefic grasp is called using shadowbolt, as it replaces shadowbolt in the book). I will have to take a look into that. There is already a way to check for glyphs, It is Me.HasSpell("Glyph of <whatever>") = 1, as the glyph is technically a spell on you. I would recommend against doing this, but if you really wanted to stop the anti stuck behavior, look for CheckForStuck.Pulse(); in FightThisWay.cs and comment it out using //. It might break it, but if it doesn't, it should stop the anti stuck behavior. That could be an honorbuddy problem if you are stopping and starting that often, unless you are stopping and starting it to change specs. If you change specs you should restart honorbuddy. That might work if you translate it, but I do not support changing the language. Spells change names between language types of wow. It is supposed to ignore mobs when mounted, as stopping to fight something on the way to a node is useless if by the time you reach the node it would have stopped following you anyways.
Hi Kamilche, I have searched through the thread and did not find anything about this question. How do we get a rogue to use sap on target? I am changing the Combat cs for rogue for a pickpocket opener here is the code that is working from Prox Pickpocket routine of FTW, Can sap be added in so before it pickpockets a target it saps the target? Code: --==================================================================== @INITIALIZE --==================================================================== Me.Message Rogue_Combat last updated 11/8/2012 by Olisellana. Me.ClipTime 50 Me.Range 9.95 --==================================================================== @COMBAT --==================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Break free first ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Me.Cast Will of the Forsaken Me.IsIncapacitated = 1 Me.Use Insignia of the Scourge Me.IsIncapacitated = 1 Me.Cast Every Man for Himself Me.IsIncapacitated = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Healing spells ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use bandage Me.UseBandage Target.IsIncapacitated = 1 Me.Health < 60 -- Don't waste the combo points on the dead guy Me.Cast Recuperate Me.Health < 100 Target.Dead = 1 Target.ComboPoints > 0 -- Otherwise, use the combo points judiciously Me.Cast Recuperate Me.Health < 90 Target.ComboPoints > 4 Me.HasAura("Recuperate") = 0 Me.Cast Smoke Bomb Me.Health < 60 Me.Cast Lifeblood Me.Health < 50 Me.UseHealthPotion Me.Health < 40 Me.Cast Vanish Me.InParty = 1 Me.Health < 40 Me.HasAura("Stealth") = 0 Me.HasAura("Vanish") = 0 Me.MovementDisabled = 0 Me.Cast Vanish Me.InParty = 0 Me.Health < 30 Me.HasAura("Stealth") = 0 Me.HasAura("Vanish") = 0 Me.MovementDisabled = 0 Me.Cast Combat Readiness Me.HasAura("Evasion") = 0 Me.Health < 80 Me.Cast Evasion Me.Health < 80 Me.HasAura("Combat Readiness") = 0 Me.Cast Cloak of Shadows Me.IsDiseased = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Targeting ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Me.FindBetterTarget ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ranged spells (cast while running) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tank.Cast Tricks of the Trade Me.InParty = 1 Tank.Dead = 0 Target.Cast Redirect Me.AllComboPoints > 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Movement ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadowstep Me.MovementDisabled = 0 Target.Distance > 5 Me.Cast Sprint Target.Distance > 10 Me.FollowTarget ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stuns ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blind Me.AddsCount > 1 Me.InParty = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Opener ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Target.CastOnce Pick Pocket Me.HasAura("Stealth") = 1 Target.IsHumanoid = 1 Target.CastOnce Pick Pocket Me.HasAura("Shadow Dance") = 1 Target.IsHumanoid = 1 Ambush Me.HasAura("Stealth") = 1 Me.IsBehind = 1 Ambush Me.HasAura("Shadow Dance") = 1 Me.IsBehind = 1 Cheap Shot Target.AuraExpiring("Cheap Shot") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Gouge") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Kidney Shot") < 700 Me.HasAura("Stealth") = 1 Cheap Shot Target.AuraExpiring("Cheap Shot") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Gouge") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Kidney Shot") < 700 Me.HasAura("Shadow Dance") = 1 Gouge Me.InParty = 0 Target.AddsCount > 0 Target.AuraExpiring("Cheap Shot") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Gouge") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Kidney Shot") < 700 Kidney Shot Target.AuraExpiring("Cheap Shot") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Gouge") < 700 Target.AuraExpiring("Kidney Shot") < 700 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interrupts ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Target.InterruptAny Arcane Torrent Target.InterruptAny Kick Target.InterruptAny Kidney Shot Target.InterruptAny Gouge ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Combat buffs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Me.Cast Adrenaline Rush Me.HasAura("Adrenaline Rush") = 0 Me.Cast Shadow Blades Me.Cast Blade Flurry Target.AddsCount > 1 Me.HasAura("Blade Flurry") = 0 Me.Cast Blade Flurry Target.AddsCount = 1 Me.HasAura("Blade Flurry") = 1 Me.Cast Killing Spree Me.HasAura("Adrenaline Rush") = 0 Me.Energy < 40 Me.Use Trinket1 Me.Use Trinket2 Me.Cast Deadly Poison Me.HasAura("Deadly Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Wound Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Wound Poison Me.HasAura("Deadly Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Wound Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Leeching Poison Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Crippling Poison Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Mind-Numbing Poison Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Paralytic Poison Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AOE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fan of Knives Me.AddsCount > 6 Crimson Tempest Me.AddsCount > 4 Target.AllComboPoints > 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Combat debuffs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Expose Armor Target.HasAura("Weakened Armor") = 0 Target.Health > 30 Revealing Strike Target.HasMyAura("Revealing Strike") = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Normal rotation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Target.CastOnce Dismantle Target.Distance < 5 Target.IsIncapacitated = 0 Target.IsHumanoid = 1 Me.Cast Slice and Dice Target.ComboPoints < 5 Me.HasAura("Slice and Dice") = 0 Tank.Cast Tricks of the Trade Me.InParty = 1 Tank.Dead = 0 Me.CanCast("Eviscerate") = 1 Eviscerate Target.ComboPoints > 4 Me.HasAura("Slice and Dice") = 1 Sinister Strike Me.FollowTarget --==================================================================== @PULL --==================================================================== Me.Cast Stealth Me.HasAura("Stealth") = 0 Me.FindBetterTarget Me.Cast Sprint Target.Distance > 10 Me.FollowTarget Me.Cast Distract Target.IsMoving = 1 Target.CastOnce Pick Pocket Me.HasAura("Stealth") = 1 Blacklist --==================================================================== @REST --==================================================================== -- Eat and drink, or wait for health/mana to come back up Me.Cast Recuperate Me.Mounted = 0 Me.AllComboPoints > 0 Me.Eat Me.Health < 80 Me.UseBandage Me.Health < 60 Me.Cast Deadly Poison Me.Mounted = 0 Me.HasAura("Deadly Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Wound Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Wound Poison Me.Mounted = 0 Me.HasAura("Deadly Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Wound Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Leeching Poison Me.Mounted = 0 Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Crippling Poison Me.Mounted = 0 Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Mind-Numbing Poison Me.Mounted = 0 Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 Me.Cast Paralytic Poison Me.Mounted = 0 Me.HasAura("Leeching Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Crippling Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Mind-Numbing Poison") = 0 Me.HasAura("Paralytic Poison") = 0 Me.FollowTarget
it might work, but be sure to include a is incapacitated check, otherwise it will sit there sapping over and over.
Last night I had problems with my ret paladin trying to use a spell that requires holy power when there was none. I assume it was inquisition. It just stood there getting beat to death instead of using an attack to generate holy power.
hi, quick question - why do we sometimes have me.cast in front of the spell and other times we don't? i.e. Me.Cast Lay on Hands Me.Health < 40 Divine Shield Me.Health < 40 Plus is there a isfeared property available?
I'm guessing because Divine Shield can only be used on the caster and Lay On Hands can be used on a target - prevents wasting it on someone else by accident.
Hi Kamilche, I love the new dungeon queue and accept options. However, if I enable one, or both, of them, the settings aren't saved after hitting "Save and Close." In other words, if I check "Automatically accept dungeon invites" save and close, and hit Class Config again, the "Automatically accept dungeon invites" box is no longer checked. Same thing happens when I check the box and restart HB. If you could take a look at this I'd greatly appreciate it.
That is correct as to the Me.Cast, it is saying cast this on me instead of others. Will look into the holy power thing, and the dungeon queue thing is a work in progress, ie it doesnt work right now. Added a debugging screen under class config, it will show the spells it is going to cast, as well as the players auras, and the targets auras.
I'm trying to cast Beastial Wrath, and then have my pet cast Rabid if it has Beastial Wrath: While the routine does cast Beastial Wrath, it does not cast Rabid. Any ideas if it's possible to get this working? Here's the relevant log section and a full log below: Code: [10:21:40.401 D] [FTW] 02:21:40 Unknown spell Rabid [10:21:40.454 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 34026, KnownIndex: 62 [10:21:40.466 N] [FTW] 02:21:40 Target.Cast Kill Command on Dominance Shaman 9732 health 70 dist 18.9 aggro 1 NotTanking (addscount 1) [10:21:40.559 D] [FTW] 02:21:40 [Pet] Unknown spell Intimidate [10:21:40.624 N] [FTW] 02:21:40 AutoAttack [10:21:40.817 D] [FTW] 02:21:40 [Pet] Unknown spell Intimidate [10:21:41.067 D] [FTW] 02:21:41 [Pet] Unknown spell Intimidate [10:21:41.549 D] [FTW] 02:21:41 Unknown spell Berserking [10:21:41.584 D] [FTW] 02:21:41 [Pet] Unknown spell Intimidate [10:21:41.596 D] [FTW] 02:21:41 Unknown spell Rabid View attachment 6724 2013-01-02 02.04.txt
Thanks for pointing out that typo. I updated the code to: ...unfortunately it's still returning the same error ("Unknown spell PetCast Rabid"). Does this spell not exist in FTW? Or should I edit Spell_Overrides.txt? View attachment 2420 2013-01-02 14.10.txt