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    Discussion in 'All in One' started by Kamilche, Oct 14, 2012.

    1. Kamilche

      Kamilche New Member

      Oct 2, 2010
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      I can detect it and change fight styles dynamically, but HonorBuddy can't. Until it does, FTW's capabitility to switch dynamically is useless. Didn't HB used to do that dynamically as well, before? I thought it did, but it sure doesn't now.

      Faerie Fire/Faerie Swarm - I fought that spell a long time ago when HB first came up, and finally gave up. I'll give it another looksee when I get home tonight, maybe they fixed it.

      I don't like how they fixed a lot of these spells, by keeping the original name. Custom classes need to cast the lower level spell, to get the higher level, differently-named spell to cast. I wish they would remove the lower level spell and enter the higher level spell in SpellManager, and expect the class to notice the difference. Or put both of them in there. If you have spell 'Mind Flay' on your character, I expect to be able to cast 'Mind Flay' and have it work, not have a 'Spell Not Found' error and have to cast 'Smite' instead. But c'est la vie.
    2. ravenx

      ravenx New Member

      Jan 30, 2011
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      the spell does not change even after a glyph or talent is taken so talented Faerie Fire is still the spell Faerie fire even though in game the spell seems to change
    3. highend

      highend Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Is it possible to check for Rogue / Shaman weapon buffs instead of applying them all over when the bot is restarted?

      Something like:
      Me.ImbueWeapon1 Windfury Weapon
          Me.HasAura("Windfury") = 0
      Me.ImbueWeapon2 Flametongue Weapon
          Me.HasAura("Flametongue") = 0
      Me.ImbueWeapon1 Windfury Weapon
          Me.AuraExpiring("Windfury") < 60000

      These weapon buffs aren't auras ;)
    4. UFCFreak89

      UFCFreak89 Banned

      Jul 26, 2011
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      hows the BM hunter part?
    5. Kamilche

      Kamilche New Member

      Oct 2, 2010
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      Putting them on a one-hour timer saved me loads of code. It works well this way, treating them as specialized auras was prone to breakage. I know because I tried it that way first.
    6. deuce7suited

      deuce7suited New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Great. Windwalker monk
    7. RD808

      RD808 New Member

      Apr 7, 2011
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      Works great. Fixed the poison issue I had with my Rogue.
    8. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is the shadow priest rotation raid tuned?
    9. highend

      highend Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Btw, the "Target.InterruptAny Wind Shear" in the Shaman_Enhancement.txt doesn't work. It'll never cast it.
      SpellID: 57994

      Can you look at it when you're home?
    10. pyris77

      pyris77 New Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Why did my HB crashes when I selected this routines in HB menu? Sorry because I'm still new in HB.but I can use other routines but this one always make HB crashes.
    11. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Did you put the FTW folder in the routines-folder as supposed to? Have you tried it with a fresh re-install of HB? Because it worked for me by just putting the FTW folder in the Routines-folder in HB.
    12. pyris77

      pyris77 New Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Hmm..haven't try to reinstall HB .. Thanks for the advice I will try it when I get home from work later today
    13. Astyre

      Astyre Member

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Just wanted to stop by and say THANK YOU!!!!! Been trying to level a rogue and singular just has not been cutting it, stumbled upon this and now my rogue is cruising.
    14. Rigz21

      Rigz21 New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Can someone please tell me how to get it to stop trying to rez my pet and make it call it...
    15. evilme73

      evilme73 New Member

      Jan 6, 2012
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      Constatnly getting stuck for no apparent reason in GB2.
      [07:42:47.719 D] [FTW] 06:42:47 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:42:47.722 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Green Tea Leaf" at X="2153.42" Y="167.9167" Z="476.7298"
      [07:42:48.010 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Blacklisting current node after 20 seconds
      [07:42:48.107 D] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
      [07:42:49.377 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:42:49.405 D] [FTW] 06:42:49 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:42:52.864 D] [FTW] 06:42:52 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:42:53.153 D] [FTW] 06:42:53 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:42:55.755 D] [FTW] 06:42:55 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:42:56.497 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:42:57.419 D] [FTW] 06:42:57 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:42:58.044 D] [FTW] 06:42:58 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:42:58.211 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:10.899 D] [FTW] 06:43:10 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:11.219 D] [FTW] 06:43:11 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:12.350 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:12.470 D] [FTW] 06:43:12 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:12.862 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:13.467 D] [FTW] 06:43:13 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:13.955 D] [FTW] 06:43:13 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:14.148 D] [FTW] 06:43:14 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:14.150 D] [FTW] 06:43:14 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:15.013 D] [FTW] 06:43:15 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:16.169 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:17.998 D] [FTW] 06:43:17 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:18.160 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:18.380 D] [FTW] 06:43:18 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:19.121 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:19.246 D] [FTW] 06:43:19 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:19.341 D] [FTW] 06:43:19 -------------------- FTW.Pulse (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:20.000 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:21.017 D] [FTW] 06:43:21 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22 Timings:
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTW.Combat: total time 105125 ms, (14.0%), loops 245, avgtime 429 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.EvaluateRules @COMBAT: total time 105049 ms, (14.0%), loops 245, avgtime 428 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTW.Pulse: total time 78226 ms, (10.0%), loops 3300, avgtime 23 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.EvaluateRules.Replace: total time 59543 ms, (8.0%), loops 262, avgtime 227 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.Replace: total time 59504 ms, (8.0%), loops 2096, avgtime 28 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.EvaluateRules.Remainder: total time 50268 ms, (6.0%), loops 262, avgtime 191 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction: total time 50008 ms, (6.0%), loops 1929, avgtime 25 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.UnitPower: total time 48295 ms, (6.0%), loops 4192, avgtime 11 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.On_Cast: total time 36839 ms, (5.0%), loops 1401, avgtime 26 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.OnCooldown: total time 26746 ms, (3.0%), loops 1597, avgtime 16 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.Pulse: total time 16871 ms, (2.0%), loops 296, avgtime 56 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.EligibleForCleanse: total time 8450 ms, (1.0%), loops 295, avgtime 28 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.ClassAndSpec: total time 8280 ms, (1.0%), loops 291, avgtime 28 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.FollowTarget': total time 7843 ms, (1.0%), loops 168, avgtime 46 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.GetHealTarget: total time 7284 ms, (0.0%), loops 295, avgtime 24 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Sunfire': total time 3914 ms, (0.0%), loops 110, avgtime 35 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTW.NeedRest: total time 3442 ms, (0.0%), loops 2368, avgtime 1 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.EvaluateRules @REST: total time 3369 ms, (0.0%), loops 11, avgtime 306 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Incarnation: Chosen of Elune': total time 3368 ms, (0.0%), loops 117, avgtime 28 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Celestial Alignment': total time 3214 ms, (0.0%), loops 127, avgtime 25 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.PullMore Moonfire': total time 3182 ms, (0.0%), loops 57, avgtime 55 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Wrath': total time 3150 ms, (0.0%), loops 78, avgtime 40 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Starfall': total time 3016 ms, (0.0%), loops 134, avgtime 22 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Nature's Vigil': total time 2229 ms, (0.0%), loops 80, avgtime 27 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Moonfire': total time 2220 ms, (0.0%), loops 46, avgtime 48 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Lifeblood': total time 2193 ms, (0.0%), loops 68, avgtime 32 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Target.CastOnce Faerie Fire': total time 2052 ms, (0.0%), loops 51, avgtime 40 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Barkskin': total time 1937 ms, (0.0%), loops 61, avgtime 31 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.FindBetterTarget': total time 1906 ms, (0.0%), loops 232, avgtime 8 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.On_FindBetterTarget: total time 1905 ms, (0.0%), loops 232, avgtime 8 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ListAndTakeNewTarget: total time 1654 ms, (0.0%), loops 109, avgtime 15 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Typhoon': total time 1561 ms, (0.0%), loops 31, avgtime 50 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Rejuvenation': total time 1471 ms, (0.0%), loops 19, avgtime 77 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.EvaluateRules @INITIALIZE: total time 1412 ms, (0.0%), loops 6, avgtime 235 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Starfire': total time 1295 ms, (0.0%), loops 23, avgtime 56 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Hurricane': total time 1117 ms, (0.0%), loops 5, avgtime 223 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Target.CastNow Starsurge': total time 1099 ms, (0.0%), loops 17, avgtime 64 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Use Trinket1': total time 1094 ms, (0.0%), loops 34, avgtime 32 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.On_Use: total time 1092 ms, (0.0%), loops 34, avgtime 32 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.GetAdds: total time 1008 ms, (0.0%), loops 295, avgtime 3 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.IsCrowdControlled: total time 869 ms, (0.0%), loops 3257, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Tranquility': total time 862 ms, (0.0%), loops 24, avgtime 35 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.IsValidUnit: total time 810 ms, (0.0%), loops 6933, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.FollowTarget: total time 739 ms, (0.0%), loops 98, avgtime 7 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Moonkin Form': total time 667 ms, (0.0%), loops 24, avgtime 27 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Target.CastNow Solar Beam': total time 489 ms, (0.0%), loops 9, avgtime 54 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.StunCount: total time 343 ms, (0.0%), loops 963, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.ClusterSize: total time 341 ms, (0.0%), loops 963, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.332 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.IsDiseased: total time 326 ms, (0.0%), loops 1133, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.HasAuraWithMechanic: total time 325 ms, (0.0%), loops 963, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.HasMyAura: total time 240 ms, (0.0%), loops 1028, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.AuraExpiring: total time 233 ms, (0.0%), loops 524, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     CheckForChest.Pulse: total time 63 ms, (0.0%), loops 1, avgtime 63 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Cast Berserking': total time 45 ms, (0.0%), loops 149, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.EvaluateCondition @COMBAT: total time 39 ms, (0.0%), loops 10300, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Tank.Cast Cenarion Ward': total time 34 ms, (0.0%), loops 129, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.GetGroup: total time 21 ms, (0.0%), loops 295, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.Role: total time 20 ms, (0.0%), loops 1356, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Astral Storm': total time 16 ms, (0.0%), loops 42, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     FTWExtensionMethods.IsAttackingHealer: total time 14 ms, (0.0%), loops 397, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.GetTank: total time 14 ms, (0.0%), loops 295, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Ursol's Vortex': total time 13 ms, (0.0%), loops 38, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Disorienting Roar': total time 12 ms, (0.0%), loops 34, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     Evade.CheckCombat: total time 9 ms, (0.0%), loops 244, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.Constructor: total time 6 ms, (0.0%), loops 1, avgtime 6 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.GetHealer: total time 5 ms, (0.0%), loops 295, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     CheckForStuck.Pulse: total time 3 ms, (0.0%), loops 290, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.EvaluateCondition @REST: total time 1 ms, (0.0%), loops 33, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Drink': total time 1 ms, (0.0%), loops 2, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.ClipTime 50': total time 0 ms, (0.0%), loops 6, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Eat': total time 0 ms, (0.0%), loops 2, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Message Druid_Balance last updated 10/13/2012.': total time 0 ms, (0.0%), loops 6, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.333 D] [FTW] 06:43:22     MBC.ExecuteAction 'Me.Range 20': total time 0 ms, (0.0%), loops 6, avgtime 0 ms
      [07:43:22.500 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [07:43:25.318 D] [FTW] 06:43:25 -------------------- FTW.NeedRest (1) Type: Loot, Name: Green Tea Leaf
    16. MacPod

      MacPod Member

      Aug 5, 2011
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    17. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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      settings the adds to maxadds = 1 in the "combat-file" does not make ftw stop pulling additional mobs...
    18. olisellana

      olisellana New Member

      Feb 19, 2012
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      what profile or how do I do dungeons? Do I use Dungeon buddy or not? How do i do it because right now it is auto rolling on gear and it isn't selecting need on things that I need...It is still selecting greed on trinkets that have 10X more Agility for my rogue. please help ASAP!
    19. phasechange

      phasechange Member

      Sep 6, 2010
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      Using it on my warrior and it's really slow in casting abilities leaving me rage capped almost every fight. Any ideas on a fix?
    20. phasechange

      phasechange Member

      Sep 6, 2010
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