Nicely made, gets stuck in a few positions (on a druid), but I believe that was because of flight form vs mount. Definitely stay around when using it, but it is afk-ish-able.
Code: [17:21:16:092] Starting the bot! [17:21:16:203] Changing current profile to [H - Quest] Twilight Highlands [JWLionKing] [17:21:16:422] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up [17:21:16:422] Cleared POI [17:21:18:467] Spell_C::CastSpell(1459, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [16] [17:21:18:664] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [17] [17:21:18:832] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [18] [17:21:18:995] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [19] [17:21:19:159] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [20] [17:21:19:323] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [21] [17:21:19:487] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [22] [17:21:19:649] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [23] [17:21:19:814] Spell_C::CastSpell(6117, 0, 0x500000003D87D74, 0) [24] [17:21:19:982] Activity: Loading Tile/s [17:21:19:982] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:19:994] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:19:994] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:006] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:011] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [17:21:20:143] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:156] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:156] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:168] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:169] Can't generate a path to the lootable. Blacklisting it for 15 minutes. [17:21:20:169] Cleared POI - Reason Can't generate a path to lootable [17:21:20:169] Cleared POI [17:21:20:336] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:349] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:349] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:361] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:361] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [17:21:20:501] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:513] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:513] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:526] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:526] Cleared POI - Reason Can't generate a path to lootable [17:21:20:526] Cleared POI [17:21:20:662] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:676] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:676] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:695] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:695] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [17:21:20:822] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:834] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:834] Loading Azeroth_43_39 [17:21:20:846] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. [17:21:20:846] Cleared POI - Reason Can't generate a path to lootable [17:21:20:846] Cleared POI [17:21:20:988] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [29g29s78c] [17:21:20:995] Picking up Cementing Our Victory : 26788 [17:21:20:995] Goal: Picking up Cementing Our Victory [17:21:20:999] Picking up Muddied Waters : 26784 [17:21:20:999] Goal: Picking up Muddied Waters [17:21:21:018] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsString_NonEmpty' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAs<string>("DestName", False, ConstrainAs.StringNonEmpty, ATTRIBUTE_ALIASES) [17:21:21:018] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsString' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAs<string>("DestName", False, null, ATTRIBUTE_ALIASES) [17:21:21:018] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetXYZAttributeAsWoWPoint' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<WoWPoint>("", True, ConstrainAs.WoWPointNonEmpty, null) [17:21:21:018] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsDouble' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<double>("X", True, null, null) [17:21:21:018] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsDouble' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<double>("Y", True, null, null) [17:21:21:018] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsDouble' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<double>("Z", True, null, null) [17:21:21:019] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsQuestId' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<int>("QuestId", False, ConstrainAs.QuestId(this), null) [17:21:21:019] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsInteger' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<int>("QuestId", False, new ConstrainTo.Domain<int>(0, 2147483647), null) [17:21:21:019] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsEnum' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<RuntimeType>("QuestCompleteRequirement", False, null, null) [17:21:21:019] [MyCTM-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsEnum' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<RuntimeType>("QuestInLogRequirement", False, null, null) [17:21:21:019] Goal: CTMoving to <-4047.303, -6328.983, 38.17403> [17:21:21:019] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -4047.303 Y: -6328.983 [17:21:35:386] Stopping the bot! [17:21:35:386] Stop called! [17:21:35:400] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped [17:21:35:402] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout) at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout) at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick() at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() [17:21:35:402] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() hm... what is this?
I wasn't aware of this profile until i had done about 5 of the quests in the chain. So I got it and then started to use it and it worked fine for like 2 minutes and now when i run it it just says....Loading tiles...and nothing happens...or sometimes he will just right away black list a quest giver....
Getting a strange error [SimpleCC]: Casting 'Howling Blast'. [SimpleCC]: Cast 'Howling Blast' succeeded. [SimpleCC]: Casting 'Frost Strike'. [SimpleCC]: Cast 'Frost Strike' succeeded. Looting Wildhammer Warbrand Guid:0xF530B4F0002B1AAB [FlyTo-v184(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Name'. Please update the profile to use its primary name 'DestName', instead. After seeing this error i keep flying between 2 points in the map, Currently on the quest "Crushing the windhammer"
This is a very well made profile! This should be stickied imo so people maybe find it easier just my 2 cents CHeers edit: only needs a little nudge with the demolisher quest in Ogri at start...then its nice flow.
Trying to use SVN and it says Could not open the requested SVN filesystem. Server sent unexpected return value (502 Bad Gateway) in response to OPTIONS EDIT: Working fine now. Haven't tested profile though.
questing problem hey guys my bot has been happily question in twilight highlands but its bugged out on one quest "blood in the highlands" but its bugging out because the quest is not there as i have already done the CoC chain quests how can i stop my bot from thinking this quest is still there when its not please help heres a log
I cannot access the SVN with the client or by clicking it anybody have a suggestion what I am doing wrong I really want this profile
I confirm svn trunk link is broken. Edit: link works but the svn transfer breaks. Re-edit: now it works, frackin Al Gore's Interwebs
I don't recommend this profile if you are at 50% or more. You can't even watch 1 episode of Southpark without the script messing up. 1%-50% was great, but after 50% almost no quest works. TBH I don't get the point of releasing a "profile" which only does 50%