So my honorbuddy told me it got a sea turtle. AutoAngler 2.131: Equipping weapons AutoAngler 2.131: In 0 days, 8 hours and 42 minutes we have caught AutoAngler 2.131: Glacial Salmon x1401 AutoAngler 2.131: Pygmy Suckerfish x923 AutoAngler 2.131: Reinforced Crate x68 AutoAngler 2.131: Crystallized Water x17 AutoAngler 2.131: Bonescale Snapper x1 AutoAngler 2.131: Sea Turtle x1 But it's not in my bags. Bot ran while i was at work. A little over 8 hours. Help?
My guy isn't running pools at all :/ He just casting right in front of him. I don't know how to fix this. -EDIT- Nevermind I checked the settings and turned on True on Poolfishing
Hi So used it tonight and it was working lovely until it got to Felwood where it ran up and down winterfel post continuously. Any ideas? I'm horde - might it be trying to sell? Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button FishingBuddy: Equipping weapons FishingBuddy: In 0 days, 0 hours and 24 minutes we have caught FishingBuddy: Blackbelly Mudfish x16 FishingBuddy: Tightly Sealed Trunk x2 FishingBuddy: Deviate Fish x24 FishingBuddy: Rumsey Rum Light x5 FishingBuddy: Stranglekelp x3 FishingBuddy: Raw Sagefish x5 FishingBuddy: Rumsey Rum Dark x2
The bot isnt getting an accurate enough cast to the point where it counts for being in the pool. Any ideas?
I'm finding this is flying me to areas of the map causing Fatigue quite a lot. I know its looking for pools, but my toon has died 2x because of this. Any suggestions?